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New Moderator: Denise


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Congrats, Denise. By the way, I've been meaning to ask... why why are all mods automatically give the title "Super Moderator"? Is this an example of the mysterious and enigmatic Force Ego-Trip in action.....? ;)


*Dodges thrown fruit*


I'll get my coat... :cool:


PS: Oh, and don't mind Wardz. We English are well known for being sarky *******s... :D

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Actually, there's a "normal" moderator, and then there's the SUPER moderator, the difference being that a Super Moderator<sup>TM</sup> has the ability to moderate any of the forums on the site, while a "normal" moderator can only moderate the forums that he or she is specifically assigned to.

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Originally posted by Fruitloop

Denise, did you by any chance hang out at the FreeSpace 2 VBB forum before it got neutron bombed? We had a member named Denise there too that made intelligeble posts (not trying to suck up, it's just that that kinda thing sticks out on the VBB :( ).


Ahhh, yes. Truly a tragic series, that... imagine if Star Wars had ended with The Empire Strikes Back and you have the situation with Freespace 2. Even so, though, you've gotta love those beam cannons. :D


Yes, that was me on the VBB all those ages ago. :)

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Ok now this is weird. At first I though, "hey look, a mod that has my wifes name". Then I saw she was from Washington state, and I was like" damn, it is my wife". If I get home and see her logged in to LA I'm going to freak.:p


Any ways, welcome to the clan Denise.

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