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Plo Koon Model!

ET Warrior

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Plo Koon update...

No news is good good news and Ive got no news.


How am I, you ask?

No day off since July 21st, 10:30am to 3:00am every day. I think I still have a family, wouldn't know, haven't seen 'em.


If I can tough this out, so can you.


Plo Koon will arrive in time.


Stay tuned.



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Originally posted by lonepadawan

Umm... that would be Adi Gallila you are thinking of.

Plo (In the movies where he also wields the official BLUE saber) he holds his saber very close to his chest sorta like Qui Gons stance only diagonal.



No Plo Koon also uses a Back-Handed stance but it's not the one that he always uses.

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Originally posted by t3rr0r

nowhere does it say he's telepathic.


are you sure you read his whole Bio cuz i was there yesterday and did say he communicated telepathically. And again Plo Koon does use a Back-Handed stance just cuz it's not in the game doesn't mean he doesn't use it. I also have JPB it's a videogame not an accurate portrayal of ALL the characters stances.

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Originally posted by MysticSpade

are you sure you read his whole Bio cuz i was there yesterday and did say he communicated telepathically.

i read it all multiple times. my only assumption is extrapolation on...


As a Dorin, Koon naturally possessed highly developed extrasensory organs that supplement his already formidable Jedi attributes.
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Plo Koon speaks telepathically in the comics. Not sure if it's explored anywhere else, but it is in there. Unless it is specifically stated that he does not speak telepathically (whether he's capable of normal speach or not), then he does. In the video games, he speaks, but you can't say whether it's telepathically or not, since you don't have a moving mouth. In the movies, he doesn't speak either way. I don't recall him having any lines in any books, though I may be mistaken. So if the entirety of what we know is that he can communicate (whether it seems like normal speech or not in the games), and he communicates telepathically (in the comics), then the result is that Plo Koon speaks telepathically. The only way you can prove he does not speak telepathically is if you find something that says he does not EVER speak telepathically. Otherwise, the closest your going to get is that he can speak normally as well as telepathically. The official LucasFilm stance on Expanded Universe stuff (including books, comics, games, etc) is that if it is not directly contradicted by the movies, then it is official. Its up to everyone to decide what they beleive and don't beleive, but from my point of view, Plo Koon speaks telepathically. If someone has that bit of official proof that he doesn't ever speak telepathically, then please share it. I'm willing to concede that he may also speak normally, but everything I've seen indicates that he is capable of telepathic speech, and uses it as his primary communication method.

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And again Plo Koon does use a Back-Handed stance just cuz it's not in the game doesn't mean he doesn't use it. I also have JPB it's a videogame not an accurate portrayal of ALL the characters stances



I'd like to see where it says (or shows) Plo Koon Using a Rear-Handed Stance. From what ive seen it's Adi Gallia using the Rear-Handed, not Plo. Games may not be accurate but they fall into the same categorey of accuracy as comics and all other expanded universe things.

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Well Plo Koon DID talk in the AOTC novel. He spoke it did not say he contacted their minds or they could hear him in their minds somehow maybe telepathically or something like that.


So Plo Koon CAN talk. at least in the novel.


This is what the novel has:

"Few issues would carry the import of creating a Republic army," Jedi Master Plo Koon remarked.

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I can't wait for that DVD!!!!!


Also, accourding to the SWRPG, it states the Kel Dor (Plo Koon's species) speak both basic and Kel Dor.. their native tongue. That doesn't say he CAN'T speak telepathically, but it does point out that he can talk normally.

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