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The Cantina 5- yet more adventures of Deac and co.


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*Flax grabs Deac then heads to the ready room.*


*Flax waves his hand and a force feeled shimers to life around our heros.*


Flax: They can't hear us now. That Admiral is pure Sith! He wants you Deac you need to get off the ship. I didn't just send for a squad of fighters, there's a whole fleet of Republic ships waiting for us.


*Flax sighed*


Flax: Deac, we drop back to real space in a few minutes. I'll handle the Sith, you go after that super weapon.


*Flax shakes Deac's hand and then leaves to find the Admiral*


*Flax found the Admiral in his quarters meditating*


Flax: Turn thee Admiral and look apon thy doom!

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*The Star Destroyer fell out of Hyperspace, only to be greeted by a horde of New Republic ships. The battle started, and 3 new Star Destroyers hypered in. Cracken always prepared. Fighters launched from the belly of the beasts, and started attacking the fighter screens. The superior TIE Defenders started to elimenate the Republic flight groups, while the Star Destroyers fired salvo after salvo of turbolasters and missiles into the Republic ships, all the while taking return fire.*


*Cracken is at the end of the hall, Flax at the other end*


What you don't realize, i have FOUND this superweapon, and it's already under my control.

*He ignights his lightfoil, and salutes Flax*

May the Force be with you....

*He dashes toward Flax, The Duel is on!!*

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Your control of my mind was good, but not good enough. My dream can wait...


*Deac removes the imperial boots, and throws them to the floor and burns them away with a blaster bolt. He then ignites his twin sabers.*


And I know you were there. You created me...now I will destroy you...

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*Realizing he's now Three VS One, he stops, Deac flies by him, surprised, and trips and falls. He then fires a stream of lightning at Flax, disabling him from fighting. Flax now lies on the floor, barely breathing. Rwos charges, only to be met by a similar fate. Both are flung against the wall, knocked unconsious. ((OOS NOT DEAD)) Deac get's up, and see's his friends.*


Good, i feel the rage. use it. Come, strike me down, and your journey to the dark side will be complete..... you were never told who your "father" was, were you....?


((Pre battle dialog, Deac, get in here....))

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*Rwos gasps as he struggles to keep consciousness. He's been hit with much worse before---even been dismembered---and survived, but full-power Sith lightning was a different experience altogether. He'd felt as if his life was being sucked from him. His innate regeneration factor was having trouble compensating for this...


This is no time for reflecting...pull yourself together, Rwos...

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My father was butchered in an attack by the Empire on our ancestral home.

The only part of my life was to make my a jedi. You wanted me to be your ultimate weapon. But I will destroy you. You will regret you ever hit the red button!

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[Well, you've just completly gone against Deac's life history...]


*Deac adopts a calm demeanor. He knows the truth*


That cannot be true. I remember life before the "experiment". My childhood photo's are exactly the same. And my father's dead. He's lying in the family crypt, next to Lord Syrnl. You are messing with a family with a proud history.


You are a liar, and a poor one. Death shall claim you.

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Then so be it. Jedi.


*Cracken ignights his lightfoil, and starts his attack. slash, thrust, parry, block, counter attack, the two seemed evenly matched. Deac's swordsmanship was excellent, but Cracken was holding back. Didn't want to kill the boy so soon, he wanted to have his fun.

Deac then ignighted his second saber, and came at Cracken. Using expert skill, Cracken precisly cleaved Deac's second saber in two, leaving nothing but a somldering hilt. Deac, surprised, backed off for a second, to reagin his composure, and resumed.

The duel spanded the entire hall way, and broke out into a hanger bay. Outside, the fighter battle could be seen, each side taking fire, yet the TIE Defenders were winning.*


You're not bad, but you have much to learn, young one.


*Cracken came at Deac with surprising speed and fury. Deac was barely able to keep up with the Sith, and recieved a sizeable wound on his leg*


The Dark Side is powerful. Join me, it's the only way to save you and your friends!

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*Rwos struggles up and manages to make it into the hangar bay. He raises his hand and forces himself to draw up strength. He manages to produce a ball of glowing red light, and sends it flying at Cracken, who, unable to sense this otherdimensional energy through the Force, gets hit in the back with it and pushed over Deac and firmly into the durasteel wall*


You know, Sith...the nice thing...about the light side...is that you have friends.


*Rwos forces himself to stand upright, still mentally recovering from his first dose of Sith lightning* You can't fight us both. *Cracken sends another bolt of lightning at him; Rwos instinctively deflects it with his saber and is surprised to see that it worked*

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Stumbles into to the fight, and begins to wonder what the hell had happen. Seeing Rwos get thrown against the wall, Odin backs up and proceedes to get around the sith. Turning around Odin faces 20 stromtroopers with blasters already pointed at him. Laughing, Odin unsheathes his two swords. His eyes glass over and it appears as if lighting was in them.


The stormtroopers begin to fire, but before the know it, one sword was thrown through two of the bewlider soldiers. Moving the sword into a standard guard Odin rolls removes the foot of one stormtrooper the arm of another, and sliced a third in two. Odin the quickly dispatches the rest of the stormies.


Getting behind the sith just as Rwos use his energy ball Odin says "Sith you have 2 minutes before your ship is destroyed (oos: remember when I stumbled around his engines, me plant explosives)." Cracken is surprised by this and suddenly charges Odin. Throwing a hidden dagger Odin cuts Cracken hand causing him to drop his lightfoil. Beig outnumbered heavily Cracken makes a tatical reatreat.


"Rwos get Deac, I'll take the other one, we go now to my ship before this one explodes, or cracken returens"

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*Flax alows himself to be fully imersed in the force.*


Flax: Cracken, your time has come. *Flax ignited his saber.*


*Flax lunged at Cracken, slashing and stabing.*


Flax: As you can see Cracken I am no mean swordsman myself.*


*Flax Slashes, then pivots on his heal 180 and stabs backwards.*


*Cracken curses.*


*As Flax comes back around he sees the stab wound passing though Cracken's left flank.*


Cracken: Pain merly makes me stronger!


Flax: You'll need to be alot stronger to beat me!


*Flax makes a one handed slash, slipping under Cracken's gaurd , then reverses it, cutting identical marks on each cheak.*


*Flax force flips over Cracken, then they are just a blur of motion.*


*Suddenly Flax feals the burning pain in his chest as Cracken's foil passes though his heart. He smiles, his arm comes around under crackens foil and bisects the Sith at mid section. Flax extends his other arm towards Deac, a single bolt of white lightening hits Deac square in the chest, raising him off the ground, then Taklin Flax is no more.*


*Deac drifts slowly to the ground, stuned but not injured*


*Deac hears a voice* Run, Deac, Run! Oh and pick up my Saber will you.

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*One th bridge of teh Star Destroyer, Admiral Kirda stands, commanding the space battle. An officer comes up to him*


Sir, our driods report that Cracken was killed.

Kirda: .... Abandon ship. initiate the self destruct on a 5 minute timer, regroup at the designated co-ordinates.



*Down in the hanger, warning klaxxons go off, and an automated voice comes over the loudspeakers*

Warning, all hands, abandon ship, i repeat all hands abandon ship. 5 minutes until self desrtuct. Have a nice day.


*Cracken is seen, smiling*

And now you pitiful Republic will perish.... i will become more powe...r... fu...l.....

*Cracken collapsed, his dying breath. Cracken, Lord of teh Sith, dies.... but always Two there are......*

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*Rwos flies over to Deac and catches him before he hits the ground*


Deac! Deac? Are you okay?


((OOS: Hey BattleDog...I think you broke a rule there when you killed Cracken before waiting for him to reply...I think...


EDIT: Never mind...didn't see Crackman's post above :D))

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*Deac grabs Flax's Saber. It seems it is entrusted to him. He turns to the dead Sith*


You had something powerful, but not what I wanted in life.


*The party runs to the deserted bridge.*


Go. I'm going to smash this thing into the superweapon, whatever it is.


See you back at the Cantina...

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*Warning Klaxxons continued to scream loudly, red lighhts flashing all around. Imperial Troops can be seen maing a run for escape pods, un launched TIE Defenders, anything Hyperspace capable*




IN an unknown location in the galaxy, a large Star Destroyer is seen floating in the vacumme of space. A Super Star Destroyer, the "Titan". Inside, technician's and medical officers work furiously around one bacta tube, containing a lifeless body. Suddenly, thier equipment goes crazy, beeping and warning lights flashing. The man inside, opens his eyes, and starts clawing at the tubes that restrain him. Panic. Not good. The Doctors try tp tranqualize him, but it's in vain. The Man rips of his breathing mask and starts pounding the glass. It shatters, and he falls to the ground. Gasping for air, teh doctors attempt to help him, but he waves them away. strangly, the permit the request, and back off. An Officer brings the man's garments.


An Imperial Grand Admiral's white uniform, and a black flowing cloak. Tucked inside them, is a lightfoil.


A Jedi Weapon.


Standing, naked, he grabs his cloths, and start to dress.*

*Looking at the head doctor*


Unknown man: I can assume that's the only clone you were able to produce?


Hojo: Yes, my lord, the only success.

Unknown man: Destroy all of this, the cloning vat, and convert this space to a medical facility for the injured.

Hojo: yes, my lord.

*Hojo nods to the technicians, and they begin dismantaling the equipment. The stranger has finished dressgin, and now walks to the bridge. An Evil Aura can be felt.

Cracken, Dark Lord of the Sith, returns.


At the bridge, his Admiral approaches*


Tojo: Destination?

Cracken: you know where, make it so.

Tojo: Yes my lord.

*Tojo nods to the helm, and the hyperspace engines engage.*

((OOS: This is valid, guys. the Emperor did this in the canon, but was only able to do it like once.))

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