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Weird Quirks

Boba Rhett

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quirk Pronunciation Key (kwûrk)


A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy: “Every man had his own quirks and twists” (Harriet Beecher Stowe).



Like Harriet said, we all have em'. What are some of yours? I'll start this off.



1. Whenever I'm not using my left hand, I always and I mean always contort my hand and place the base of my thumb between the base of my first two fingers. Then I curl my hand inwards. It looks like I have something wrong with me when I do it. :D I've always done it and it feels somehow natural. My theory is that my hand was in that position in the womb. And I can't even do it on my right hand. :eek:


2. Sleep. I must read myself to sleep.


3. Spiders. When they're even mentioned, I start to feel as if they're crawling over my shoulders and thighs. o_O


4. I walk around on my tippy toes a lot. A lot. To the point of my mother being embaressed. :D


5. Being a twin, I always walk and move as if I'm accomidating for someone walking beside me even if I'm walking alone.




That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's more. Now add your own! :rhett:

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ok.. here are some of mine.


1. when not using my hands they take a position where the index finger always points out.


2. when drinking Coca Cola, i get this realy good taste feeling over me. and when i drink other cola, i wish i had Coca Cola.:D


3. When i have to do something i never do it when i suppose to do it.


4. when being busy with all kind of Star wars things i always have to wistle star wars themes.


5. when going to bed, i either turn on the TV or put the radio on. And i fall asleep with the damn thing on :D


6. i never go to bed before 12 at night.


cant think of more... mayeb later on.

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1: I also have to read myself to sleep. (i actually dreamed about the hobbit last night :eek: )


2: Somteimes I dream about the forums.


3: I think Pepsi tastes like regurgatated sugar water.


4: I sometimes think of ways that I want to die. (nothing suicidal though)


5: I hate brushing my teeth, toothpaste almost makes me sick to my stomach, the average of brushing my teeth is like every other day...once i went a week without brushing, i'll NEVER EVER do THAT again...


6: Nobody dares me to do anything, so I dare myself...


7: I don't want to learn how to drive. It's never REALLY interested me for some reason.


can't think of anymore...i'm tired...

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1) I ALWAYS have to twich something in my left hand when I'm not using it. Keys, loose change, a small knife, a watch... it can be anything! *is twitching keys right now*


2) I just can't drink Pepsi, Coca Cola, Perrier Water and all other gazified(sp?) beverages. *shudders*


3) I can't whistle! Never been able to do it, and I probably never will.


4) As I mentionned before, I suffer from apiphobia. Don't let bees, hornets or wasps near me, please!! :(:o

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1. I always have to have something in my mouth, fingers, thumb, pens, paper, plastic, gum, anything but I have this oral fixation and I chew on anything even metal...


2. There always has to be something in my hands or on my lap...like a notebook or something...and I can't just sit, I have to fidget with stuff, gets me in alot of trouble ^^;;


3. I talk to myself alot...whole conversations and the scary thing is, I never know what I'm going to say to myself...


4. When I get a song stuck in my head, it really gets stuck there...like one time I had a song stuck in my head for a year...


5. I also get words stuck in my head...like "I'm ready I'm ready!" or "Cute but not too cute." and I'll just say them whether I should or not and even when people aren't there...


6. I curse every other word when I get mad...the f word seems to be my favorite.


There's so many more...but I'm not gonna bore everyone to death with them hehehe

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more stuff....


I sometimes talk the game characters through the game. And the other day i found myself yelling at opponents in soldier of fortune 2 OUT LOUD.


I always play with what little of my beard i have, i pretend to pull it out, it's annoying when my mom makes me shave it off and there's nothing left to tug on, so i go looking for dandruff...


Sometimes I find myself doing something incredibly smart...today I had to move something very heavy, it had cockroaches and spiders in it, and i didn't want to carry it, i knew i could, but i didn't want a roach to crawl up my arm and ruin my dignity, so i stood there for like 5 minutes thinking of what to do and i tried to put it in a recycle bin and haul it away, but that didn't work, so i finally remembered there was a dolly and so i put it on and hauled it out...i was full of myself then for not doing something my dad would've done. hehehe

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2. Sleep. I must read myself to sleep.- Rhett


Yeah, me too...


3) I can't whistle! Never been able to do it, and I probably never will.


Same here! I can't snap my fingers either...


Just so it looks good ;)


I always analyze everything I did during the day before I go to sleep. I wonder what would've happened if I had done some things differently...


... Can't think of anything else.

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1) I HAVE to click the mouse buttons when I'm holding them mouse. It's an instinct. It doesn't matter which button, though. For example, in Mysteries of the Sith I spontaneously bunny hop even when there's no enemies in sight. My friend gets annoyed with me because when I use her computer, I constantly click the mouse for NO REASON. :D


2) I act like a girl sometimes. In fact, more than some times. I've been told I think more like a girl than a guy. A gender-guessing test I took told me I was definitely female. I took it three times, no less. (Not at the same time, of course) It got almost everyone else correctly. All the other wrong guesses were girls who it thought were guys. (And in case you haven't got it yet...I am a guy :p)


3) I have characters "living" in my head. However, alot of people I know have this, so it's not a unique "quirk". :D


4) My post count is a quirk in itself. ;)

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2) I act like a girl sometimes. In fact, more than some times. I've been told I think more like a girl than a guy. A gender-guessing test I took told me I was definitely female. I took it three times, no less. (Not at the same time, of course) It got almost everyone else correctly. All the other wrong guesses were girls who it thought were guys. (And in case you haven't got it yet...I am a guy ) -redwing


Whenever I take any personality test I either always get 2 thingies (I'm so bipolar...) or if it shows a percentage I always get in the middle...when I took the gender test I was right in the middle of male and female, it didn't know what I was x_x


And about yelling at stuff...I yell at TV shows...drives everyone crazy ^^;;

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I can't snap my fingers either...it just doesn't work for me.


I can crack my jaw (like craking your fingers, but makes a louder noise) at the joint where my jaw meets my skull on the right side.


Another quirk is my taste in music. I once bought Rammstein (heavy industrial metal rock) and Cat Stevens (folky music) at the same time.


I also tend to get really deep into fandom of cultish stuff. SW is one, also the Evil Dead trilogy, and now I'm being indoctrinated into the Anime stuff by one of my friends.


I go to bed at 2 am or so everynight, even though I have early classes (but I'm a college student, so this really isn't very quirky).

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Originally posted by Rogue15

hehe i like to double click on text so it highlights itself and goes back to normal and i repeatedly do it. :D

Me too!! In addition, I always highlight text following the beat of the tune I'm listening to at the same time!


*has always music playing when browsing the net*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can crack my jaw (like craking your fingers, but makes a louder noise) at the joint where my jaw meets my skull on the right side.

1)same here! but i don't mean to! it just happens every time i open my mouth to wide. it's weird.:)

2)i also crack my neck and fingers unconciously.

3)i always turn on the radio or a cd every night when i go to bed.

4)when i go to bed, i never can get to sleep for a while b/c my brain's to active. i always think to much, a/b every little thing. that's also weird! :D


that's all i know for now! :D

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1) I always read myself to sleep as well, though i normally have to force myself to stop reading and go to sleep on schoolnights.


2) I always tap my pencil rapiddly in class. And the weird thing is that i don't even realize i'm doing it until someone yells at me to stop.


3) Music holds no power over me!!! I don't have a single music CD or radio/cd player except my computer, which i rarely use for music. If i do listen to music it is normally only music without lyrics like theme songs or game music.


4) I talk to video game characters out loud, especially ones from RPGs.


5) I don't dream. Well, i don't remember them anyways. The last dream i remeber happened about 10 years ago.


6) I go to bed fully clothed. This may not sound like to big of a deal, but no one else i know does it. I wear a t-shirt, shorts, and socks to bed. I especially hate sleeping without socks on.


7) I sleep in late in my own house (i mean, REALLY late), but when i stay at friends' houses i wake up at like 8:00. I'm at a loss to explain it.

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1.I almost never use my alarm clock. Mostly because I'm an early riser, but when I do need it, I always wake up a few minutes before it goes off.


2. I dream a LOT. And sometimes they come true. It's pretty wierd.


3. I can't whistle, but I can snap my fingers.


4. I don't listen to music. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that well, I don't listen to it that much. (Unless its soundtracks. I like to listen to the SW and JP soundtracks)


I may think of more later. I'm pretty normal for the most part. ;)

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Its odd, but i often find myself explaining to myself how or why things work. I don't know why but i do it all the time. If i can explain it to myself then i already know how it works so i wouldn't need anyone (especially myself) to explain it too me. Its weird.

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I usually analyze things WAY to much. i.e.: like i said, when i go to sleep, i think a lot. well, 1 time i was just thinking, "hey, wouldn't it be cool to be able to freeze time?" but then i'm like, "no, as a matter of fact, that wouldn't be cool. i wouldn't be able to move or even breath b/c the air particles would be frozen to and would stay in place. bummer.:( " see? i'm really weird like that.:D

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