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je weet dat er een nederlander hier moderator is? Paragon Leon.

hij, Young David and ik hebben het er al een keer over gehad om deze forums maar eens over te nemen :D. maar ja met 3 Nederlanders schiet je niet veel op. maar gelukkig komen er steeds meer nederlanders bij.

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Guys whats up with this Pim Fortuyn (sp) guy? He seems like bad news, yet the news reports say he is favourite to take power! A former Marxist turned far-right politician??? This guy sounds and looks like a lunatic!

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Originally posted by duder

Guys whats up with this Pim Fortuyn (sp) guy? He seems like bad news, yet the news reports say he is favourite to take power! A former Marxist turned far-right politician??? This guy sounds and looks like a lunatic!


Pim fotuin is like Darth Vader Hes evil but theres still good in him. :p

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Nog geen 4 replies en we hebben het al over Pim Fortuijn.


For you info, Duder, Fortuijn wasn't exactly a Marxist and right now he's not extreme right. The media's been trying to put him in one of those corners.

Holland is not suddenly going to turn into Afghanistan, you know..


Maar goed. Ik ben hier inderdaad moderator. Kunnen we de beleefdheid opbrengen om anderen te laten delen in de fun ?

Met andere woorden; zullen we het maar bij engels houden ?





(FYI: after many diversions, i asked to keep it all in english)

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon


For you info, Duder, Fortuijn wasn't exactly a Marxist and right now he's not extreme right. The media's been trying to put him in one of those corners.

Holland is not suddenly going to turn into Afghanistan, you know..



Hehe, no need to jump to the defensive Leon, all I can go by is media talk, which states that he was a former marxist, turned far-right wing politician, such a jump in lolitics really makes me consider how trustworthy this man is. I'm more concerned about the rise of the far right, rather than Holland turning into Afghanistan!!! I mean WTF are you talking about?! :D

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Yes.... Ikt zegge butzer igen fraut, and all that..... :eek:


or in binary,






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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Je suis tres confuse...

why are you confused :D :D


Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Yes.... Ikt zegge butzer igen fraut, and all that..... :eek:


or in binary,






you know there was a time when i realy could read that... but i lost the paper with the translations :(


and that Pim fortuijn stuff.... I DONT CARE!.. im not realy into politics.... lets just say that i mostly dont agree with almost everything the goverment does... but that is my opinion.


@ Jerrodd: where are you from? i mean wich board do you go? jedi knight 2?

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

Ah yes, 101010001010101110101010101001010010101010101! hahaha! :)


Welke naar de heck zitten jullie zegswijze?

oh my good lord of the sith... that was almost a perfect good Dutch sentence :D :D or did you just say some words you know in Dutch :D
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