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Family Emergency...

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Rogue15

great way to ruin a moment....




:amidala: :amidala: :amidala:




:amidala: :amidala: :amidala:




i put it to soothe rhett, he does fancy padme, dont you ;):p


God bless once again:)

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Thanks for the kind words guys, I'm sure my sister and brother-in-law will appreciate it.



Here's the quick story, My one and-a-half year old nephew, Briggs had been sick all week, on Wednesday he got to the point of being non-responsive and shakey so my sister took him to the emergency room. After they ran some tests, it was determined that he had a cerebral hemmorage(sp?) in the back of his brain that had been slowly leaking for the past two days.

They had to operate on him immediately.


Right now he's stable and looking alot better but he's still suffering from the pressure that was against his brain. His right side is in a state paralysis and the steroids and pain killers have made him rather puffy. Things are looking better now but he's still not totally out of the woods.


After he's released he still may have to come to the hospital once a week for therapy to regain total use of his right side.



Again, please pray for him.

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Here's the latest info,


Allot of the swelling went down today. He had two facial sezeures today but they think that's just from the drugs. They tried getting his right arm and leg to respond to touch and they did. :) "They used an ice cube" He's going to have to be in the hospital for a month before he will be well enough to go home though. :(


The poor little guy. :( I'd give anything if this didn't have to happen to him. :o

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Briggs seems like tough guy. Adn that he's already showing signs of improvement is a great sign! He'll be in my prayers tonight.

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Well, I'm back home now. We're going to be going down every weekend for the next month or two though.


He's still having seizures. :( Hopefully his medicine will balance out by tomorrow and become therapeutic and not cause anymore. He's going to have to have a lot of therapy to relearn how to use his right.



He has a small hole on his forehead were they put a bolt in so he wouldn't move his head and then he has one on the back of his head that goes from the top of his left ear to the middle of his head. :(


It's so sad. He has no clue about what's going on and the anti-seizure medicine makes him so tired he can barely even keep his eyes open. :(


Have you ever wanted to cry but just felt so over whelmed that you couldn't? :o



I'm going to attach a more recent picture of him later. That one picture is old and just doesn't do the little guy justice.

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omg...just saw this thread.


My prayers go out to your family, Rhett.


Look at it this way, it's better that it happened this early in his life...he can relearn everything. If it happened in his adulthood, chances are he would never regain control of his right side.


Thank God the little guys OK.



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