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Force Revive in Team play Multiplayer?


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In Episode 4 Obi Wan uses force revive to Luke Skywalker after he was knocked unconscience by Sand people.


Will this force be used in Team Play multiplayer?


I think it could add a dynamic element to team play. (Yes, much like a medic, but all Jedi could do it and it would affect force reserve).


Hmmmm perhaps time to come up with a mod? hehe

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Originally posted by Darth_Lando

In Episode 4 Obi Wan uses force revive to Luke Skywalker after he was knocked unconscience by Sand people.


Will this force be used in Team Play multiplayer?


I think it could add a dynamic element to team play. (Yes, much like a medic, but all Jedi could do it and it would affect force reserve).


Hmmmm perhaps time to come up with a mod? hehe


I sure hope so, it's more than a Force Heal....that force power heals others...that will sure be cool in multiplayer :)

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Thats a cool idea, but who would want to wait around during mulitplaying untill someone else revives them? I don't think it would work to well. Unless you could choose to wait or just respawn, if you waited and were revived you wouldn't be counted as dead, and the other team wouldn't get a point.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

Well, this might be cool in Wolfenstein's team modes, but all the modes in JK II are classic respawn immediately modes....


That and Luke was unconcious... most of us in JK2 MP will be blasted, exploded, and sliced in half. I Wish the force could revive that :p

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Originally posted by Com Raven

I'd love a RtCW-like mod, butI can't do anything ...:(


Learn to build maps with Q3Radiant. Im learning right now (well, re-learning, heh) and its not that hard. Once you get past your first room, its actually quite addicting once you see the way things are done and you'll start developing ideas of your own on how to do things. I'd give you a link right now, but Im currently under a filter and Gamespy and it's planet sites are blocked, but check the mods/editing section under http://www.planetquake.com/quake3


Theres a cool site in there which gives a quick first room tutorial.


You could always learn some coding of course :p

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Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a Force Heal Others in the SP game as well. After playng the MOH:AA demo, where your injured buddies ignore any health packs that they obviously need, I wouldn't have minded the ability to heal them myself...


As we all know, Kyle will be assisted by some buddies in JKII, along with some NPCs...so it would be a nice touch if he could Heal them to prevent their deaths.


As for Team-MP...it sounds like a very good idea to me. If it's not in the final game, then perhaps someone should strongly consider doing a mod for it. :)

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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

Just when I run at low life in JK I just type in (of course with 't' typed in)'bactame'.I don't use godmode,even if I'm cheating,and so I do this.


I wonder whether this works in JO or not,though.


Well its the Quake III console......so no.........It would be something like........"undying - for 999 Armor, 999 Health", like in Elite Force.

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Hmm, well dying isn't very tragic in respwan immediatley modes like ctf....


Ahh but strategically it can be devastating. Suppose your buddy's carrying the flag, well, keeping his health topped up is much preferable to having him die with only yourself left to bring the flag home. :)

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