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Sherack Nar!!! You closed the What if...!!!!!

Guest Supreme Warlord

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Guest Supreme Warlord

:swear::swear: :swear: WHY?!!!! If you close that then why dont you get your TRIGGER HAPPY FINGER on the closed topic button on the "I will tell you 3.01" and close that one while you are at it!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:




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Guest Supreme Warlord

I like the what if!!! it allows you to use your imagination!!! come on you can do that in Tell you I can whatever that is called!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

If you close that then why dont you get your TRIGGER HAPPY FINGER on the closed topic button on the "I will tell you 3.01" and close that one while you are at it!!!!!!!

Don't tempt me...it would make a lot of people angry. Just be happy I let this one through even though it was in direct violation with the Community Policies.
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i have to agree with my good freinds AU and Warlord


though i also agree that it is a spam theard closing it down will not decrease the time it takes for me or anyone ealse to get on theses forums


so what was the point of cloasing it down if not to decrease the time it takes...




wars not make PA's great

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

i think it is so cosey here :D... all these nice people.... ans theyre friendly talks.... i like it here :p;)


The Force is strong with this one ....


Yesss ... nicce forummerssss, my precious, nice little forummersss ... Get along sssso nicely ...




Or, like we use to say in the Netherlands:


Voer eendjes, geen oorlog

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There's a reason Sherack closed that thread. Threatening him and calling him names is definitely NOT the right way to go. Admins and mods are given a certain amount of discretion to operate and Sherack stayed within those boundaries. He even explained why he did it, even though he does not have to. So don't complain and call him names. I think he's been more than fair.

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My My, Fiesty little one aren't ya?! ;) (Rogue 15, that is)


To be perfectly honest with you, I wouldn't miss either one. But as you can tell from my post count and registration date, I don't post in either very often, that's probably why.


I'd prefer my post to carry a little more weight and meaning in them. Make every post count! Post Like your next post could be your last! Don't settle for a few meaningless words and a question mark, you should hunger for discussion and meaningful conversation. That's what I say :rolleyes:


I get so dramatic sometimes! :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I dont give a crap of what kind of reasoning he gives to us. He just want to be trigger happy with the "Close Topic" button and make us mad. Like other said this is an off topic area and anything is allowed. We were operating within boundaries. Not spamming but having fun and just being off topic. You overstep your boundaries.




Open the WHAT IF thread back up or I will start another one and the more you close the more I start. :mad:

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

I dont give a crap of what kind of reasoning he gives to us. He just want to be trigger happy with the "Close Topic" button and make us mad. Like other said this is an off topic area and anything is allowed. We were operating within boundaries. Not spamming but having fun and just being off topic. You overstep your boundaries.




Open the WHAT IF thread back up or I will start another one and the more you close the more I start. :mad:


Dude, Warlord, You are a great guy and all, but I think you had better watch it man. You are trodding on thin ice... Don't get banned over something so trivial as a "what if" thread, it's not worth it man. :(

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Guest Supreme Warlord

It is not just about the "What If" thread it also about what he does to all other post. I think he has overstep his boundaries. We should be allow to have fun and put down anything because it is off topic! for instances Silly RPG that is hilarious!!! :) anyway I say he does not need to be overstepping his boundaries and I dont care what he says I want to read the imaginary rulebook of his and see it.


If there is no rules that says that allows him to close then he is to revoke his previous statement and actions!:mad:

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*** Spam Details***


In any discussion board, the continuous posting of messages irrelveant to the topic or discussion is strictly prohibited.


You should not consistantly be able to look up at your screen and see that the majority of topics or messages on a page were just created or posted by you.


To Discuss: To talk about a subject in detail.

To Chat: To talk in a light, familiar way. Informal talk. (ie one sentance posts such as, "I agree" etc.)


Chatting is considered spamming and will be dealt with accordingly.


***End of Spam Details***


8. Before posting a new topic. Do a search to see if there is already a recent thread pertaining to what yours is about. If

there is already a post similar to yours, feel free to read it and post a reply which will bring it to the top.



there's what the rulebook says....

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Sherack rarely close threads, at least not on GB.com. It's the MOD's like Eets, Fergie, Rhett, Rogue 9 etc. that do most of the thread closing. Sherack has even differed community policy making questions to us the forummers. Sherack's been a really great Admin, I don't see him "overstepping" any boundaries. After all, he's an Admin, he makes the boundaries. Let it go man, I don't want to lose you to the dark side (banishment).

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gb.com is like the only forum where mods let the members get away with the most stuff, yet the members go in a mod bashing frenzy when one little thing gets taken away...


Enjoy what little privledges the mods give you.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

To Discuss: To talk about a subject in detail.

To Chat: To talk in a light, familiar way. Informal talk. (ie one sentance posts such as, "I agree" etc.)


Chatting is considered spamming and will be dealt with accordingly.


That right there says it all.


This is not an Off-Topic Chat Room, it's called Off-Topic Discussion. If you really want to chat about mindless nonsense, there are chat rooms for that. Try IRC or MSN or AIM for god's sake. We're not trying to limit your ability to have fun on these forums, but posting about whatever subject that comes into your head is just not right.


You can say you don't care about your post count. We all know you really do. You can say you post in these threads for fun. What's fun about posting five word sentences when you can do the same in a real chat room? You can say they expand your imagination. So does a book, you ever heard of those?


The end. ;)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Whatever. I just want the What if thread open again. It was fun and I enjoyed it. It was expanding our imagination to what could have happen if we did that or not. Silly RPG is like that now. I suggest to anybody to join it for it is fun. So if somebody gets trigger happy with the "close topic" button and do it to that. There will be a bigger uproar. I promise that. :mad:

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