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Its good to be back ...


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Yes, my 3 week trip to europe has come to a close and I am back. It will be a while before I am back on full, that is untill my fathers laptop is back. He lent to my uncle while we were gone but he hasn't returned it yet so it will be a while.


I will be saving my trips report for later, I still have quite a few things to catch up with, but I will try to report back as soon as I can.


I have to go on to a few other sites, but I will be back as soon as I can.



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Thanks for the warm welcome back! I added 7 countries to my count of those I have visited in my life (Besides the USA) which was origanly zip. I had never been out of countrie untill I landed in england. From which I journeyed onto France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, and some really small country which I can't spell at the moment.


I will give a full account of my trip sometime next week when I get my laptop back from my uncle.


Thanks again for the warm welcome. I was only gone three weeks ...




P.S. I may be able to get some clips and pics in two or three weeks.

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

Thanks for the warm welcome back! I added 7 countries to my count of those I have visited in my life




You passed my countries-visited count! :'( (1... the USA ;))


Welcome back... *just saw the thread, i realize it's a bit late*

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I've been to the Ozarks... That's kinda like going to another country. :D


You can say that again Rhett. :D

In-between hillbilly wrestling (yes there is a proffesional league) and the trees, well it's almost like another country. I'm not sure which but, it's almost like another country.


Oh and Sithcloak, did your vacation turn out anything like National Lampoons European Vacation? :D

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