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The lewd bikini ad


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Guest SlashAndBurn

Lewid bikini add? All I usualy see are adds for the sci fi book club and that subosedly wondrous mini camera....then agai I havent been on that much over the last week so maybe I missed something.

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Prince_Xizor has a point.If parents see their kids comming to forums with adds like that, a parent can only wonder what the forums are like. I mean, i know that this forum is safe for every person of the family. it has a clean reputation and it has to stay clean. we can only keep it clean by keeping ads like those off this site.


So off with the bikini ads.

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The ads have cookies that record were you've been. When a new ad is loading, it reads the cookie and displays the most appropriate ad for you. So by viewing the ads on this page, your more likely to get gaming ads. That's why I'm getting that "Real War" ad...instead of this bikini one. :(

Off with the bikinis! ;)

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Originally posted by matt-windu

The ads have cookies that record were you've been. When a new ad is loading, it reads the cookie and displays the most appropriate ad for you. So by viewing the ads on this page, your more likely to get gaming ads. That's why I'm getting that "Real War" ad...instead of this bikini one. :(

Off with the bikinis! ;)


So basicly, the guy complaining about the bikini ad is getting it because he looks at bikini sites?


Cause I'm not getting a bikini ad. As a matter of fact I've mostly seen sci-fi and book ads on this site.


Wouldn't mind seeing a reminder of summer.

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there is also the little fact that people delete cookies. i delete my cookies daily, so whatever has been on my computer isnt there anymore. so those that delete their cookies on a regular basis, are gonna see these ads more and more. and if ads like this keep popin up then many kids who use this forum wont be able to because parents are gonna see thses ads and wonder what their kids are lookin at.

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cookie smookie, the ads are regionalised, and not based on a cookie, the reason people aren't seeing the bikini ad is because it doesn't advertise something relative to their part of the world, just like I don't see Chello adverts - because I've got no use for a Dutch ISP ;)

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But it's the freakin dead of winter!!! I know! I just camped in it! (God it was cold) I only get on the computer for this site and one other internet comic site here....


*begin shameless plug*




*end shameless plug*


and altus.:D You now know the list of my history. But I've never seen that thing again for some reason. Go figure. Now it's all LotR and RealWar.

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Take it out at ludicrous speed please? The woman's nipples are showing, and Eets is being distracted by it. By some government censorship policies, the site could also be sued for exposing minors to porn. See-through counts. Unless of course when the ad popped up you could force it down under a script warning minors. But that could be trouble to do. Just take it away!!!!

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the site still needs to be funded but this ad.... I swear if that thing pops up one more time. If we could just have ads that actually mean something to us. Not internet cams, or lewd bikini women. Real War and Sci-Fi book ads those make sense! But internet cams? Sometimes I have to doubt lucasforums when they say what get's to be advertised. If only George knew.

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