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Shoud I buy Rouge Squadron(PC)?


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Should i get it? There are lots of $15 buck games at lucas arts and I want to buy one while i am waiting for JK2, and this one looks like a possiblity. Is this game any good? I tried the demo it was very boring, but it is just the first level and has no combat. So i would like your opinoins on this game.



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Originally posted by Sithcloak

Should i get it? There are lots of $15 buck games at lucas arts and I want to buy one while i am waiting for JK2, and this one looks like a possiblity. Is this game any good? I tried the demo it was very boring, but it is just the first level and has no combat. So i would like your opinoins on this game.




the demo is ONLY the first level, and the first level=BORING.


The real deal has tons of stuff, at-sts, at-ats, a-wings, turbolasers, missile launchers, Moff Kohl Seerdon, General Rieekan, TIE Interceptors, Fighters, and Bombers, AT-PTs, Wave Skimmers, World Devastators, Chorax, Chandrila, Corellia, and a ton of other awesome levels, even night missions!! And the music is so cool and Liberation of Gerrard V is awesome, and the A-Wings rule, and there's missiles, and it's DEFINETELY one of the BEST lucasarts games (that doesn't include multiplayer).

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Originally posted by GUNNER

It will keep you entertained for a week or two depending if you go for all golds.

lol..... i never ever got all the golds... and believe me i have tried..... its very hard.... the best i did was get a bunch of silver ones.. :D

But it is a cool game anyway :)

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If you do not have X-Wing Alliance, it should take priority. It also is editable, which means tons of new possibilites. There is an awesome upgrade project about 20 percent done, you can download patches to allow atmospheric flight, and finally, you can download SFA and related patches to add tons of new ships as the game comes with about 6 unused slots. Not to mention the battle of Hoth shipset, the battle of Endor, the episode 1 campaign, and so on, and so on, and so on.....


If you have XWA, though, go ahead and buy it.


If you want links to any of that, e-mail me.

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Get a new one from LEC, they'll send you a replacement cd if you ask for one (don't ban me for saying this, but this should be one of the situations where you're excused to go warez downloading).


How come everybody's second CD is always broken? It's never the first CD... heh.


*Slaps himself on the head*, uh, it's probably because nobody complains when the first cd breaks. Lol, Who cares about the prologue campaign anyway :D.

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