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Any counter to grip....


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on multiplayer maps that have lots of holes that you can fall through, the other players love gripping me over the edge.I want to know how to counter grip and push.I usually play a light jedi and dont use dark powers.Any help:confused:

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For grip you Hit Push wile in the hold and it will push them away from you (i think you need level 3 push)

and i dont think there is a counter for push.... but in levels with holes thats one of the meny weapons a jedi uses... a jedi uses any weapon that is at hand :p that includes holes to drop foes into.

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  • 4 months later...

You know there is a bug that causes the "gripper" 80+ points of damage...


*Hint, it involves doing a move I "whore" over and over as fast as you can until the grip breaks.


*Hint, it only works if he "draws you in" (as in to grip kick you).


Upon release he is flung back and takes around 80 damage.


Hmm...now what could that move be?

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