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What are your goals in life?


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This is a list of goals I intend to achieve by the time I reach 24.


In order I'm intending to complete these goals in from first to 'to be continued'...


Read the entire NIV version of the Bible


Get a part-time job at either a mall, rollerskating rink, theatre, or movie rental


Go to an A+ Training Course


Build my own computer for gaming


Attempt to get a girlfriend


Pass an A+ Certification exam


Get a high-paying job in either networking or building computers


Leave the house and move into an apartment.


Take a trip to Costa Mesa California to watch the first showing of Star Wars: Episode III with Redwing and visit for a week.


Visit a different country; possibly a mission trip for the hell of it. =)


Get married (rare possibility if goal #6 doesn't go as planned...)


Get a gun and shoot the antichrist in the forehead. ;) (please don't turn that into a debate...)

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With that attitude, YD, I'd be worried to! :p Besides, it's best to write down your goals in life. It somehow makes them more real to you. :)


By the time I'm 24?


1. At least be almost be done with college. "computer engineer" AKA "glorified electrician" :D *crosses fingers*


2. Wonder around Europe. Just for a few weeks though. I don't want to completely loose my sense of smell, now do I? <-- JOKE :D


3. Steady girldfriend. :)


4. A robot. I want to build a robot. My brother has already built a few and I'd like to one up him by making a totally awesome one. :D


5. I'd like to at least co-own a business by then.


6. Who knows what else? I guess I'll just see what life sends my way. :)

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well 24 was a long time ago. How about by the time I'm 40? :D


1) Not to have killed any of my students. (they get so annoying at this time of year)


2) Have my doctorate.


3) Have all 6 SW movies on DVD or whatever the next new format will be (you hear me Mr. Lucas??)


4) Not to have wasted all my time responding to posts on these forums. ;P

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"This is a list of goals I intend to achieve by the time I reach 24. "


I'm 25 and I guess I'm looking good from your stand point on life. The age I accomplished things is in brackets.


"Read the entire NIV version of the Bible"


Working on that now. I know the Bible pretty well but haven't the whole thing through yet. [?]


"Get a part-time job at either a mall, rollerskating rink, theatre, or movie rental"


I've done fast food and grocery store, close enough?[17-22]


"Go to an A+ Training Course"


A+ seems kinda useless to me. Did 3 1/2 yrs college for Microcomputer Engineering Technology. [19-22]


"Build my own computer for gaming"


Built several of my own computers although not specifically for gaming.[19]


"Attempt to get a girlfriend"


Did that. [21]


"Get a high-paying job in either networking or building computers"


I work as a Software Developer for a decent amount, not obscene put it supports myself, my wife and our 3 month old daughter.[22]


"Leave the house and move into an apartment."


Been there done that a few times.[20(twice),22]

Bought a house 2 weeks ago.


"Visit a different country; possibly a mission trip for the hell of it. =)"


Been to Australia(I'm Canadian) for work (Sydney Olympics 2000)[turned 24 while there].

Spent a week in Iqaluit as a missionary. It's in nothern Canada, above the arctic circle I believe (??lattitude 63 degrees??).[25]


"Get married (rare possibility if goal #6 doesn't go as planned...)"


Above girlfriend became wife.[22]


As for my own plans:

- Be a good father to daughter and as of yet unborn child[ren].

- Keep serving God.

- Keep my job.

- Keep true to myself.

- Visit more countries. harder now with children.

- Have fun.

- See the Toronto Maple Leafs win a Stanely Cup. *sigh*


Let's hope most of these can happen.

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Before 24:


1. Go to BYU and major in computer science.

2. Go on a mission for my church. (The church of jesus christ of latterday saints)

3. Get married in the temple, (In my church you want to get married in a temple, sealed for all time and eternity.)

4. Get a job in a gaming company or start my own.


Those are my basic goals. If you want in the next 4 years, then:

1. Get a part-time job.

2. Get a powerful computer.

3. Create the best star wars fan film of all time.

4. Start on a computer game.

5. Start writing a novel.

6. And possibley get high school done early.


That's it.



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Keep making straight A's in high school while taking AP classes so i can get a scholarship.


Get into either VaTech or UNC-CH with a full (or close to it) scholarship


Graduate college and grad school with a master in Business and/or Computer Sciences.


Get married (doesn't particularly matter if its before or after 24 as long as i find the right person)


Work for dad in Computer Programming/Consulting business


Be top 25 in the NC USTA tennis league



thats enough for now, i may think of some more before i'm 24. :D

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By 24 I plan on making mid-high A's in Pre-AP and AP classes.


Be in top 1% of my class (right now I am at 2-3%).


Go to a good college.


Graduate college in Comp. Sci, unless I change my mind.


Get a good job.


Get married (not necessarily before I'm 24 years old).


Build a computer.


Maybe travel sometime after college.

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What I'd LIKE to do


1. Marry the women of my dreams, but my idea as such doesn't exsist :(


2. Be in a kickass rock band and make it big


3. Go to Stanford


4. Have the highest GPA in my HS class


What I WILL do


1. Probably remain dateless throughout HS and College


2. I'm kinda in a band, but we suck


3. I'll probably get into Berkly or something or I may be forced in to the University of Arizona


4. This one's pretty good chance wise...

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Graduate with a 1st (looking like a 50-50 chance at the moment).


Get a job at a cool indy cinema as the programmer (this job doesn't entail much money, but I would be happy watching and researching films FOREVER!).


Find a cool, sexy, intelligent, dignified, relaxed girl, sometimes I think I'm only ever gonna attract annoying manipulative types (if you dont like the word 'type' you could always exchange it for 'bitch').





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Goals for my life...hmmm....tough one (I'm almost 22 now, so this isn't by 24, but would be nice)


let's see, there's the completely independent from parents part


get kickass job


kidnap CarrotTop and torture him until he starts dialing 10-10-220


get married (no gf right now, but I'm working on it)


Try to figure out if Liea "always knew" Luke was her brother why did she kiss him so hard?


Become the official 6th Python


Meet Bruce Campbell


ok, so some of these are serious and some aren't...you'll have to geuss which is which. :D

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I have a few goals/dreams/things I really wanted to do:


1. Stand on the field at Yankee Stadium - did it, I was in awe, I stepped on home plate and sat in the dugout too, very cool.


2. Get married to a wonderful girl - In the process, I am going to propose this summer.


3. Become a teacher - In the process, one more semester to go!!


4. Be a starting pithcher for the Yankees - will never happen, but dreams ARE dreams.


5. Have some kids - imagine a bunch of little Kylilins running around, this world would be a better place, see #2


I guess my goals are not too lofty, I am in the process of fulfilling them. Wish me luck!!

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I have goals about the Yankees too! But they mostly involve mooning Roger Clemens :D


I'd actually want to play a sport, but the only one I'm kinda good at (Baseball) has a problem, as I kinda lack in the hitting department, I can field, run, catch and bunt like nobody's motha! but hitting is a problemo...

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Most of mine are secrets but some things i can say....


until i'm 24


Finish Highschool...


Decide what i wanna be


Go to a GOOD college (Stanford/Berkley/MIT...) :D


Do Graduate school


Get a job and make my own money...




take a guess



Get married, kids, be a good dad, be a good granddad, be a good great grandad, die!:D



Throughout this whole process, i ain't givin up computer games :D

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