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Clan [JK2N]


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Originally posted by Deetox187




Not to mention you whore strong stance and get most of your kills with the DFA, sorry but that is a noob move that anyone can use to rack up their score in 1.02 so forgive me if i'm less than impressed. I DFA too but i don't rely on it like that, i take pride that the majority of my kills come by using a combination of the stances and moves. At any rate you might not see me on your server again until you add some more maps to the rotation because i am flat out sick of Bespin every single time. PLEASE add some more maps!


Since when is it required that people play by YOUR rules? You don't like that he uses heavy stance too much, too bad! you think the fact that you use different stances makes you better? Well I have news, its all about who wins the duel, not what stance they win it in.

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One thing I want to see is a lot less bitching. If some one wants to try out and you think they suck ,well then keep your pie hole closed.


It's not your decission on who makes it or not.




And as far as you DSbr ladies go. We don't need you to litter up this thread with your over inflated egos bragging about how good you are.


because no matter how good you might be there is always someone better then you who is just waiting to make you go running home crying to yor momma.






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Originally posted by FatalStrike


Since when is it required that people play by YOUR rules? You don't like that he uses heavy stance too much, too bad! you think the fact that you use different stances makes you better? Well I have news, its all about who wins the duel, not what stance they win it in.


I never said i wanted him to play by my rules you dolt, hell i would say 95% of peeps that play 1.02 whore strong stance (as i'm sure you do too) so i'm plenty used to it. But you see there is a reason why that 95% whore strong, because it is MUCH EASIER TO GET KILLS WITH than any other stance in 1.02. You guys go ahead and take the easy route if you want, at least i have the balls to use the weaker stances for some of my kills. I could whore strong too and my scores would definetly be higher but i don't like fighting like a pussy all the time.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

"We have always openly discussed our intention to eventually recruit some of the best players in the world to be on an officially sponsored JKII.Net clan."


Originally posted by Hey There!

How come the jediknightii.net clan can't make the team consist of their staff? Does that make sense? Otherwise, it's really not the jediknightii.net clan is it? It'll be just a clan that they sponsor.


It will just be a clan that they sponsor so it WILL NOT be the jediknightii.net clan. Thank you for proving my point. It should not be called the jediknightii.net clan becuz it is not the staff that makes it up, rather the best in the world. A clan made up of the staff from jediknightii.net is what this clan should be about.

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ive joined and rejoined clans it doesnt make sense, who wants to join a clan? im happy to be a freelancer, and you DSLR whatever guys, no wonder you always win you freak people out!


Any ^ means that I won't paticitipate in this tournament (but who cares if I do) and that the people in DSRL is really scary. But I might particitpate to be in good sport...

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Well, ya, that should go without saying :cool: I mean, it's not like we come from some special planet where all the moderators, writers, and news-posters dwell :)


We were all drawn to this place because of the games they support. I'm not here saying that I'm as good at JO as I was at MotS - I'm not. But I play a pretty good duel game.

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If people only want to join a clan to say there the best, it doesnt make sense cause you could be the best player in the world without being in a clan.:cool:


And why do people want to join clans? Because to say there the best player? Or because they just want that funky thing in front of their name?:o


One more thing. I will participate, but I'm not the best. I've beat the computer at a saber on Jedi Guardian but that doesn't mean I'm the best. You can only say your the best when you have actually are the best, Not when your going to be the best.;)


I hope I've made my point here.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

What are the criteria for joining? Only the sabre skills?


Good point... What are the requirements/Rules? Will the Clan consist of Saber only? Or a part of the clan plays Saber and part that plays with weapons. I play saber only...

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A Jk2 Staff clan is a good idea :cool:


, it's not like we come from some special planet where all the moderators, writers, and news-posters dwell


*cough* avatar.php?userid=1678&dateline=1012784084 *cough*




i can only count 8 staff, wait that's enough for a clan, slap me.


What's wrong witht he img ta, not working anymore.

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Count me in, why do i see so many people saying "im the best in the world" ?

if you ask me i would say i was "competant" thats about it,

i can beat a lot of people, but ive been beaten by a lot too,

so i have no false expectations, any word on dates/times?

also will there be a ping limit or something??


it would be funny if raven sucked ass at it anyway.. heh...

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