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Episode VII, VIII, and IX: a posability?


Episodes VII, VIII, and IX  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Episodes VII, VIII, and IX

    • Oh yeah! New trilogy comin right up!
    • Not to sure
    • Don't think so

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I wish...


But Lucas has said several times...No.

He has been known to change his mind...but why would he now?


He would have to follow the guidlines of EU or risk totally annialating everything the EU was up until that point. That would of course negate all the wonderful reading I have done over the past few years and it would alienate thousands of fans who love EU and its characters such as Thrawn and Mara Jade...the list could go on and on, but I don't have time. EU helped build up some of the most beloved characters in SW (such as Boba Fett's numerous appearances) I don't think Lucas will dare to topple this mighty tower of fans...

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Guest SlashAndBurn

From what I've heard the whole New Jedi Order serries is acknowledged as official Star Wars lore. And was sanctioned by Lucas as a way to clear the playing field in Star wArs since there are so many characters right now. The goal is to make it so he can make the next three but since so much of the Star Warts universe is beign destroyed he wont have to follow the books all that closely. Who knows if it'll hapen...he might just retire after Episode 3.

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Guest Lord Maul

Back when Empire first came out Lucas had said that the SW saga was to be 9 chapters. The 9th chapter was to have been completed by 2001. As we all know that didn't happen. Recently, Lucas has said that he never said it would be 9 chapters only 6. I don't expect to see anymore after episode 3 unless Lucas sells the rights to SW. Which is very doubtful.

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I hear another Indy is coming out after the trilogy is done, which is not till say 2005? so if there were a 7,8 and 9, they wouldn't be out until the earliest 2008 or 9. I'm still going to say that it is possible, but then again it is also possible that scientists will clone a cat...(oh wait, that happened today...I guess it is really possible after all)

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it isn't happening...Lucas wouldn't be that dumb...


If he does a movie he is going to want free-riegn over the storyline. If he can't have it he'll do something else...


Also he has said several times he won't do it. I'm pretty sure he won't. He may want to have a life outside his film career...

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Guest Lord Maul

If Lucas were to start filming chapter 7 now it would be plausible. By the time he finishes ep. 3 and the DVD trilogy the original cast will be too old. If 7 were filmed now he could use the original cast and place it 20 years after ROTJ. But I still don't think he'd do it.

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Guest Lord Maul

Ep. 7 would have to be the only one with the original cast. Have Han and Leia's kids take over from there. But to use someone else in the main roles (ie. Han, Luke, Leia) would be upsetting to many SW fans. Placing Ep. 7 20+ years after ROTJ would be the only way to utilize the original cast.

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I don't think so because i heard that lucas said that the Star Wars saga is a story about Anikan. Now that anikan is dead what more could they write about? Its not that im against another Star Wars movie, infact i would be quite excited as long as it fit into the EU and it was good, but the problem would be that it just wouldn't fit in. But i think that i read somewhere that Lucas is considering ...



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What are you talking about!!!


They could make Harrison look 2 years old. Especially with the money LucasFilms have now.


Seriously though, if they don't use the original cast you can forget the SW feel in it. I really doubt it is going to happen. Although if they made them on the Emperor Reborn I wouldn't mind. That is only in comics no novels or anything, yet it has a loose and workable storyline. It has possibilities.


But I wouldn't bet any money on it. Not even if the odds were increased 20 fold in favor of them being made. It just won't happen, as much as I would like it too...

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