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Find Love? You thought the bikini ad was bad?

Havoc Stryphe

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Yeah well, as hot as they are, or as "icky" as some people find them, *scrolls down to past posts that have the ads in them* they're just not appropriate for these *scrolls down* forums! I mean, *scrolls down* how would you like it if you were strolling *scrolls down* down the sidewalk one day all peaceful and *scrolls down* stuff, and then all of a sudden *scrolls down* a scantily-clad, beautiful *scrolls down* woman just ran up to you and *scrolls down* kept you from going on with your *scrolls down* business??

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Hoo-Haa! Now This is what I'm talking about!




That one just showed up! Now talk about your sweet, fine, look.....um... I mean seriously demeaning and morally abating ads! ;)




EDIT: Here's another one...




Ooooh.... Nice add there Havoc :rolleyes:.. Oh well, so much for being immune to them!

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Found another one, just having fun with it now...



RHETT: "Master Havoc, more to say have you?


HAVOC: "With your permission, my Master. I have encountered a vergence."


RHETT: "A vergence you say?"


EETS: "Located around a person?"


HAVOC: "An Ad...


Her .gif has the highest concentration of Pheremones I have seen in a GB forum. It is possible she was conceived by the pheremones."


*Rhett and Eets look at the ad*


RHETT: "A virgen, she definetly, is not!"


EETS: "But bring her before us anyways!"


RHETT: "Tested, she will be!"




This one is just...disturbing!


:eek: I DON'T WANT HER!!!! :barf:

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

This one is just...disturbing!


:eek: I DON'T WANT HER!!!! :barf:


OMG!! I think this may be the missing link...notice the enlarged eyebrow-bone that is characteristic of every know cartoon caveman. Surely, this must be where the jump from cartoon to real life was made!! We shall name this specimen, "Havoc Woman"!!































Disclaimer: Above message was intended purely as humor. I seriously doubt that she will ever come to these forums anyway, but I still can't be sued for anything. It's just a joke, sheesh...some people have no sense of humor.

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just keeping this thread up-to-date with continual ad-monitoring for all the good of our forum!




In other words so everyone can see the beautiful, half-na... I mean...


that everyone can be made aware of the grave injustices being dealt the youth of america everyday by means of "soft-porn" ad campaigns!


Yeah...that's it...yeah


*looks around nervously*

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the ads have gotten so bad that my work has them BLOCKED. I can't see them anymore...aw too bad.



The URL: http://mediamgr.ugo.com/html.ng/size=468x60&affiliate=lfnetwork2&channel=games&subchannel=pc&Network=affiliates&rating=g

is blocked at 3M because:

Access denied by SmartFilter content category. The requested URL belongs to the following categories: Entertainment, Mature.



he he they must be gettin worse.

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