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Nute Gunray

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Happy birthday! I hope you get EVERYTHING you've ever dreamed about!


*Suddenly remembers who he's talking to... envisions life as a slave drone under Nute's merciless reign as god-king of the entire Earth*


ACK! Nooooooo! Belay that! I take it back! I TAKE IT BACK!!!!



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Originally posted by edlib

Happy birthday! I hope you get EVERYTHING you've ever dreamed about!


*Suddenly remembers who he's talking to... envisions life as a slave drone under Nute's merciless reign as god-king of the entire Earth*


ACK! Nooooooo! Belay that! I take it back! I TAKE IT BACK!!!!





Its Dictator.


Happy Birthday my "Leader".

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We all chipped in and got you a cake. It was the least we could do. :D


I know it really doesn't look like much,.. but could it just be that this cake has a surprise inside??? ;)



Why, yes it does! Look, it's your real presesnt for all of us! Silver-screen superstar Natalie Portman!



Could this lead to other things after the party perhaps???



I can just see the tabloid headlines now:

Natalie Loves Nute!

The surprising torrid offscreen affair that has the universe buzzing!

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I just watched Moulin Rouge for the second time today.

Can anyone else tell me any other non-Kubrick or non-Disney movies that secretly endorse drug use? (NOTE TO IDIOTS: Half Baked does not do that secretly).

You see, Moulin Rouge is about turn of the century ravers in Paris. It stars young Obi-Wan Kenobi. He hooks up with a midget, a guy that looks like Paul Schaffer (watch Letterman), and a scarey Argentine. They then sort of call the Argentine gay but he denies it and the ugliest woman ever gets angry. Obi-Wan starts singing a song from the Sound of Music so they get all happy. Ecstacy didn't exist at the time so they drink this stuff called "Absinthe" or something like that that makes them see this dancing glowing green faery and then they get sucked into this whorehouse after yelling about truth, beauty, freedom, and love (which is remarkable similar to "peace, love, understanding, respect" or PLUR as the candy-raver fags call it).

So now they're in a rave called the Moolan Roojuh. The ladies, called the Diamond Dogs, wear primitive raverwear, but the guys have to wear formal wear and top hats because it was before the war and stuff. They sing some song I heard on the radio and then they meet up with Satine (Nicole Kidman) who sings and stuff. Obi-Wan and his raver friends evade the fat assclown that runs the rave and manage to be able to get Obi-Wan in to talk to Satine about something because everyone has a hidden agenda, even those merely watching the movie. Satine and the fat guy think that Obi-Wan is the Emperor of Siam or something, even though we know that that is really Yul Brenner. Obi-Wan and Satine have what is quite possibly the most bizarre sex scene since the "William Tell Overture Threesome" in A Clockwork Orange. That is to say, neither remove any clothes and I'm pretty sure no one touched anyone at all, including themselves. Rolling around on the bed seemed to do the trick :confused:.

At some point after that, the real duke who I forget the name of (let's call him Duke Ewok) shows up. People have told me that Duke Ewok and myself are similar people so you can imagine the level of villian involved. They trick the Duke into funding their rave or something and will put on this show called "Spectacular Spectacular." Obi-Wan and Satine fall in love and then some stuff happens that I don't remember. The movie hits a low point here with lots of singing and no halucinations.

Duke Ewok thinks Satine loves him and then he disagrees with the plot of the show and Obi-Wan accidentally reveals he loves Satine. Everyone is bummed out at this point so the Argentine decides to sing ROXANNE (yes.) and then everyone dances around while the Duke tries to rape Satine and he fails because he was stupid. Obi-Wan and Satine are going to run away from the Rave but then stuff happens and they go through with the show.

At the show, Duke Ewok attempts to assassinate Obi-Wan because he looks like an idiot with a beard in Attack of the Clones. Someone gets a gun and they shoot the duke or something I stopped paying attention. Satine dies because that was the subplot. Apparently, the Moulin Rouge Rave goes out of business because raves go out of style in 1901 and those bikes with the giant front wheel are all the rage. Hell, I think the only survivor is Obi-Wan. The Moulin Rouge looks so heavily damaged that I <i>think</i> Obi-Wan set fire to the place while all the characters were inside. Sadly, this scene was apparently cut and would have made the ending much much better.


PROS: teaches us the history of raves, nicole kidman, the music (relative to the observer)

CONS: teaches us the history of raves, nicole kidman, the music (relative to the observer)


What could have made it better: Satine living at the end and winding up having little Jedi kids with Obi-Wan; Obi-Wan burning down the Moulin Rouge; Obi-Wan dueling Anakin Skywalker atop the burning Moulin Rouge and Anakin falls into the burning structure which horribly burns him, someone pulls his twisted body from the wreckage and it's none other than the fat guy that runs the rave and the Emperor kills the fat guy for sport; hotter French whores (although I'm not sure those existed ever); less Argentine; more development of the midget; pirates and ninjas


Final thought: hot damn Natalie Portman is hot.

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The weird part is that that is an accurate description of the movie Moulin Rouge. The only part I made up is the part about the bikes with the big wheels.



<img src="http://members.aol.com/decoyname/mrcaps/fairy.jpg">

The Fairy they saw after drinking.


<img src="http://members.aol.com/decoyname/mrcaps/vortex.jpg">

Entering the Moulin Rouge.


<img src="http://members.aol.com/decoyname/mrcaps/wreckage.jpg">

The wreckage of the Moulin Rouge.


It's not my fault they make bizarre movies.

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Final thought: hot damn Natalie Portman is hot.

I'll take that as "Thank You." :joy:


Have you seen this pic of her from Ep.II yet?


Looks like Lucas has a little bit of a Britney Spears fashion thing goin' on there with her. Not that that's bad...

I almost used this pic of her as the one coming out of the cake.

(Who knows... If I get bored enough I just might do it.)

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You have survived 20 years on this rock.


back in the day, you'd be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very luckey.

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nute, the reason the absinthe made them all hallucinatory was because it was a drink made back then that was laced with opium. also, another movie that subtley endorses drug use would be baz luhrman's romeo and juliet, because romeo takes (i think) some ecstasy before they go to the masquerade at the capulet's.


also, audrey wasn't a woman, which might explain a few things ;)

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AH-HA the game is afoot!

I suspected Audrey was a man, but didn't watch the credits to find out. Hell, half the women in that movie are probably men.

I enjoy movies that involve people having hallucinations because it's funny. Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet has something to do with Moulin Rouge. The DVD told me so.

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