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Originally posted by Death

Don't ever ask a slasher what their favorite couples are.


I could've sworn I said "no slash." :rolleyess





This one is actually in the original version (sometime in S2, apparently), but it was (AFAIK) omitted in the Americanized one.


I haven't even seen all of S2 yet though, thanks to Teletoon. :snear:


Oh, and:


Sailor Moon:

Neptune/Uranus (I especially like the blatantly obvious "cousins" lie the dubbers put in :rolleyess )


I forgot then 'cause they're not in the show anymore.

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And why, pray tell, should I not put slash couples? You asked for my favorite couples, there they are. I'm not gonna pretend like they aren't cause it's slash. Oh and, most of the couples were sparking on screen, but people just didn't see it. You can't tell me there's nothing going on between Quatre and Trowa. I might just have a different idea of "on-screen" sparkage. *shrug*

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And how, pray tell is JupiterxVenus not slash? Gang up on the slashers beacouse we're into guys. Well. :p on you. 'sides just like death sayed, you can find sparks between anyone if you look for it. Anyways, here goes mine. And guess what?! Thats right its slash. :)






Wufei doesnt count, he was married, I feel sorry for him really. But he can be rather stuck up...(death to relena.)


Star wars:

Obi and D maul, but only in a specific situation called Sith Academy. *Snerk*

Luke and Mara (Awwwwwwwwwwww!)

han an leia.

Ani with Amidala.



Wesley and Gunn

Angel and Buffy, (I cant stand the idea of buffy and Spike:snear: Willow and Oz, I dont like Lara she bugs me.


Card Captors(yay!):

Yuki and Toya!! Eeeee, yuki's so adorable.

Yue and clow

Li and Eriol.

*Nod* I love clow, he's always smiling, I dont think I've seen more than 3 pictures/frames on the show where he isnt smiling. But, my his eyes are pretty when they're actually open


Harry Potter:

(Yes, I like potter slash. No, I dont like slash when there in their first year. More like stories from their fifth and sixth year.*Nod* anyways)


Sirus BlackxRemus Lupin

Ron and Her-mo-ninny.


Iterview(plus its many sequels, but not Memnoch . Ick.):

Louis and Lestat


And really any combination with thoes four. Free vampire luvin'.

And if Gabriel wasnt his mother I'd like Gabriel and Lestat, but its squicky in a way.


Oh, Darren and Daniel of course. And Super boy and Robin*Nod*. And I'm a cya/Skids shipper from Boy meets boy. ^_____^. And Of course I like BMB's main charas Harley and Mik, but my most beloved pair in the comics is Tabs and allen I love tabs sooooo much, she is so funny and she and Allen omigosh, they make me laugh a lot.

Anyways, I think I'm done. And exhausted.*Sigh*Sorry that took so long, not that anyone read it....

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If this thread were a building, I would destroy it with a carbomb. And there's not a jury outiside of San Francisco and Soho that would find me guilty of the crime. In fact, they wouldn't even think it was a crime.


Lesbians are <i>awesome</i> and gay guys are <i>scary and creepy</i>. It's this kind of thread that causes erotic Duran Duran fan fiction and anti-American terrorists. I'm sure of it.

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Originally posted by Wasslera



Actually, I can see this sparkage (especially in the second/third ep, when they're jamming with violin & flute).


But Trowa seems to have a girlfriend (I don't buy Catherine's whole "sister" comment; I think she was just lying to Heero and Duo). Quatre, being a Nice Guy, is obviously doomed to be single for the rest of his life.


<small>Who me? Bitter?</small>


Wufei doesnt count, he was married, I feel sorry for him really.


I feel sorry for her, whoever she was.


I think the only real relationship Wufei will ever have is with that large pole up his butt.


<small>Wufei/Sally sparkage notwithstanding.</small>


Star wars:

Obi and D maul, but only in a specific situation called Sith Academy. *Snerk*


Actually, there's some subtle Maul/Sideous sparkage in the novels. It's subtle, but it's there.


Well, it's there from Maul, anyway; Sideus was obviously just using him as cannon-fodder.


I love clow, he's always smiling, I dont think I've seen more than 3 pictures/frames on the show where he isnt smiling.


The Clow Smiley: ^_^

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He are some relationships taht you may not have herd about



Wicket and R2


Ev-9D9 and his levers


All the stomtroopers, the y fall in love with one, and they fall in lvoe with all


THe emporer and himself


Darth vader and his cloths


Darth maul and his saber


Watto and "his boy"


Nute and Rune (Passive submissive relationships :D )


Yoda and a flashlight


A gammorian guard, and that fat chick with 6 breasts


The Rancor and his trainer

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

If this thread were a building, I would destroy it with a carbomb. And there's not a jury outiside of San Francisco and Soho that would find me guilty of the crime. In fact, they wouldn't even think it was a crime.


Lesbians are <i>awesome</i> and gay guys are <i>scary and creepy</i>. It's this kind of thread that causes erotic Duran Duran fan fiction and anti-American terrorists. I'm sure of it.



:rolleyes: Oh you poor, sad, deprived, little boy. And here I thought you could be somewhat cool, but then such a stupid comment. :tsk: *tsk tsk tsk* But hey, you call yourself Nute Gunray, so go figure. :D

Oh and I'm sorry that I don't get a kick out of lesbians (although I have nothing against them. Whatever makes one happy I always say), but me being a girl you know...I prefer guys. Kissing. :sweat::cool:

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