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So, is JO good?


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Jedi Outcast is on the hottest sellers list. Unfotunately, I cannot play it with my current system, so I play Jedi Knight instead of Jedi Knight 2. Is it any good? I am probably going to get it in the fall sometime, after I finally start working, and start making money :D

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You could say that it good, but that would be a HUGE understatement.


This game is incredible. I have it running on low to medium settings and it is still awesome and good looking. This is the best game of the year, period.

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Hey Guys,


I need help for this game. I can't play Multiplayer.


I think its because I have a router (automatic firewall)


how can i disable the firewall? I've tried setting myself as DMZ host and disable DHCP and even putting in the port. (well. I'm not sure which one it is but I tried both of these: 28070 & 27080)


Can someone help? It's a linksys router.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Hey Boba Fett I think you need English class again;)


Anybody want to give us details or anything! COME ON DETAILS!!!

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I've heard of some pretty blatant bugs in the game, but have yet to purchase it myself. Here's a quick review from the guys at Penny Arcade:

Before any of you get on my case let me state for the record that I really like Jedi Knight II. In fact I am in love with the single player game. However I think the multiplayer is not only a disappointment but an absolute waste of the license. Raven had the entire Star Wars universe to play with and we get Quake multiplayer with force powers. Seeing a stormtooper and Lando Calrissian battle it out with lightsabers makes the star wars fan inside me cry like Luke Skywaker after Darth Vader cut off his arm and revealed his dark secret during the climactic battle at the cloud city of Bespin. This is not what a multiplayer Star Wars action game should be. It doesn’t take an astromech droid to figure out that what is needed here is mission based multiplayer matches along the lines of RTCW or Medal of Honor. Just take a second and imagine the wealth of possibilities. One of the multiplayer levels could drop you into the battle of Hoth. You would have rebels on one side imperials on the other. If you joined the rebellion you would play as a rebel trooper. Your objectives would be to defend echo base and protect the escaping transports. If you joined the empire you would play as a snow trooper in the Imperial death squadron. Your objectives would be to infiltrate Echo base and destroy the transports. There would be no Gamorreans running around using force jump. You would either be a rebel soldier or a snow trooper and you would have the appropriate weapons and abilities. You don’t even have to stick to battles from the movies if you don’t want to. How about a mission in which the rebels have to destroy a new advanced tie fighter that is located at some imperial testing facility. The mission objectives are endless. You should also limit the number of Jedi on each side. The way the current multiplayer is setup you’d think you could buy lightsabers in bulk at Costco along with thirty rolls of paper towels and a cinnamon churro. Everyone and their tauntaun has one! The jedi are special and that should be carried through into the game. Imagine playing on a team of rebel troopers, you’re pinned down by stormtroopers in some imperial facility. Then your team’s Jedi moves out deflecting blaster fire and cutting you a patch to your objective. They are the heroes of the goddamned republic! There was absolutely no care taken to fit the multiplayer in Jedi knight II into the Star Wars universe. It was tacked on and in my opinion does more harm than good. What we need is for mod makers to step up to the plate and deliver the kind of mission based multiplayer experience that Raven either couldn’t, or wasn’t willing to do.


I know there are plenty of people out there who are having a great time with the multiplayer and I think that’s great. Safety Monkey seems to think it’s the best thing since those Marky Mark underwear ads that he loves so much. And honestly I can appreciate the fact that you can have a good time playing it. My point though, is that it’s a kick in the balls to hard core Star Wars fans and a slap in the face to anyone who is used to the compelling multiplayer modes of other current games.


My plan for today is to play a ****-ton of Jedi Knight and take breaks every so often to read bits of the latest New Jedi Order book. Wish me luck.


-Gabe out

Apparantly the multiplayer is nothing hot. Be sure to check out the comic that goes along with the post; it's hilarious :D.

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Yeah, JK might have been the same way, but look what has happened since Jedi Knight. Half-life: Counterstrike, Delta Force, Rogue Spear, Ghost Recon, Return To castle Wolfenstein. Jedi Knight was patterned after Doom, Duke nukem etc. multiplay, where everybody had the same capabilities and availiable weapons. But now the multiplayer game world is all about team play, or individual characteristics.


Imagine Star Wars like this: You can be a snowtrooper, I'll be a medic and Somebody else can be a repeater trooper, and one person is a Jedi Knight. Work as a team and experience a little more immersion. Yeah, you can change "skins" to look different, and personalize the list of force powers you use, but I think it would have been so much better if you could select between different types of soldiers:


Hvy Weapons specialist (Rebellion, Empire)

Medic (Rebellion, Empire)

Repeater Trooper (Rebellion, Empire)

Bounty Hunter

Jedi Knight

Sith Knight

Snow Trooper

Scout (Rebellion, Empire)


Each having special weapons that only that class can use and/or special bonuses for playing a specific type of soldier. Or even different starting equipment etc... I know it sounds like an RPG, but it wouldn't be like that, those who have played counterstrike know what I mean. It's still a FPS, just with more team work and tactics, and a much more personalized feeling you get with your multiplayer character.


I know it kicks butt now, but imagine what the possibilities were...

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I wonder if we can make levels for it and have build hacks for it. You know? like in the old days...Ahhhhh the old days were great...Bunch of hackers going around and killing us....No wait that is not the good ole days...That was the darkest time of the Zone(reminds you of a scene?:D )



ANyway I wonder if we can make levels and things like that like we did for the Jedi Knight II: Dark Force? Anybody here a level designer or hack writer?

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I think you mean Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight? :p


As for mod making... oh yeah, let me whip out my General-Purpose-Level-Maker-For-Every-Game-In-Existence program ;). Give it a little time, eventually programmers will crack the engine code and release map/mod-making tools for the game.

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I don't have the game so can't really comment. But....


Nothing I have read about it seems all that innovative to me. If I was going to buy a FPS I'd most likely be getting C&C: Renegade. Now THAT looks like fun, not just more of the same.


Raven doesn't have any interest in the Star Wars license long-term and so didn't have any incentive to put any major effort into the game. It should have been so much more....


Still I'm sure it's fun in single-player, and 3-D fun in the Star Wars universe can't be a bad thing. And if the mod community is anything like it was for Jedi Knight then I'm sure they'll be some fun stuff online too.


Is it enough? Up to you:)


:atat: Join Imperial Vengeance!


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Guest Supreme Warlord

Hey I just brought the game yesterday. MAN!!! IT IS A AWESOME GAME...Man I was crying that I did not get my saber...I was so sad...I wanted to use the darned saber!!!! I am really itching to use force powers...


Amazing Massassi Temple already has stuff on it. Darn they are fast... :)

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Originally posted by General Nilaar

I don't have the game so can't really comment. But....


Raven doesn't have any interest in the Star Wars license long-term and so didn't have any incentive to put any major effort into the game. It should have been so much more....



The hell? :confused: You haven't played it.... but you say it could have been much much better. o_O Raven worked their ass off making this game and I will not stand here and let you belittle it with... "facts" that you apparently have just pulled off the top of your head. :rhett:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I agree with boba fett. To work with a Mega company like lucasart is an honor especially for Raven. Trust me they work their butts off.

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

I agree with boba fett. To work with a Mega company like lucasart is an honor especially for Raven. Trust me they work their butts off.


BTW, it's Boba Rhett...


I personally LIKE the MP!!! Stormies with lightsabers just look so freacking cool. I admit they could have come up with more modes of play, but they DID have to make a fabulous SP game along with MP so they let the modders come up with the revolutionary Game Mods (if anymore still exist)


This game is as cool as your going to find on the market right now, plus the modding community is already turning out mods, just wait till they are in full swing. The net will be full of mods taking advantage of the lightsaber to it's fullest. I can't wait.


JKII is deffinatly worth a buy. If you havn't been thinking about buying this game then I pitty you. This is game of the year quality and it's a nuke in a mod maker's hands.


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