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Kids are ungrateful little bastards


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I'm 13, but I'm mainly a good kid even though my patents nver punished me much (or I can't remember it) and I agree 99% of kids these days are little ****s, yesterday I was out with my dad who had gone to a shop to buy some new curtains and I saw this old man feeding some birds (not pigeons) and this 15 or so year old kid dashes in front of the old man on a bike scareing the birds and nearly giving the old man a ****ing heart attack. I swear I would have beaten him up if he didn't run away like a pussy!

excuse my language please.:(

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Originally posted by eben15

Read The Last Days of Socrates, and you'll see in one part he says basically what you said..."kids these days have no respect for their elders and are mostly little ****s."


that was about 3000 years ago. Its just part of human nature.

I think a line from that upcomming movie: The Road to Perdition says it best : Sons were put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


You got my point exactly. :D

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Originally posted by darthgroovyii

As far as kids now days and they're behavior.........I blame The Osbournes. Someone actually let Kelly make that video.



Not only the fact that is she uglier than a babboon's ass, has no talent other than her father's name, and can't sing for s**t with the worest voice in the business; the video still sucks.

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Originally posted by Vestril ...I happen to think that there are a lot of people out there who are not qualified to be parents...


Not to keep singling you out, Vestril, but how could I have predicted that you, with your apparently self-appointed infinite wisdom, would say something like this?


Sure, there are a very small percentage of people who are not responsible parents, and should have their children legally taken away. But I would in no way characterize that small minority as "a lot". And before you back-pedal, and claim that you actually meant a tiny proportion of the population were unqualifed to bear offspring, let me remind you that you claimed to be a literalist, so we're all going to hold you at your word when you said "a lot of people out there who are not qualified to be parents".


...Children are an AWESOME responability--to be extreme: if you do it right, you can get Gandhi, if you do it wrong, Hitler. They're both people, created by other people, and to an extent parenting is responsible...


I think your sense of the influence of parents is warped, to say the least. Sure, there is a good deal of influence parents have on the way their children are socialized into society. However, one can not overlook the genetic factor as well. Nor the the other external factors that shape the child's view, such as the economic times, the influence of religion, the social community to which the child belongs. All these things, together, mold the child's personality and views. And let's be honest - one might have the best upbringing possible, but if one is psychologically defective, you still get the Hitlers of the world - the psychopaths, and no amount of love or nurture is going to change that.


More realistically, parents are going to get a child plopped down somewhere in the middle of your Hitler-Gandhi spectrum. If it was so easy to have a Gandhi, then they'd be all over the place, and we'd be living in some kind of peaceful, utopian Gandhi-World.


...I just wish that couples wouldn't just walk through the motions, get married, wait a few years, pop out kids--this isn't neccisarily the best way to go, you may not have the time or captial to deal with children, and I think SO many parents today are really irresponsible to that...


Vestril, your portrayal of "couples" is that they just stumble through life like robots, not even self-aware, and wake up surprised one day when they hear a crying baby. While there are obviously unplanned pregnancies, I believe the reality is that most "couples" plan and anticipate pregnancies. However, I will concede that there appears to be a correlation between parental responsibility and education level - not a firm correlation, for there are uneducated people who make great parents, and educated people who make terrible parents. But my anecdotal experience indicates that there appears to be a higher proportion of good parents among the educated than the non. And this isn't meant to appear arrogant, although I'm sure it does - it's merely an observation of mine, which may or may not be representative of reality.


...Anyway, I'm just kind of taking what Vagabond said and adding to it--I think a person should be financially, and emotionally, and mentally ready to have children...


Agreed :)


...I have recently decided that I should not be a father. I'm impatient, strong minded, and a literallist. My father shouldn't have been a problem, he screwed me the hell up, and I don't want to do the same thing to some other poor kid, and certainly not to some other poor kid that I created...


This is delicate, but I had a not-so-perfect father myself. The good that I've brought from that experience is to be the kind of father to my child, that my father wasn't with me. Again, I'm not coming down on you intentionally, Vestril, but all too often I see children blame their parents for their problems. I'd urge you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, take what lessons you can from your experiences, and live the life that you want to live, and not the life that you may feel destined to.


... Now assuming that I wind up in a relationship, and married, I think that as I get older, and more settled in life (say late thirties, early forties) adoption might be something I would want, it adds, rather than subtracts to the problems our world is currently having (too damn many people), and it allows me to be in a place where I have been around, and know how to deal with situations that will come up, and know how REALLY important, and unimportant other things are. I think one of the things my parents did was mis-prioritize, and I think that they did that because they were too young to know better. Or maybe my future wife will step in and say'we're having kids--end of story' and I'll say 'yes dear' :p ...


Adoption is a nobel choice, and I truly admire people that adopt children, but alas I could not do it. This is me being selfish. There is something special I feel toward my daughter, knowing that she comes from myself and my wife, that I do not believe I could feel otherwise. Scientifically, one might explain my feelings as the primal instinct to propogate one's genes. All I know is when I look down at her face and see myself smiling back at me, the feeling is indescribably happy.


...Don't say 'kids these days suck, screw them' because kids haven't changed, there hasn't been some big evolutionary step that made the 'jerk trait' suddenly become dominant ;) it's the parents, and the parenting skills...


I tend to agree. One must raise one's child well, which is no doubt subjective, depending on the parents. However, as I indicated previously, genetics play a significant part in shaping your child's aptitudes and attitudes. To paraphrase Mr. Gump, babies, like life, are like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get.

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i'm only 15, so please take this to heart when you read my comments:


to vestril and the others, the fact that you KNOW why you shouldnt have children (your personallity) rectifies why you SHOULD have children. those pathetic parents that raise pathetic kids are too blind to notice their own flaws, thus their children become a waste of life.


and also, why is everyone judging spoiled kids by the amount of "stuff" they have? I have a $60,000 steinway piano, a $3000 computer, i'm getting a brand new corvette once i can drive, ect. ect. but i am by far no jerk or spoiled brat. i know very well the value of a dollar, although i've never worked for anything i have. some of you may argue that OF COURSE i'm spoiled, but being spoiled means not appreciating what you have. it does not necessarily mean getting everything handed down to you. of course, this leads to getting spoiled.


trust me, the majority of the population of kids doesnt give the finger to bypassing cars.

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I have a friend whom is definitly not spoiled or acts like it. She is also apreciative of what she has. She has scholarship money to help pay most of her tuition, he parents pay the remainder, never taken out a loan, everytime her checkbook drops under her parents deposit and she just pays the over draft fees, she works 2 retail jobs and ass long as she works at least 15 hours a week durring the school year her parents will pay her rent which includes electricity. Now she is not a spoiled brat. She is an appreciative, sweet girl and a great friend, but I dont think she COMPLETELY understands how lucky she is and how fortunate she is.


Until you can claim yourself as Inpedendent, I dont think you can truely understand all there is about it. I think there is a difference and thin line in between that is crossed all the time.


Note: This is not an insult, just food for thought.

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To Wolfman: You're friend seems like a good example of the opposite of what started this topic. I know that most of this thread deals with parenting or specifically bad parenting, but in the end, it still comes down to the choice the child makes. Your friend seems to have made some good choices (Scholarship, working), and that's a testament to her. Don't forget however, that parenting will play a role, in which choices a child will make. Also, your friend may understand and appreciate her luck more than you think:)


To SharaFett: I apologize for making it seem as if everyone who gets things handed to them are spoiled. I said that I have worked for everything I own, and that helped me. There are however, exceptions to every rule, and you appear to be one of them. However, you can see where I'm coming from right? Often, when people are given everything, they don't appreciate it, and think that they can get whatever they want. This often "Spoils" them, and goes along with your definition of "spoiled"as well. You may know a few people like this. Sorry for basing everything around possessions, but that is, unfortunately, the way of the world now. People are judged by what they own, not by who they are.


To Phillio: Sorry to break this to you, but from someone who's been there, it's going to get worse. From a certain point of view. Your parents will become more and more strict because, well, you're 13 now. There are things you can get away with when you're a kid, that you can't once you get a bit older. And stricter isn't always a bad thing. Stricter may mean some more responsibility on your part(which also comes with getting older), and they just want to make sure that you do things right. It also means they care(Awwwww). It's their job to shape you into the adult you're going to become, and it's nice to see they take it seriously.


To Vagabond: I agree with you about the "father effect". My dad wasn't around a lot, and I think that I actually spent more time with him in the the first few years after my parents divorced than I did for the whole time they were married. I don't see him that much anymore though, kinda sad. But, I digress. I think that the experiences I had with my father, will help me to be a better one. Experience is learning to not make the same mistake twice, and I've learned not to make the same mistakes my father did. But that doesn't mean I hate him or that I'm screwed up because of him. No one's perfect, and mistakes are how we learn. Flaws are just as much a part of us as our strengths, and for the same reasons. I also, agree with you about adoption. My brother is adopted. Notice I said "Brother" not "step brother" or "legal brother", or anything like that. He is my father and mother's son, and my brother, and no one can tell us any different. I hope you get where I'm coming from. And Vagabond, you seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders, and have taken a step in the right direction. I think you'll be a great father, and your daughter's going to turn out just fine:)

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I'm sure some of you have seen this before but it's a good measure of a person......





The Invitation


It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.

I want to know what you ache for

and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.


It doesn’t interest me how old you are.

I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool

for love

for your dream

for the adventure of being alive.


It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon...

I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow

if you have been opened by life’s betrayals

or have become shrivelled and closed

from fear of further pain.


I want to know if you can sit with pain

mine or your own

without moving to hide it

or fade it

or fix it.


I want to know if you can be with joy

mine or your own

if you can dance with wildness

and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes

without cautioning us to

be careful

be realistic

remember the limitations of being human.


It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me

is true.

I want to know if you can

disappoint another

to be true to yourself.

If you can bear the accusation of betrayal

and not betray your own soul.

If you can be faithless

and therefore trustworthy.


I want to know if you can see Beauty

even when it is not pretty

every day.

And if you can source your own life

from its presence.


I want to know if you can live with failure

yours and mine

and still stand at the edge of the lake

and shout to the silver of the full moon,



It doesn’t interest me

to know where you live or how much money you have.

I want to know if you can get up

after the night of grief and despair

weary and bruised to the bone

and do what needs to be done

to feed the children.


It doesn’t interest me who you know

or how you came to be here.

I want to know if you will stand

in the centre of the fire

with me

and not shrink back.


It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom

you have studied.

I want to know what sustains you

from the inside

when all else falls away.


I want to know if you can be alone

with yourself

and if you truly like the company you keep

in the empty moments.



© Oriah Mountain Dreamer, from the book The Invitation

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Every generation complains about "kids these days, there so disrespectful". Even your grandparent grandparents would have complained about the kids being so disrespectful.


I will say that there are some kids who are annoying. Like when I'm walking along a street one might run in front of me and point there hand at me like a gun and say bang bang. These kids I have no time for, usually I just ignore them, but if it happens again I will probably do something to scare the kid so he learns not to do it again at a young age.


I myself have been working since I was 9 1/2 and am extremely responsible with my money. I even have a budget and am now going to be 19 next week. However, I didn't exactly have much money to show for after these years because my mum was making me pay for my own life insurance and I was earning a small wage at that time. My dad still calls me lazy however. :rolleyes:


Some parenting advice I could offer would be tell your kids something so they learn the easy way, but if they decide to do it anyway which is learning the hard way let them look after there own consequences. I saw a lot of kids doing drugs in high school because they could easily hide behind something like there parents. I didn't do anything like that because I knew if I get in trouble with the police my parents would only say "well I told you so" and that would be it. I would have to deal with the consequenses.

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wow, after reading some of your guy's posts you seem to basically despise this generation, i agree with the guy who started this thread and i think parents need to be harsh on their kids when it comes to punishment cuz i've almost hit a couple of da little bastard when i'm driving around cuz they think they're invincible and nothing bad will happen to them, well i know if/when i have kids i'm gonna beat their asses into obedience and manners, i think you should all do the same instead of complaining (i didn't read ALL of the posts so don't write back b*tching me out cuz that's not what you were saying) so your kids will follow your example and so on and so forth :D just my 2 sense

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I feel this will be a good thing for lot of you Parenting style


and to add to this thread, here this palce is fileld with junkies (glasgow,scotland) who have children who are the worst breed of *******s you'll ever see, they too become junkies and have no respect for anything, But not all here (well 86% about) aren't and don't flip people off, most are decent kids who aren't spoiled but then there's that small percentage who make it look as if all kids are evil hellions.

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Originally posted by ep2 Anakin


you'd get drunk off one beer


please please post in single posts!




no one cares about post count, no one thinks ur a better person if u have a higher post count so please. spare me my sanity and dont do it :'(


there are ways to get around it!

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Well yeh, this palce is filled with junkeis in parts. There's palces were you can find about 40 needles in a quiet spot, like there#s an abandoned superstore that's knocked down, there's a fence outside with a hole in it, when you walk by there's a pile of needles there, along with acid and other junkie material.

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