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WIP: Ki Adi Mundi


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taken from my posts on the polycount message boards. I hope this helps anyone that reads em...


things that need to be done-


*flesh tones- add blues into shadows and receses and reds/pinks into highlights (cheeks etc)


*Cloth- all it really needs is more texture and some lighter areas. Texture could be done with a simple overlay.


*the boots are in dire need of some work done on them. More highlights again.


*the whole skin needs more colour variation... to make it look and feel more real.


example of the flesh-




Here all I have done is firstly added in some reds and blues on a new layer set to softlight. Then on the original layer smudged the different features together a bit and then gone in with a 2 pixel brush or even 1 pixel and added in some highlights and lightened the beard. then with a slightly larger brush added highlights to the cheek to make it more pronounced which meant the eye socket could be brought forward as it was too dark and inset for a good character. then finally added in some dark areas next to the highlights and finsihed it off with a bit more smudging here and there... I hope this helps.


Remember when doing a character skin, at least in my own experience, based on an existing character it is important not to just get the everything in the right place but also to give it a sense of reality and even to exagerate certain pronounced features to make it more recognisable.. such as the eyesockets being lighter therefore making him look more good and jedi like (i think)


I tried to not change the size of the eyes... it is mostly just an optical illusion caused by having it lighter around the eyes... think women making their eyes look bigger (therefore more sexy) with black eyeliner.... simple and easy! Also try adding a shadow on the eyeball as that gives it more depth and stops it sticking out so much giving him the mental "i'm gonna kill YA!" look.

hope that helps.


A good skin that just needs a little work to really bring it out.


I hope that helps anyone who reads!


Arco:deathii: \m/

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what do you get when two-face from batman meets ki-adi-mundi from star wars?! j/k arco.


seeing the halves of the skin together like this is very helpful in being able to decribe the pros and cons of each. i'm assuming that arco's version is on the left, so i'll be referring to arco's as left and grafox's as right.


- i think the skin tones/colors themselves are more "genuine" in the right one, but need to be blended together like the left one.


- the facial hair on the left one looks more realistic.


- i agree with having less white around the eyes themselves (less highlight), but the skin color around the left one makes it look like he has a blackeye. maybe the right eye skintone needs to fade a little more like the left one.


i'm torn - maybe ki-adi-mundi can become the best of both worlds? i dunno ... just my 2 cents.

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The area around his eyes is still a little too dark. Right now it looks like his eye sockets are sinking into his skull. I think if you lightened the dark areas a little and blended the lower half of the purple areas into the lighter skin more, he'd look less decrepid. Otherwise, it's looking like its about ready to be released.

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Grafox, could you mail me the updated skins? thanx


Looks like the taunt sound is gonna be somthin' like "Your mother" hehe. Are Jedi's allowed to say stuff like that??? :)


No one was able to record Ki's audio from Jedi Power battles (Dream Cast), the only option left was TPM DVD.


my next project if i have time, and if Grafox is down with it too, that would be cool!

Even Piell (very early HEAD test)

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