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A couple of things newbie


"only know have I signed up for a forum for"


I assume you meant to use the word NOW and not know, they are different, consult a dictionary if you don't believe me.


Calling attention to yourself bad idea, search forums for newbie handbook.


Sooner or later one of use will try and kill you, please don't run, it is annoying to chase after your victim.

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Originally posted by K_Kinnison

were still trynig to see if the last one still has some brain activity, and taht blip last night wasn't a fluke


Better then what nitro did. The guy still cannot look at somethign purple without crapping his pants


Those were some good times... *drool*


But not as good as the videos TEH L33T KR3W released after I turned him over to 'em. :D

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me neither... oh wait... yeah they did.. yell at me for being a rogue... it was just after the 'Helix' thing :D


welcome Rebel yell (if the XWA-ers wont i will :D)





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force,

What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander


I assume you meant to use the word US, not USE. They are different; consult a dictionary if you don't believe me.






I did that to show the newbie how foolish somebody is for useing the wrong word.



I'm lazy, I like my kills to stand still so I can test all my medieval weapons on them. When I chase I usually end up just killing them forgeting to torture them.

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