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Quick! Somebody poke out my eyes!

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

I don't know much about either but isn't Ford in his 50's?


This is sure to catch someone elses attention who knows more.


Are you sure you want your sight removed and your eyes poked out?;)





Actually, I think Ford is 60-something... :eek:

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yep. lots of pictures of them out in Star and Enquirer.


Was unable to find any pictures on the net, but I did find this:


Then there are the visions I've been having of the mechanics of the whole thing. (Badbadbad.) Because I'm telling you, there's no way he's ever going to be on top of her. There would be a crunch and then a tinkle like breaking glass, and Callista Flockhart would be no more.





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Originally posted by Clefo

She'll fall through a small crack in the floor eventually, or she'll die from NOT EATING A GODDAMN THING!!! Oy

No worries here, Clefo... If she was REALLY capable of dying from hunger, she would already have a long time ago...


And Rhett, how many times do I have to tell you that Harrison Ford is NOT Han Solo?? Han Solo does not exist! :mad:

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Sure he is, Sherack! Why, I even went out to eat with him and Chewie on Saturday. Then we hopped aboard the Falcon and flew to far off galaxies and hooked up with some alien chicks. Then we made our own lightsabers and joined Luke at the academy and learned to use the force. But then they flew me back here and dropped me off. :(



... But they're coming again next week!



la la la la la la...


*skips off humming the Star Wars theme*

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Sure he is, Sherack! Why, I even went out to eat with him and Chewie on Saturday. Then we hopped aboard the Falcon and flew to far off galaxies and hooked up with some alien chicks. Then we made our own lightsabers and joined Luke at the academy and learned to use the force. But then they flew me back here and dropped me off. :(



... But they're coming again next week!



la la la la la la...


*skips off humming the Star Wars theme*


ok, i got this under control, i've figured it out...


Rhett has been watching a Beautiful Mind and has developed a minor case of Paranoid Schriznophrenia (sp?).


Just so you know, we're sorry for ya man :(




Just so you know some more

Han solo is always gonna be leia's man ;)

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