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I'm sure there will be. It was said in one of the previews that people you meet in the game won't help you if you make a habit of killing them.


In JK you'd turn to the dark side if you slaughtered innocent bystanders, but since that isn't an issue (can't turn to the dark side in JKO), they simply won't help you in the future.

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Pedestrians talking with each other on the alley.

Pedestrian 1: "I heard that there is a new Jedi in town."

Pedestrian 2: "We are saved! He will surely wipe out all those imperial scums who wander our streets!"

Pedestrian 1: "No! If he finds us, he will crush us, grind us into little pieces and blast us into oblivion!"

Pedestrian 2: "But I thought Jedi were the guardians of peace and freedom!"

Pedestrian 1: "You are living in a dream world, my friend! What do you think happens, when there are no troopers left and every officer have been killed?"

Pedestrian 2: "We are free from the grip of evil Empire?"

Pedestrian 1: "No man! Then that Jedi will run through our streets and strike down everyone who happens to be on his way! And he probably goes through market place as well."

Pedestrian 2: "That's not true! That's impossible!"

Pedestrian 1: "Can't you see after all these years?! Those troopers are only trying to protect us!"

Pedestrian 2: "We're doomed!"

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There is even the possibility of NPC's who are armed attacking you head on/joining the stormtroopers if you kill bystanders, you may even run into Jedi NPC's who will fight along the sith if you kill bystanders. It is probably not a good idea to kill bystanders on extra hard difficulty since that would double the enemies against you: You'd truely be an "Outcast"!

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FinnSon...that would make a great scripted conversation. I just hope this sort of thing is littered throughout the game, because it adds so much to the atmosphere. That was one of the things I liked about RTCW...where you could listen in on conversations if you wanted.


As for interaction with NPCs, according to everything I've read it should be ramped up quite a bit, especially getting them to help you and what-have-you.


I also hope that they don't just wander around aimlessly, but are engaged in different activities - like those in Half-Life and Elite Force. It really helps to bring the environments alive when you see the local population interacting with things and talking to each other, instead of just standing around. :)

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Originally posted by Thrawn

I'll have to play through the game once without killing them, and once with killing them, just to see how much more difficult it makes the game.


But if you kill them all first, then you wouldn't know what to do next thereby making the game more difficult the first time because you haven't already beaten the game and know where to go from one place to another ..... I just thought I'd bring it up.



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Originally posted by StormHammer

FinnSon...that would make a great scripted conversation. I just hope this sort of thing is littered throughout the game, because it adds so much to the atmosphere. That was one of the things I liked about RTCW...where you could listen in on conversations if you wanted.


heheheh kinda like in Elite Force, when the Klingons and those other alien were arguing about the pressure in their ship or some crap, and I thought I'd stir the pot, and before i heard them out, i vaped their leader, and everyone saw me and started firing, and I nearly died. I reloaded the thing, and i heard them out, and was able to sneak silently past them. :D I still prefer the blow them to hell way tho, especially when I'm not in a happy mood. :)

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MOTS NPCs were horrible especially the NRP. Those guys could never killl a stormtrooper no matter how many time they shot them. And the troopers would always come tooward you. Half-life NPCs were ok. In the first level, I shot the guard (good guy) and he killed me. In MOTS, they just stood there like dummies! I hope that problem is fixed. Raven's NPCS whould be really nice, hopefully. As for the NPCs saying "Leave me alone!" well, couldn't there be a better line? :confused:

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the NPC im looking foward to the most would be Luke, i wonder if he trains you to use your light saber?, maybe teaches you to use the force better? :D


But all the NPC's will be good, wouldnt it be funny if a civilian was fighting along side a sith? :p well i know one thing if i play im gonna be a good jedi :rolleyes: at least for a while

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