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I'm going to europe ...


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Yea thats right in one week I'm off to europe. I will be gone from these great and humble forums for two and a half weeks. Warning to all the rpgs I am in I will be gone so take over my characters while I am gone or just kill them.


I will be visiting England and France and having a great time with my cousin. Any of you visited these countries or live in these countries? If so anything I should see?



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Originally posted by Young David

Visit the netherlands ... stay away from Amsterdam (unless you like drugs, sex and ... drugs and sex)


But visit the Netherlands and find a new definition of 'flat' and 'wet'.

you are so right :D


oh and Rhett :D...... amsterdam may be our capital.. but it is So not Dutch... if you see amsterdam you think of holland as a drugs sex country.. but only the big cities are like this.. and holland only has like 4 or 5 of them :D

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I leave the thread for a day and I come back and see all these anxoius people ready to get rid of me.;)


Its great to see all this support, maybe there is some type of something that I can bring back?


Thanks for all the great reccomandations for places to visit even though I won't be able to visit, see or do it all.


Also I'm not going to be totally free those two and a half weeks I am going to a scout camp with my cousin, but I might find out more about the nature of england during that week maybe even give a trie at a english accent.


As for france I am ready to make a fool of my self in a attempt to speak the lauguage. I have taken a year of french but I did it over a intependent study course so I didn't get to do much actual talking between me and the teacher. But I'm lucky to have a father who knows the french launguage pretty well.



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Originally posted by Heavyarms

if you know spanish, you'll be ok in france, they can understand you if you speak it, and vice-versa.


Also, don't do anything stupid, like try to sneak in prince harry's room and steal his drugs or something :D

what? hahahah no way.. i never ever met a freanch guy that did trouble to understand you.. the french i met all insisted that i spoke their langiage... they dont do any trouble to understand you...
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Wow, my cello teacher said the same thing wraith 8. I hope they don't get to mad if I slip some english. I am doomed.


I've heard some people say that they are stuck up, is this true?


I don't know what to belive, I guess I will give a report on the french people unless we have a french forummer ...




P.S. No offence to the french it might be that one out of ten, or one of a hundread set a bad example. And I won't belive it for sure unless I see it.

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