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THIS is what u all get for complaining.


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o no 2 more posts and i'm at 5900!!!! insane retaliation is comin for YOU!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!


no wait if i did that...i'd get banned....help. i'm asking for the popup ads and sexy women ads to return if it means i get my avatar and sig back.


Where's my avatar?!? (03-13-2002 until 04-13-2002)


As a temporary measure to keep the server running efficiently avatars, signatures and searches have been disabled. We hope to turn these back on as soon as possible.


oh. :D whatever u say boss. *ceases invasion beginning dances*

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LOL, I turned off Signatures and Avatars a LOOONG time ago. It really bugs me when people post a one-line comment followed by 10 lines and 3 images in their signature.


Another thing missing: the Jump-to-Forum menu that used to be at the bottom. I feel so lost now! :(

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

maybe if everyone took out the really big pics out of their sigs we could have sigs and avatars back


Done. If only everyone else would take out their sig banners (dang you eeets j/k :D) it would be good. Animated Avatars might not be a good idea either....

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Done. If only everyone else would take out their sig banners (dang you eeets j/k :D) it would be good. Animated Avatars might not be a good idea either....


I too have removed my banner for the good of the community. Hopefully this action by the majority will allow for them to enable avatars and sigs again.

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For this post I assume that avatars and sigs were turned off to help with the frequent database problems.


In case none of you know about the complexities of vBulletin, I'll fill you in...


The avatars and sigs are stored IN the database. We'll ignore everything except sigs for now. Say 20 posts in a thread, each poster has an avatar. Each time someone views the page, avatar.php is called and a new database connection is established FOR EACH AVATAR ON THE PAGE. So 20 posts, say 10 people reading the thread...that's 200 queries, just for ONE thread. Multiply that by about 10 for each forum...2000 x 15 forums...that's 30000 connections :eek:


Of course, not everyone loads the page at the same time, so that number is a bit huge ;)


Basically, bear with us.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

o_o Ummm..... most of your sig pictures aren't hosted on Lucasforums so how is it going to ease the load on this server? :confused:


It's not, but it makes the page load faster in general, which seems to be the problem here.

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