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Best of the best.. and name?


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Don't forget, as I mentioned earlier in the year, JediKnightII.Net will be looking to sponser an official JKII.Net clan for JKII. We want the best of the best trying out for 20 or so spots on the official site team roster. You CAN be in a different additional clan as well... meaning we won't require you to be exclusive with jkii.net.


We want 20 of the best who will fight under the JKII.Net banner. We'll obviously be sponsoring/hosting and promoting that clan's site as well, here on jkii.net.


Speaking of which... how about some ideas from our forum community regarding a name for the clan? Since they will technically be suiting up and representing this forum community, you guys should be able to have a say in the name... Lets see what people come up with. This should prove interesting. :)


And yes, this likely belongs in the clan forum... but I wanted maximum exposure for input on this one.

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One supercomputer willing to lend his amazing skills to an equally amazing community. :)


Possible Names


Guardians // of the Force // of Peace // of Virtue


Vigilante (vI as clan tag?) <--- my favourite


Forum Core (Heh)

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian

I'd love to try out but I don't think I'll bother since I have a 56k connection. Its no fun getting fragged just because your computer lags. How about the Jedi Elite for a name.


Quake 3 is notorious for being laggy on 56K. I think it swung in your favor with 1.30 Point release though, I'd have to go check, but I remember there being an update which Id claimed the amount of data sent was reduced or something and 56Kers would lag less.


Heh, I'd upgrade my connection just for this game. Good thing I've already done so.

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To answer Aristotle, a list of potential clan names is:

  • Jedi Knights - obvious yet common
  • Wayward Jedi - a name Wilhuf and I have used
  • Jedi Company - militaristic
  • Coalition of Jedi - uneasy truce working toward a common goal
  • Knights of Aristotle - knights swearing fealty to Aristotle

I lean toward The Knights of Aristotle, and those twenty worthy victors from the tournament shall be his champions, defending his banner, his crown, and the honor of his sacred site. And though some may fall in battle, they shall never fall from grace.

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Originally posted by Vagabond

To answer Aristotle, a list of potential clan names is:

  • Jedi Knights - obvious yet common
  • Wayward Jedi - a name Wilhuf and I have used
  • Jedi Company - militaristic
  • Coalition of Jedi - uneasy truce working toward a common goal
  • Knights of Aristotle - knights swearing fealty to Aristotle


I lean toward The Knights of Aristotle, and those twenty worthy victors from the tournament shall be his champions, defending his banner and the honor of this sacred site.


*twisty smile* Dontcha love the last one? Of those, I like Jedi Knights, which is plain and simple and is easy to identify by, and Wayward Jedi, which is very appropriate for JKO.

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"The Knights of Aristotle"


lol... cute.. real cute. :)


Seriously though, there's some good names being floated around for sure... once we get enough, we'll bring it to a community vote.


Keep them coming.


Des, "Blade Saints" is interesting too... but likely "Saber Saints" would be more appropriate if we were to use that one.. goog concept though. Keep all the input coming.

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Just to add something to Aristotle (my humble master ;)) that I will be doing the design for the clan's web site.


However I will not start anything until the clan is formed and named. Once both are done, I'll consult with the most of you to know what you'd like to get done for the site.


And just to add on the clan's name. Knowing if the clan would be dark or light just might help.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape



The clan gets a custom mod pack filled with a JKII.net skins, sabers, etc.


:: Hopefully, we will even release a pretty sweet JKII.net level. ::


Ooh, let me be in charge of the traps! *wicked grin* My favourite part of Jedi Knight. :evil2:

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Originally posted by TheJackal

Just to add something to Aristotle (my humble master ;)) that I will be doing the design for the clan's web site.


However I will not start anything until the clan is formed and named. Once both are done, I'll consult with the most of you to know what you'd like to get done for the site.


:: And just to add on the clan's name. Knowing if the clan would be dark or light just might help. ::


A distinction between dark and light severely limits the clans functionality. I know..


One time, I had a kid come up to me and say: 'Make me angry, I'm a dark Jedi!'


I lost to him because I couldn't stop laughing. :p

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Hey Jackal, I'd think for the clan to be successful, there would need to be a mixture of both Light and Dark Jedi - the key to success would be training in tactics that orchestrated the use of both flavor of Jedi in harmony - an uneasy truce for a common goal.

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Originally posted by Vagabond

Hey Jackal, I'd think for the clan to be successful, there would need to be a mixture of both Light and Dark Jedi - the key to success would be training in tactics that orchestrated the use of both flavor of Jedi in harmony - an uneasy truce for a common goal.



a common goal.



i like that. I'll probebly end up using that "quote" for the site if the clan is "multi-force"

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That's a good name, but its hard to believe (for someone who doesnt know about the JK2.Net clan) that anyone would want to name a clan after a Greek philosopher who seperated organisms into two kingdoms: animals and plants. They would know about him not the adminitrator.



JediKnight Fanboys

Knights of the Force

I Gave Up My Girlfriend for JK2.

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Blade Saints wouldn't work... [bS]? :D


[sS] could be confused with Secret Service =\


Some more for the fishes:


Harmony of Fear

Eternal Knights

Jedi Templar

Jedi Sages (Ok, so its a bit blah)

Federation of Jedi

xx Disciples

|- Force Disciples, Jedi Disciples, Saber Disciples, Blade Disciples, Sith Disciples if you prefer the darker side of things.

Veritas Jedi (Truth Jedi, for the lighter side of things)

Jedi Rangers (Babylon 5 :p )

Jedi Militarius

Temporal Jedi (Temporal relates to time and space.)


Yes, I am REALLY REALLY bored.


*Dont think I should let them know I have no life before I hit 50 posts*



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