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Let's talk about Gonks...


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Aight. Gonks. You either love them or hate them. I personally can't stand them, so consider me follower of GonkH8er.


I decided to replay Jedi Knight one last time before JKII gets here, and it just reminds me what I hate about them.


- You can't push them off cliffs...

- You can't kill them if you are trying to align yourself with the light side

- The noise they make is just... annoying :) (GONK!$#@! GONK!@$)

- When thinking about a unverse with protocol droids and light speed, the Gonks must be old technology.


Anyway... I guess killing Gonks won't be an issue in JKII since we're playing as a light Jedi anyway. I am glad they are making an appearence again though... it wouldn't be Dark Forces w/o them. [Ok.. ya got me... I just wanna kill 'em.]

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They wouldn't be so annoying if they had some actual job to do in the games. Here is a little bit info from Star Wars: Databank:

Power droids provide energy to other droids, machinery, vehicles and starships.

So, they DO have some kind of job in those military installations, hanger bays or civilian outposts where you see them wandering around. You could easily charge up your shields, for example, when you are in imperial installation swarming with stormies; this might help your situation, so slicing and dicing that Gong would be kinda useless. ;)

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I despise the things. They make an infuriatingly repetitive and annoying noise, you aren't allowed to kill them and still be lightside :mad:, you can't Grip them to death :mad:, or jump on them for long enough to lay a Sequencer Charge on their backs (although blocking their route with some set to 'proximity' is very entertaining :D). The galaxy would be a far, far better place without them - they should all be short-circuited and disintegrated.


Wow, i never realised how much I detest the things! :eek:


Maybe I should become GonkH8er's first Disciple..... nah :D;)

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I'm neutral on the whole thing. They appear no different to me than an astromech droid, or a civillian. They're a noncombatant, so I leave them be.


Although I suppose it would be funny if some twisted mind modified a Power Droid with a energy-focusing device that transformed it into lethal weapon. Think of it as the poor man's Dark Trooper :cool:

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I hate Gonks because they look to homemade. Some one put some legs on a trash can. IMO it is like Jarr Jarr in TPM; every time i see one in the original trilogy, I cringe and it breaks the realism of the movie. That is why Gonks must die.


BTW, wasnt there another GONK back when these forums were young? I seem to remember GonkH8ter yelling at the other Gonk to find a new name. What ever happened to him and how does he stand on this issue?

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

They wouldn't be so annoying if they had some actual job to do in the games. Here is a little bit info from Star Wars: Databank:


So, they DO have some kind of job in those military installations, hanger bays or civilian outposts where you see them wandering around. You could easily charge up your shields, for example, when you are in imperial installation swarming with stormies; this might help your situation, so slicing and dicing that Gong would be kinda useless. ;)


If Gonk in JK2 recharges your energy and power cell to maximum, I will like gonk even though they GONK%#%! their way through places...

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they weren't that bad. had that perfect SW low-tech look that was so missing from TPM.


would be better if they were useful this time though ;)


how about, when infiltrating an imperial installation, you take out the power generators to make it dark and kill the security turrets and cameras... then to get through a locked door you would have to find a gonk to power it up... :D

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Oh believe me, I've thought up endless ways of destroying the little buggers.


I'm wondering whether grip will work on them, so I can raise them high into their air, watch them squirm, then throw them into the lava (lava, jet fuel..... whatever)



And as Zero said, they must be obselete. Power droids? Come off it. How much energy can a box with feet hold?


Ooooh, and Zero, you CAN push them off cliffs. Try it. Level 1- Double Cross on Nat Shaddaa.... Where you cross the bridge and the tie bomber leaves from your left, go into the corridor, and make your way to the elevator at the far end. At the top theres a rodian, some shields i think, and a Gonk. That one is quite easy to push off :)



Let's hope they put in heaps.




A room full of gonks that you could throw a few detonator packs into would be pretty cool........

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Actually, GONKs are probably quite useful in the SW universe. Think of the things you can do with a walking semi-intelligent power box! Could be used for recharging blasters; recharging shield emitters; maintaining a secondary power source. The list goes ever and anon.


Besides, the SW universe favours rough and crude. You never see sleek and shiny in the hands of a group of militia men, like you would in Star Trek. Instead, you have beat up [assassin] droids, power droids and a great plot to back them up. GONKs fit in there perfectly.


I'm a roleplaying guru, having started two of my own communities of forum roleplaying. Having a small gang of pirates with an inpregnable base with impenetrable shielding is called power-playing; which is bad. Being able to get a good plot in there is so much more rewarding -- ie; a group of pirates have established a small base on Duros, a world in political struggle. They have a mediocre ray shield around their base but they have yet to find sufficient credits to buy a particle shield. This makes them weak to aeriel bombardment by torpedoes and proton bombs. To compensate, they have a wing of six Z-95 Head Hunters to take down Imperial bombers which they scrounged off a derelict ship form the battle of Duros, four years ago. The Z-95s are battered but reliable; not to mention heavily modified for firepower, although the limited supply of Akrayd concussion missles takes up room and speed on the small, ancient vessel.


In another example... A group of pirates have established a base on Coruscant. They own nearly a third of the Black Sun Corporation and were able to easily smuggle illegal artillery weaponry onto the planet. They have established a base deep in the tunnels of the polar mountains; thankfully, without the knowledge of Imperials, although it's likely the ferocity of their defenses and proximity to the Imperial Capital that the Imperials would allow them to exist in their bemused state. They are guided by a labirynth of impregnable autodefenses and ray/particle shielding. They are 1337, ph33r them.


So, GONKs > powerplaying superdroids. :)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Oh believe me, I've thought up endless ways of destroying the little buggers.


I'm wondering whether grip will work on them, so I can raise them high into their air, watch them squirm, then throw them into the lava (lava, jet fuel..... whatever)



And as Zero said, they must be obselete. Power droids? Come off it. How much energy can a box with feet hold?


Ooooh, and Zero, you CAN push them off cliffs. Try it. Level 1- Double Cross on Nat Shaddaa.... Where you cross the bridge and the tie bomber leaves from your left, go into the corridor, and make your way to the elevator at the far end. At the top theres a rodian, some shields i think, and a Gonk. That one is quite easy to push off :)



Let's hope they put in heaps.




A room full of gonks that you could throw a few detonator packs into would be pretty cool........



OOOHHHH!!!! Pushing Gonks into the endless depths of space!!!!!!!! It gets better and better! I can just hear it now.


GONK.......GONK.....GONK......whiiiiiiIIIIIIIRRRRR*click*....GONK .....*shove*GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK

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I've got an idea.... and it's as hot..... as my pants.....




Gonk Football.



The only weapon in the level is force push and it can only be used on the gonk. 2 Goals at either end. A playing field style thing. It'd take a little modding, but not too much. It could be based on the Jedi Dueling MP game (people playing, everyone else watching)


4 to a team, maybe?


Make it so only the gonk can be force pushed, and it cant be killed.



I can see it now. It'll be the next olympic sport.

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