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Too old for JK II ?


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I am sorry if this is a duplicate post but since the search has been disabled...


I get strange looks at work when I mention my video game habit/addiction.


I take a lot of ribbing from the wife about it.


I am thirty two years old and I love video games! I don't care who knows about it either. Can you ever be too old for video games?


There has got to be some people around that are my age. Are there? Man I feel old. Yes I got to see Star Wars Ep4 at a theater on opening weekend.


How old are the rest of you people?

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17, although i plan to game like a madman when i am OLD, i mean when i'm like 90 and have nothing else to do, just play games all day! probably keep your mind sharp, depending on the games you play -not games like diablo 2, that's what i call an idiot maker no offense to people who like diablo 2, i just don't like botton masher, no stratagie or reflex involving games.


ya anyway, retiring could accually be fun

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I'm 23. I guess the problem with an image of "older" people playing video games is that it's still quite new phenomenon. There hasn't been any generations yet which would have lived their live through playing games as a hoppy and as an entertainment form, video games have only recently started to take their place at movie's side. I see it almost as a similar thing, if someone said in the 70s that he watches movies as a hobby, when videos were introduced only in the first half of that decade making it practically possible to collect your favorite flicks and they started to become more common as a consumer products only during 80s. Besides, it took almost hundred years before people started to consider movies as an art form and part of a cultural heritage, so there's still a long road ahead before video games are in a same situation(much better stories, more mature themes and so on). As a sidenote, it's interesting that your wife doesn't like your habbit... Does it take too much away from the time that you should spend together? Then one solution would be that you really reduce playing OR you buy a game or two which please both of you equally, so that you can spend the time playing it together. It doesn't have to be lonely man's job, does it? ;)

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I'm 34. You and me are two of the original Star Wars fans. I was introduced to the Star Wars universe at the age of 13 when I saw TESB in the theater back in 1980. I'm still single, have a place of my own, and I love playing video games. I'm on the egde of my seat waiting for JKII. You can never be to old for video games. Do what you like to do most. I've been playing video games since 1982 on the Atari 2600.

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I'm 30 and I saw Episode 4 at age 5 when if first came out. Huh....as a matter of fact...I took a cassette recorder in and I taped the audio and I still have that tape today. Since I was a small child I talked through the first 5 minutes or so and it's sort of strange to hear yourself at such an early age. Most of my friends are in their late 20's early 30's like myself and they like them too. The only thing is that I don't get as excited as I used but that's not saying I don't get excited about games. Even up until my teens when there was a game coming out and I was going to get it the next day...I had a hard time sleeping from the excitement! Now, I can sleep but I know on Thursday (hoping EB does get it in on the 28th) I'll be antsy all day long until I get it. I don't eat much when I get excited....who needs to eat when you've got JKII!! :D

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I'll be 36 on Sunday and PC gaming is in my blood.


I saw ANH on opening day in Seattle. It was on the last day of school , I think I was going to be going into the 6th grade. The theatre was the UA150 in Seattle.


It was a great day.:D

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Heck no your not to old, you can never be to old for video games! I myself am a 17 year old. If I mention that I have a severe addiction to video games people tend to look at me funny also. But they just don't understand because either they haven't tried them, or they won't try them because they have this preconceived notion that they are only for geeks or something like that. My dad absoutley hates them, calls them stupid and a waste of money. Yet he has never even tried them :( Oh well, at least I know there not stupid ;)

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ya non-gamers don't get it....while games seem like a waste of money, going to the store is like going to an amusement park and playing the game is like riding a rollercoaster cause u remember the experience so many years after you've beaten it.


*remembers first time seeing rogue squadron commercial on tv and getting all excited about it...* :D

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39 yrs. I have all kinds of games mostly star wars ones. I too saw A New Hope on the big screen back in '77 my wife was a 'dark forces' widow a 'jedi knight' widow a 'mysteries of the sith' widow a shadows of the empire widow and soon with great joy, she'll be a jedi outcast widow. i don't really get weird looks when i talk about video games. then again i was carded at a liquer store last christmas.:nut::elephant::rofl::lol::naughty::freakout: :rolleyess

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30 here and last year I was managing a PC gaming center, and one of the best FPS's in the place. I was also a SW fan since the beginning. You can never be too old as far as I am conserned, when I can no longer use my fingers or hands like I need to, I will find a way to keep playing, heh, maybe by then we will have data links in our heads to hook to computers.

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Originally posted by CaptainPOE

My dad absoutley hates them, calls them stupid and a waste of money. Yet he has never even tried them :( Oh well, at least I know there not stupid ;)


My dad is the same way. I've heard him say that over and over again.


Some people say that then they go out and spend $40 on dinner and a movie.

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FWIW, I'm 28. I saw Ep IV at a drive-in theater in Niagara Falls, Canada. I vaguely remember that experience, as I was all of 3 yrs old at the time. I went to see ESB and ROTJ in theaters, and remember those first times much more vividly.


It amazes me to see SW fans at age 15/17/ <20 at all really :) I'm pretty sure that what iced Star Wars indelibly in my pysche was not just watching the movies as a kid, but the TOYS. Between my brother and I, we had duplicates of most of the action figures and just about every vehicle and playset that came out. We would play with our Star Wars toys constantly. Back in the 80's, I remember the giddiness when I stepped into the local arcade and saw for the first time the big black tower that was the Star Wars arcade game. Wireframe graphics and a first person perspective were practically unheard of at the time. Ben telling you to use the force. I devoted many many quarters to mastering that game.

Enter the late 80's, and West End's Star Wars RPG (which is still around to this day). RPG's were just a phase for me for 3 or 4 years, but to have a set of rules to live, fight and exist in the SW universe was mindblowing. About this time, video's were starting to come down in price. Anybody else remember when a new video retailed for $99! My brother and I pooled our allowance to buy the entire trilogy from Blockbuster for about $75 total.


Since then, computer games in the SW universe have filled the void, most great, some forgettable (Force Commander, anyone?).

From X-wing to Tie Fighter to all the expansion packs to Rebellion.

Dark Forces to Jedi Knight....to this the ultimate culmination of all things SW....Jedi Outcast.


To sum up my ramblings, to me, my fandom in SW was etched at an early age when the movies and toys were still prominent. I grew up with it, and it's obviously imprinted itself on my life. What I am curious to know, is how the younger crowd here got hooked on it without the toys and the incessant marketing that was aimed at me in 1982-1983 :)



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and cmon i'm sick of seeing force commander getting called a game hated by everyone.




Why, you ask?


cuz u can name your units, send them through the levels, make funny stories with them, the graphics are awesome, the game is unique. Altho it does have quite a few flaws, i overlook them. everyone whines about the camera, i love the camera, it's the best thing about the game, it made me feel involved in the game. and the bringing units down in landing crafts was PERFECT. it feels so real, and the bhci was the best. And the music....i ripped every track on that cd and made my own force commander music cd it is so darn awesome!! especially the music at sarapin (a level YOU probably didn't beat or even get to!)


altho i don't play it as much as i used to (i admit it does get boring after a while) that game will always be one of my favorite sw games. Right now, I'm playing Galactic Battlegrounds....that was HARD to get used to...i kept trying to rotate the camera like i did in force commander lol. i miss the landing crafts alot tho, but it's pretty fun...just doesn't feel as involving as force commander did.

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I'm 17 and I game a lot. My parents think I'm crazy, but I don't care. And if I'm still gaming at age 40, then I'm fine with that. It's no different from being passionate about other hobbies.


And who knows, maybe when I'm 40, geeks and gamers will be considered the coolest people in society. ;)

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