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Guest King Andrei

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not me...


if your planning to do something mean like sign him up in certain places or send him bad e-mails i'd ask you to reconsider, because that's the sort of thing his kind of people would do, and if you do it to him, then that makes you no different than him.




But you would never do that, would you?:D

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Maybe he could be a lutenait that can be killed in revange for the death of the great Sherack...



Sherack he is such a loser what about the greats the greats before there were greats such as the cave men who had no mail let alone internet they would throw rocks they are the greats




oh Boba Rhett saying that I should stop spamming has nothing to do with the topic so QUIT SPAMMING

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Wait... I have to bring this up. Was Viper really a spammer, or a flamer. Cause it seems, if my memory serves me right, that he was a king idiot/flamer, he picked fights with everyone and then flamed away.


Can someone set me straight if he really was a spammer, or just a king-sized flamer?


LOL! King-sized flamer! That has more meanings than one! :D

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

Artoo i would like he was both...



I flamed yes..


But when he was here i post a lot of flames...


So i would say he was a Flamming Spammer..


He SPAMMED to 100 or so posts, then he got banned. He came back and FLAMED everybody... quite a few times, so they banned his IP. He proceded to come back twice, and flamed some more...


... Then we contacted his ISP. :D

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by Lord Fergie

are you moking me king of ( fill in the blank) ( something dirty will get you no where)


Hey, who the hell are you and how'd you get banned?

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