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What's cooler than a Gundam?

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Am I the only one who fails seeing what is soooooo amazingly good with Evangelion? I know I didn't enjoy it, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I watched every single episode in two nights....

Seriously, before I saw it I heard from people that it was the ultimate god like super superior nova must see anime but once I saw it it was...well.... kinda boring...


The Anime series I'm currently watching is "Silent Mobius".


_Favourite Anime Series: not sure, I've seen several great ones but my favourites tend to be to very funny ones (Like "Golden Boy", first episodes were the funniest things I've seen!).


_Favourite Anime OAV (Movie): "Rurouni Kenshin: Chasing Memories", now that's sublime.


It's strange how I find Evangelion to be the worst anime I've seen and Rurouni Kenshin's OAV the best I've seen and that this review says it somewhat resemblace Neon Genesis Evangelion, but in samurai time. Io personally can't spot any ressemblance, Evangelion was nothing compared to this OAV....

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Gundam is cool, but I actually like the pilots better than the mechs. The mechs are kinda just there...in Evangelion, they're very important to the story, and I love the Eva charas as well. Plus the story gets extra points for depth. Well, to each their own...*shrugs* ;)

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I don't know the first thing about Gundam, I've seen a few episodes of Evangelion and I wasn't all that impressed. Transformers rock both of them just on the nostalgia aspect.


As for anime, my favorite series is Fist of the North Star. I think Vampire Hunter D is the bomb. But by far the best Anime movie in my mind is Ninja Scroll, that movie rocks.

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Ninja Scroll used to be my favourite anime movie until I saw Rurouni Kenshin... I think it's known as "Samurai X" in the dubbed version but I'm not sure of that because I always watch something in it's original language and also because Japanese rules.

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Originally posted by Kylilin

I think Vampire Hunter D is the bomb.


I hope you don't mean the original Vampire Hunter D...


I haven't seen the new one, so I'm withholding judgement. The preview looked 1000x better, but it was just a preview...

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Akira was a boy in the hospital/military testing facility where they tried to harness and learn about this power that everyone supposidly has. This power, if tapped, can let humans got to the next stage in evolution, our awakening.


Well, it didn't go verywell, and guess what? Akira, the boy, awoke, and was unable to control it, and WHABOOOOM, no more Tokyo. this started WWIII, winc jap gov't thought that they were nuked or something liek that. Anyway, since then, the pwoer was labled "Akira".

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After Akira's little "Awakening", his body somehow (don't ask....) remained. Well, these military goofs took his body an preformed every known experiment on him. Sliced him up really nicely.

After they did all that, they were worried what remained of Akira's (the boy) body would be enough for him to return in the full, and that would be bad, like at the end of the flick. so, they froze them.


EDIT: With is now LIKE. Major typo, and addend some info

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Well tahnk you very much mister Cracken for this information, I now comprehend the movie a lot more, maybe I'll see it again tomorow.

I think Akira is a movie you cannot fully enjoy if you havn't read the Manga which I didn't...

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I saw Akira first Un-dubbed, no subtitles. soon after it first came out. Now that was a trip to watch :eek:

I think that is Gundam 0083


the first "Gundam" series. during the Adult swim on Cartoon network, personalyl i prefer Cowboy Be-Bop and Pilot Canidate better.


If we are talking about "Mecha" the coolest one hasto be the SDF-1 that is 5 km long, has an entire city in it, carrys it's own wing of Destroids (ground pounding mech) and Veritechs (Flying Mecha) along with a mian cannot that can put the Death Star Superlaser to shame.



yes that is an Aircraft Carrier that turns into an "arm" when it transforms

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SDF-1 may be big, but personally, I prefer the Macross-style Veritechs (not the redesigned Robotech ones).


I love all mecha though, both piloted and AI (like Transformers), so my "favourite" tends to change frequently.


As for Evangelion, I can't watch it (Why? Note what country I'm living in :snear: ), but Animé Invasion just had a run-down of it. It looks cool, but it seems to be one of those surreal "artsy" ones, so a lot of people might not like it.


The EVA designs rock though; I'm using them as inspiration for the inib'tt Scout-caste mech suits in my own SF. :cool:

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