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Full Throttle 2 Trailer...

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I've been trying everything to get it to work, I've tried DivX players to AVI decoders.


I had one last hope, and it's working.


As I type, I'm converting the .AVI to .MPG, and the decoding process is unlocking the images. I'll upload it if I can. Otherwise, guys, download the tsunami MPeg Encoder.

Do a search for 'tmpg' and get the file. Put the avi file in the file to encode bit, then click begin.


I'll update in a few mins, with the screenshots.


Deepthought2k out.

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It worked.




I'm working on getting the MPG uploaded as soon as.

I'm just signing upto a web hoster that will allow me to get the 5mb file up.


Forget the Action only game many of you are expecting. This harks back to the good old Full Throttle we all know and love.


And yes, Ben loks Awesome.

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I've got it, converted it, and uploaded for all. Mojo, could you mirror this?


[Edit- Direct links don't work apparently, so just copy 'n paste this into your address bar...]





Et viola. Save your applause until you've seen it, and just remember:


You saw it here first, on the Mixnmojo forums.



Later people.


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i wouldnt count on it met, remember what happened last year with the leaked e3 Unreal 2 Alpha? A lot of suing went on, i nearly got sued, only got out of it cause the picture wasnt on my site, i was linking to it instead. I expect someone will e-mail it to you, iv got it, looks sweet! :) Try to get round the firewall

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It was so beautiful...

I laughed...

I cried...



I want it, and I want it NOWWWW...


I am not sure I like Mo's new look though (if it is Mo) because she seems too... comical? I guess? Maybe it's just me...

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Looks Great doesn't it? :-D

I'm so pleased they appear to have got the atmosphere correct. The animation seems suitably exaggerated too :-)


I'm really psyched about this game, looks to be a return to form for lucasarts :-)


Hopefully we can expect one adventure a year. That would be great :-)


Anyhow, roll on 2003!

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I'm getting awfully confused with all these different versions and filenames floating around (I managed to download the video twice, not realizing it was the same one)


So just to clarify, there is only one video around of Full Throttle 2, is that correct?

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Ya! It looks nice, but it should have kept the 2D look.

Anyway, the music still rocks, and Michael Land is still very good! :D


I just hope it doesn't turn up totally wrong, like, action like Tomb Raider.


If it'll do, then it will suck! :p

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I think everything looks a little too goofy for FT, but if they do a good job I don't have any big problem with them taking the sequel in a different direction.


You can't say that its the same as FT1, though. That game was dark almost film-noir comic book style, wheras this one looks much more like a (high quality) saturday morning cartoon.

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