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Best of: "What new civilization would you like?"


After the 3 polls, these are the most popular civs, which one would you pick out ?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. After the 3 polls, these are the most popular civs, which one would you pick out ?

    • The Hutt Clan
    • Mon Calamari
    • Chiss
    • Bespin
    • New Republic
    • Black Sun
    • Corellians
    • Kaminoans
    • Bounty Hunter\\\'s Guild

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Compa. Really. Who precisely has been making points about the Hutts?

Apart from jcb and I showing how any of Windu's ideas about the Hutts are completely incorrect, I don't think anybody has proposed any Hutt stuff. Unless you support Windu. if you do.... :atat: (shoots you)

"Whats the point of adding New Rep and Imp Remnant?"

What was the point of adding Confederacy and Republic?

We are in a new age, and this can be shown with these new civs. The 'rebels' are now the established government, the New Republic and as such wouldn't have the unfixed, outpost-ish, terrorist, raiding, etc. look and tactics of the Rebel Alliance. They would be more like the Republic than the Rebels, at least the way I see it.

They're fighting a completely new enemy- the Imperial Remnant. Completely different to the original Empire, they are not the main established power. This civ could incorporate much of the 'empire' shown in books after the capture of Coruscant by the Rebels. They would have different technology, units and strategies- they might not use the same "brute force" (lets kill em all with At At masses) tactics of the original Empire, and though they might have the same Stormtroopers, there would be many other noticeable differences. I won't give you a list, as other fans would have very different ideas to mine and I don't want to contradict them.

Sure, these are EU based civs, but so basically is Mon Cal.


Chiss and Noghri- These, along with maybe the Bounty Hunters Guild, are IMHO the least possible civs to incorporate.

Chiss. I've said it before. I've had huge discussions about it. I shall say it again, and from now on refer back to this post.


Chiss- they may be a nice idea, but where'd you draw the material from?

The Thrawn trilogy. Yay. A single Chiss. What does it show about them? Or more appropriately, about this single chiss? He's a freakishly good war tactician who likes art. :thrawn:

The Hand of Thrawn. Ok, some more chiss. I read it ages ago, but what does it show? Some more freakishly good Chiss warriors. And a big hand thingy. (correct me on that if I'm wrong) ;)

Other than that- a bartender in JK2, Jedi Outcast. Shows there are all kinds of Chiss. Including seedy, corrupt, incomprehensible bartenders. I'm sure they'd make a great unique unit.

Not to diss the Chiss- or any other civ- but for some of the less mentioned ones, WHERE are you going to base all the GB stuff for them on?

At least Mon Cal, Imp Remnant, New Rep, Smugglers and even Noghri show signs of having- I think you made a list of neccesary things for a civ- a working economy, examples of architecture, units, etc. to draw upon. Not Chiss.

Noghri. Well, we all love the Noghri. We all- at least those who have read anything about them- also know that they are amazingly, and utterly, deadly.

An entire civ of cold-blooded, sharp-minded, ferocious, subtle, silent, swift...


Not to mention many of them have excellent piloting skills and would have some kind of a navy.

Unless you wanted to completely turn game balance on its head, and throw it out the window, and murder it, in a very terrible way, such as boiling it until its almost dead and then slowly removing its limbs, then crushing its torso and head in a garbage smasher, etc...

OR change the Noghri so much, and make them so much weaker than we know them to be, that they are practically unrecognisable as those from the books...

Noghri are impossible.

BUT my personal idea- and, as of many things, I've said it before- I think that Noghri would be a very cool Republic bounty hunter. OK, this is not our usual idea of Noghri-a huge bunch of them wielding blasters and taking out Jedi- but it's a lot better than a whole civ. And it'd be vaguely realistic (they must figure into the New Rep some way) and it would be fun to do.

Argh. Why is there no noghri emoticon? :(


Um. Iballin. No offense, but have you seen Ep 1? Do you know anything about the Sith?

Maul is a Sith. His planet.... I don't believe you knew this, but he is a Zabrak from Iridonia. I know nothing about the Zabraks, but I know that they are definitely not all like Maul. I don't even know whether they all have horns, or red skin, but the tatoos are Sith, not Zabrak.

An entire civ of Darth Mauls.... go into the Scenario Editor and put a huge army of Darth Mauls on the map, against some other civs base.

Mmm. Yes. Nice and balanced, a rather fair game all in all.


Honestly... I hope you were joking.

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In my opinion, Tatooine needs to be represented as a civ, and the only civ that it can be represented by is the Hutts' Now dont start with this 'Nal Hutta' stuff, in the movies the hutts are only on tatooine, and as Qui-Gon says in ep1, tatooine is controlled by the hutts. Now tatooine is a very important planet in Star Wars with very distinctive and unique architecture, lifestyle and inhabitants. THAT is why there should be a Hutt civ.

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CorranSec, The time laps I agree with, but if you look at the wookies in the movies all you see is chewie. If you look at mandolorians all you have is jango and boba. Both did not have structures or anything else in the movies. doesit make any sense??:fett::jango::slave::confused:

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1. Chiss. I know there's not much info, but I like them so much I MUST have them in an expansion.


2.Vong. They are really cool and there's lots of info about them.


3. Hapes. There is a reasonable amount of info and they are pretty cool.


4. Mon Calamari. They are cool, but they would have to have some made up units.


5. Black Sun is cool, and a reasonable amount of info.


6.Kardde's orginazation.

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Corran, you KNOW I don't support Windu (no offense). Any way, you're right, I must have gotten confused.


I'll stick with Mon Calamari.


Just as a thought........ I don't think I would buy a New Republic/Imperial Remnant Expansion....... most people would just say, they're the same as Rebels and Empire........ and marketing is the most important point in this games..... just keep that in mind.

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I agree about the not buying of an Imperila remnant/new republic expansion. To me it would just seem like a waste of money.


Also, whats so bad about supporting me? I still think the Hutt's should be put in as a new tatooine civ, if any new civ's are made.

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i don't think that we should bother with a new republic just give the rebel allinace all their new fighters and give a variety of bonuses to other civilizationsand for youzzhan vong i changed my mind about them since i finished reading the book again they would have to destroy planets to make ships they are way to powerful to balance the game they would have to be putin as a shadow of their glory and for the empire and imperial remanent keep empire scrap this idea pf an imperial remanent instead give the empire a really expensive sheild upgrade Thrawn equipped tie innterceptors with sheilds and tweak their civ addingg new units taking some away though they already have some of those units though because did you know AT-PT's where designed by the old republic for use by the republic but they were lost on the Katana dreadnought fleet and thrawn found that fleet after the fall of the empire so in away the empire is already the imperial remanent Chiss definetly we know quite a bit about them they would have uniqu technology's like Chiss Intuition which would upgrade accuracy and make troopers or mechs or aircraft stronger but they would lose sensor array tech because they are a bit arrogant and they would have the best sith good air

standard sea similar to empire so much in the games has been made up there are no seas on geonosis yet the confeds shipyard is geonosian looking their are no seas obviously on courscat so what's the point of a republic Navy the chiss would have something like Sith purge alredy researched for them since they are a very devoted and finatical people maybe their fighters would look like /0o0\ all conected together chiss air would be good though because we know they are hyperspace capable because thrawn came to the empire and also they would have other technologies like Chiss it would add a much neeeded civ to the game their are going have these 8 in from segb and cc and they'll also have to add on another 8 so they'll have to pick good civs and their can't be a smugglers alliance in the game they wpuld need a fixed economy to build units they use ships what about mechs troopers buildings sea jedi sith ? the same pretty much applt to the black sun and hutts i'll give a list of what i think should be in swgb2


i'll explain why after the list


1. The Chiss {speciality = air troops mechs Sith }


2.The Mon Calamari {speciality = air sea Jedi }


3.Yuzzhan Vong {speciality = air troops heavy weapons }


4.Correlian Alliance { speciality = troops mechs sea }


5.Ewoks { speciality = sea troops heavy weapons }


6.Separtist Union { speciality = air mechs heavy weapons }


7.Givin { speciality = air troops economy }


8.Hapes Consortium { speciality = air jedi mechs }


1. the chiss would have the best sith beacause sev'rance tann was a very good sith all round they would have good air because thrawn went to the empire in a chiss ship and their homeplanet is along way away from courscant troops because they are a clever and strong strategic race and mechs because thrawn used a lot of chiss equipment conquoering the unknown regions not imperial equipment.


2 despite my opinointhey would be good they would have good sea rivalling that of the gunagns but their shipyards would be different to normal moncalamari buildings because it would be a quarren building and also they would have good air because they are shipbuilders and jedi because Clighal a mon calaamari is a jedi a good one at that.]


3.would be good as well they would have an aversion to mechs jedi and sea because they don't use mechanical things they are without a home planet they are space based and they are not in the force they are excellent at destorying buildings their air would have to be good since like i said they are spacebased


4.the correlians consider themselves seperate from the republic so they would be a good choice they have strong ground forces and beacuse their planets are 50% sea their navy must be good their troops will be good beacuse they make blasters and mechs


5.ewoks propably wouldn't work but they might they would have a speciality of heavy weapons but they would have to like like something out of aok so would thier troops but they are small and agile so their troops would be good and they have a good navy we know that beacsue they have lake villages in the MIDDLE of lakes.


6. the separatist union would be good because it would add more depth to the game they would have good air though because they too are based in space but would have good ground forces beacause people like the trade federation are members of it.


7. the givin are in the books we know what their ships liik like they are described it also tells us that half the ships in the galaxy are made by the givin so they would have the best air force in the game troops because the givin can survive in the vaccum of space for a while and they make weapons and their economy would be good because it is set up an unpredictable planet and they would have enhanced resoucre gather rates.


8.they would have good air because their air force killed an entire yuzzhan vong fleet bigger than the hapan fleet we know quite a bit about them too beacuse they are described about in the books they would have an equivalent of a jedi order because their priests are really force adepts and they would have good mechs because their consortium is like an empire and you can't build an empire without good ground forces.


sorry it's so long but it's important to get the right civs in for good reasons

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

what are the 'hapes'?


Also, i disagree about the chiss. There is NOTHING about them in the movies, except for a possible glipse of one, so what is there to build a civ with?


And of course there is absolutly nothing about the Royal Hapan in the movies either.


I say you get screwed if you stick to cannon because so much is missing. Plus the afterstories are so great they should be cannon. EU rules! and I will NEVER submit in that arguement no matter how hard you try.


BTW, The Royal Hapan is a humanoid race (maybe human not entirely sure here) They live in a system that is guarded by several nebulas so they were discovered late and mostly kept to themselves. They are a very complex Monarchy with many relatives in the royal family openly attacking the Queen (also the Queen rules. The King is basically a diplomat and a Warchief) Since they have kept to themselves most outsiders are forcefully turned away by the Hapan Royal Navy, which is almost large enough to rival the New Republic's. Although they have a large navy they are usually somewhat behind on technology because of their nuetral relationship to all. (as seen in THe COurtship of Princess Leia, when the Hapans want Fast Repeating Cannon Tech) Teniel Djo (Queen) and Prince Isolder (King) had a duaghter who was a Jedi. Teniel Ka. IN the struggle with the Vong Teniel Ka went on to take the Queenship when her mother died.


They are one of the cooler races in SW EU behind the Vong and Chiss. And don't worry. Soon many things will be revealed about the Chiss. They are sure to join in against the Vong. Oh wait they won't be revealed because they arn't cannon...Your loss bud.

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I think the Mon Cals would be the best bet. They had their own war with the empire and we've seen alot of their units. And unlike the Vong, Chiss, and Hapans, their primary interaction is done during the space the movies cover. Too many civs is bad (EE, AoK), because not all (actually very few) get played and there isnt alot of variety.

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Yes but their entire action is done in SPACE. Mon Cals are notorious ship builders. They are fragile. Even in their own environment (No can swim the waters of Mon Cal...because there's ALLWAYS a bigger fish). For a land based game Mon Cals would NOT be a good choice. Vong would have to top out on the best choice...simply because we know what they have. The books have detailed many of their units. We know their space units as equally as their land units partly because of the fact of a heavy Jedi intervention. So for a land game these are a perfect fit...except they don't fit the "Mold" LEC has set for GB.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Mon Calamari would work anyway.Just as wookiees.


Unfortunatly no. Wookies were already set up. They are a strong very physically powerful race. They kept up with technology and are good mechanics.


Mon Cal are a fragile race. Not really physically strong, but at least they have their wits about them. So far all we know about them is their Space worthyness. Footsoldiers almost seem out of the question...where as footsoldiers with the wookies was a given. So you have to create a totally new aspect of the Mon Calimari...the dirt side army. If this game had space units (besides the cheats) then this would be a different story...BUT it isn't this game is a ground heavy game...Mon Cals are a space heavy society.


Of course there should be two new civs, the Hutts and Mon Calamari.


Main reason is i think they have the most material to make a civ


Once again you missed Vong. Vong HAVE the MOST material to make a civ. The books detail many of their units both land and air. The Vong are equally powerful on land and air. They have been discribed better then either the HUtts or the Mon Cal you speak of. BTW, the only time I've EVER heard of Hutts banding together is when the Vong attacked Hutt Space...But do you know who did most of the fighting? The Human lackies. The small armies the various Hutts had built around themselves. I'd like to see a Hutt quick draw...I really would...Or a Hutt weilding a lightsaber and jumping around like Yoda*ROTFL* no I don't really think Hutts would be a good civ...all we have are personal yahts to go on. Do you want their Assault Mech to be the Sail Barge? If you remember it was blown apart from one hit of a turbolaser.


BTW, the Vong could fit the mold though...I tried working it out...they could indeed.

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Vong are a decent idea, but I's still prefer to see all the movie civs dealt with first.


And Mon Cal do have ground troops...their commandos did a good job in the "Dark Empire" comics' Battle of Mon Calamari, and their ground troops were integral in the SW: Rebellion game. I do think that their weakest aspect would be troops, but by giving them excellent navy and air this would be dealt with easily.


And no one (I hope) is actually proposing that the actual Hutts fight...we're talking about a civ based on their thugs, guards, and mob soldiers, etc, with the actual Hutt species as the leaders....OF COURSE the civ would be made up of their lackeys...that's the whole point.


Still hoping for Bespin, Ewoks, Hutts, and Mon Cal....someday, someday.

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thats right jcb, i mean with the Republic you dont see the senators fighting, so why would the hutts fight?


darth fergie - you conveniantly left off the part in my quote about civs being within the movie's time boundries. I really dont think that adding lots of EU races is a good idea, and if you look at the civs that have a presence during the timeline of the movies, the hutt's feature heavily, as do the mon calamari in the books.

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The Hutts, Mon Cal, Ewoks, and Bespin all feature heavily within the movies.


Mon Cal are featured nicely in ROTJ...certainly if they can make a wookie civ they could make a Mon Cal civ...we see their ships, a fighter, and several members of their species in full military get-up. Add in the EU novels and especially hte comics and you've got a civ there.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

darth fergie - you conveniantly left off the part in my quote about civs being within the movie's time boundries. I really dont think that adding lots of EU races is a good idea


Too bad. I think they should be put in. I don't care one bit whether they are in the movies or not. Bering something decently interesting to GB. Because you must admit...playing through the Rep. and Conf. Campaigns was just drudging through another version of same old same old...and if you don't like EU...well sounds like a personal problem to me.


Heck instead of adding new civs make a GBII so that civs have differences. Only differences now are...some civs don't have certain units, and percentages of resources and build times are different (not that you can really tell unless you analyse it).

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Chiss Government

The center of politics lies on the world of Csilla, deep within in Chiss Space. In the capital city Csaplar, the parliament and cabinet is located at the House Palace. Each of the outlying 28 Chiss colonies is represented with one appointed governor, or House leaders. There are four main ruling families: The Cspala, the Nuruodo, the Inrokini and the Sabosen. These families represent bloodlines that even predate modern Chiss civilisation. Every Chiss claims affiliation to one of the four families, as determined by tradition and birthplace. But in truth, the family names are only cultural holdovers. In fact have the Chiss bloodlines been mixed so much in the past, that every Chiss could claim affiliation to every of the families. And cause there are no rivalries between the families, a certain affiliation wouldn't affect day-to-day living.

Though the Cabinet handles much of the intricacies of Chiss government, all decisions have to be proved by one of the four families. Every family has a special section is to supervise: The Csala handle colonial affairs, such as resource distribution and agriculture. The Nuruodo handle military and all foreign affairs (Grand Admiral Thrawn was a member of this family!). The Inrokini handle industry, science and communication. Sabosen are responsible for justice, health and education.


The Chiss government functions to siphon important decisions up the command chain to the families. Individual colonies voice their issues in the Parliament, where they are taken up by departments in the Cabinet. Then they are finally distilled to the families. The parliament positions are democratically determined by colonial vote. Cabinet positions are appointed by the most relevant families.


The Csala´s most pressing responsibility is the distribution of resources to the colonies and the people of Csilla. This is so important, cause the Chiss have no finances. Everything is provided by the state.


The Chiss military is a sizeable force. The Nuruodo family is ultimately in charge of the fleet and the army. Because it has been never required to act as a single unit, it was split up into 28 colonial forces, called Phalanxes. The Phalanx operations are usually guided by an officer, who is appointed by the House Leader, called a Syndic. Separate from the Phalanxes, the Chiss keep a Expansionary Defence Fleet, which rather serves under the foreign affairs, than the military asset. This CEDF patrols the boarders of Chiss space, while the Phalanxes handle everything that slips past the Fleet. In times of Crisis, like the Ssi-ruuvi threat, or the more recent Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the CEDF draws upon the nearby Phalanxes to strengthen itself, and tightening boarder patrols. Though Fleet units seldom leave Chiss space, some forces had been seen fighting Vong, assisting the NR and IR Forces, like the famous 181st Tie Spike Fighter Squadron, under command of Jagged Fel. In the past, a significant portion of the CEDF, Syndic Mitth´raw´nuodo´s (Thrawn´s) Household Phalanx, has left the rest of the fleet to deal with encroaching threats. They, together with Imperial Forces guarded Chiss Space, though some of the ruling families would have called this act treason and secession. But they kept the knowledge of it hidden from the public.



Nirauan/The Hand of Thrawn

A rocky planet supporting sentient telepathic aviary creatures has long been the home of the Hand of Thrawn. This mysterious codename stood for the brain-child of the enigmatic Grand Admiral Thrawn. It was the codename of a secreted fortress maintained by a contingent of Chiss on the planet Nirauan. Grand Admiral Thrawn had left a large number of his race behind with distinct orders to await his return ten years after his departure. It was set up some twenty years before Thrawn's campaign against the New Republic. Voss Parck, a former Captain of the Imperial Navy and the first to encounter Thrawn, was put in charge of the fortress. Thrawn trusted him utterly and his faith was well placed. The caves and tunnels beneath the fortress were lined with cortosis ore, and a large population of ysalamiri were imported, in order to protect the compound from the new crop of Jedi Knights produced by Luke Skywalker's academy. During this space of time, these Thrawn-loyalists manufactured a huge assortment of weapons and warships armed and ready awaiting Thrawn's return. The existence of the fortress - which had five large towers, and resembled an up-turned hand - was a well-guarded secret until Mara Jade tracked one of the Chiss recon vessels back to Nirauan. After she was thought missing, Luke Skywalker followed her tracks to Nirauan and the two of them put a stop to Parck's plans for beginning a new campaign against the New Republic. The pair sabotaged his operation to clone Grand Admiral Thrawn and left the world after obliterating any means of space travel. On another note, before they left Nirauan, Luke and Mara found an operations nexus that housed a massive data bank which had mapped out the Unknown Regions, revealing another 250 sectors, all presumably part of the Chiss consortium. Whether or not these worlds were willing or subjugated members of the Chiss Imperium remains unclear.


The Unknown Regions


Originally considered areas of Imperial occupation beyond the universe controlled by the Old Republic, the Unknown Regions contain the vast majority of the known, though unexplored, galaxy. It is home to the Chiss and borders the Empire, now known as the Imperial Remnant.


Spike Leader


Jagged, third born of Baron Soontir Fel, enrolled in the military as was tradition in his family. Following in the footsteps of his father, Jagged Fel, became a member of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force and soon rose to the top of his class, becoming flight, then squadron, and finally wing leader of Spike, the most deadly Chiss fighter wing in known space. His mother (presumed dead), was Wynssa Starflare. Before she became a famous actress, she was also known as Syal Antilles, General Wedge Antilles' older sister. Although she'd been missing for many years following the Battle of Brentaal, at which time her husband advised her to go into hiding, it has been assumed that she was taken care of by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who sent her to Chiss space for safety from Ysanne Isard. One point of interest is that Jagged was probably named for his mother's father, Jagged Antilles. Thrawn took care of Syal to provide Fel with an insentive to become loyal to him. During the Thrawn crisis, Fel went so far as to offer himself for Thrawn's cloning experiments. The last known information on Soontir Fel's whereabouts was that he was a commanding officer in Chiss space. It has been confirmed that Jagged's two older brothers both died in combat during their time with the Chiss Navy, but he still has one younger sibling in the care of a Chiss Phalanx House in his home sector. Known to his pilots as Spike Leader, he leads them into battle in defense of the Chiss Imperium/Consortium and its constituent Phalanx Houses. His first known contact outside of Chiss and Imperial Remnant territory was at Garqui, where he and his wing, in conjunction with Remnant forces, helped to repel a Yuuzhan Vong attack on the Ralroost, a New Republic Bothan Attack Cruiser recovering a recon team from the planet's surface. His last known whereabouts were helping in the defense of Ithor with Remnant and New Republic forces. It has been confirmed that while one of his squadrons returned to Chiss space, he and two of his own squadrons remain with the New Republic and are working to repel the Yuuzhan Vong with Rogue Squadron at Kalarbra, Rodia, and elsewhere.


Gilad Pellaeon

An Imperial Navy Captain in command of the Chimaera, Pellaeon took the remnants of the Imperial fleet and retreated from the Battle of Endor. He had no desire to lead the Empire, but he felt it was his duty to keep the Imperial fleet together. Thus, when Grand Admiral Thrawn emerged from the Unknown Regions to take control of the Empire, Pellaeon was more than willing to turn the fleet over to Thrawn, despite Thrawn's obviously alien background. He served Thrawn well, respecting the alien's uncanny insights while providing tactical assistance when necessary. Following the death of Thrawn at the hands of his own bodyguard, the noghri, Rukh, Pellaeon took Thrawn's remaining ships and fled to the Core Systems, where he came in contact with High Admiral Teradoc. The two marshalled a large fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers, and rivaled Warlord Harrsk for leadership of the Imperial forces for a number of years. When Admiral Daala showed up and tried to combine the strengths of the feuding warlords, Pellaeon sided with Daala, who only wanted to restore the Empire. The two of them arranged a summit of all the warlords on Tsoss Station, but were forced to poison them all when they failed to cooperate. Pellaeon became Daala's first officer, and was placed in command of the remaining seventeen Imperial-class Star Destroyers. He was to be the primary attack force that assaulted the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. His attack was perfect, slipping into the system before the Jedi knew it. However, his Imperial conditioning failed to prepare him for the power of the Force. The Jedi, under the focus of Dorsk 81, used the Force to physically fling the entire Star Destroyer fleet out of the Yavin System, knocking out navigational systems and hyperdrive capability on his entire fleet. Pelleaon was able to recover all his ships, as well as Admiral Daala's escape pod, before leaving the Yavin System. After Daala's rescue, she resigned her command, and turned control of the Imperial fleet over to him. He did not want to rule the Empire, but the people needed a strong leader to hold it together and unify it once more. He took the fleet back to the Core Systems to regroup. Pellaeon assumed the position of Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, and worked against all odds to rebuild the fleet. He spent several years trying to overcome the problems with the cloaking device, and eventually tested the Computer Combat Predictor. However, its inability to truly aid in a cloaked fight was the last straw in the back of the dwindling Imperial war machine. He suggested to Moff Disra, one of the most influential Moffs left in the Empire, that the Imperial remnants should negotiate a surrender with the New Republic some ten years after Thrawn's death, hoping to obtain amnesty rather than execution. Although the majority of the Moffs were in agreement with the plan, Disra's own machinations kept him from wholeheartedly agreeing. Pellaeon began his attempts to contact the Republic by sending Colonel Vermel to meet with Garm Bel Iblis, but Disra captured Vermel before his message was fully delivered. Pellaeon, meanwhile, waited for Bel Iblis as Pesitiin, where Disra sent Zothip and the Cavrilhu Pirates to ambush him. Pellaeon's forces dispatched the pirates and realising someone had tried to deceieve them, continued to wait for Bel Iblis. However, Bel Iblis was on a mission to Yaga Minor, so it was Ghent who actually received the truncated message from Vermel. He brought the message to Leia Organa-Solo, who agreed to meet with Pellaeon. Their initial talks were tentative but promising, and both agreed to return to their sides and meet at a later date. Meantime, Pellaeon and Commander Dreyf discovered Disra's plans, and began to press the matter with the Moff, who was later incarcerated, as his web of disception slowly unfurled and his treachery was made public. His next appearance did not occur for another year. He had his hands full putting the Empire back together after yet another governmental reform. Planetary leaderhsip changed over once more, but Pellaeon remained the one constant, whom the Empire had faith in. This support would be shaken after he made public his decision to render aide to the New Republic in striking against the Yuuzhan Vong. In a meeting with Ambassador Leia Organa Solo, Pellaeon was made aware of the Yuuzhan Vong, an extragalactic race of genocidal predators. The Empire and the Moffs disliked this decision, because they viewed it as a ploy to strip the Imperial Remnant of its defenses, so the New Republic could capture and assimilate it. After proving the validity of the New Republic's information at the Battle of Garqui, Pellaeon insisted putting support behind the New Republic, reasoning that if the Republic fell, the Remnant would be next. Pellaeon brought action to words at Ithor, where he and his fleet fought alongside Republic forces to obliterate Shedao Shai and his Yuuzhan Vong armada and prevent him from capturing the paradise world.


This planet, the capital world of the Bastion System and the Braxant Sector, was the political heart of the Empire in the dark times following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Its true name is a secret kept well-hidden by the Empire. It was controlled by Moff Disra, who retained control during the rise in power of the New Republic. It was on Bastion that the surviving Moffs met with Admiral Pellaeon to discuss a possible peace treaty with the Republic and here that years later they would hold a council of war regarding the coming invasion of the Yuzhan Vong.

Imperial Remnant

Formerly known as the Empire, this grouping of sectors is all that is left of the once sidespread New Order. Located along the borders of the Expansion Region and the Unknown Regions as part of the Outer Rim Territories it is tiny in comparison to the New Republic and more comparable in size to the former Tion Hegemony. Its geographical location puts it a fair distance from the Hydian Way and many major hyperspace routes, making it somewhat isolated from most galactic contact. However, the Remnant still possesses strong ties to the Unknown Regions and the Chiss Imperium/Consortium. It is unknown how long these political ties have existed, but it can be assumed that they've been public for at least two years. Since Nirauan appears to have been abandoned, it is safe to assume that the Empire rendered aide to them and consequently formed an alliance with the much better situated Chiss. The Remnant is home to Bastion, the capital, as well as Yaga Minor, the Imperial Information Centre.


Politics of the Empire

When Ambassador Leia Organa Solo first re-establishes contact with the Remnant with a plea for assistance against the Yuuzhan Vong, she is met aboard Bastion's customs station by three of Pellaeon's subordinates.Colonel Harrak and Major Pressin are both military aides to the Admiral, but the third is a civilian woman named Miat Temm, who is Force-sensitive. Not much information is known about these characters.


Pellaeon also alludes to the fact that he already knows some of what has happened concerning the mysterious Yuuzhan Vong. He admits to having agents on all the worlds taht border Remnant space, including Dubrillion. He also admits to having an agent in place at ExGal 4, where first sighting of the Praetorite Vong was made on Belkadan.


While Pellaeon rules the Empire, his subordinates and advisors, the Moff Council, have long formed the back-bone. While politicians for the most part, some of their number formerly held professional military titles, such as Moff Sarreti, recently appointed to the council and representing Bastion. He is, perhaps, Pellaeon's strongest ally and has a completely unbiased opinion of the New Republic, since he was not born under the Emperor's New Order, but rather under the banner of a once great and noble Empire, clouded over with corruption, discrimination, and the evil ideals of a sick old Sith Lord intent on cheating death. Moff Crowal, of Valc VII is one of Pellaeon's stronger opponents. Her territory borders that of the Chiss and the Unknown Territories, thus putting her farthest away from the phantom threat the Vong may, or may not pose. She is skeptical of this enemy and of the New Republic as is Moff Flennic. Moff Flennic is Pellaeon's greatest detractor and political opponent and may be one of the more influential Moffs on the council.


Although, the Remnant has a considerable space fleet, it is a mere fraction of what the Imperial Navy once was in the Empire's hayday and is spread far more thinly over Remnant territory than the Moffs would like. Resources for creating war materiels are stretched thin and government funding to the military has all but ceased because of reallocation of dwindling monetary resources to ministries with a more pressing need. Their primary reason for cutting military funds in the first place was that the populations of the terraformed Imperial-held worlds required money for welfare and unemployment, due in large part to a deep depression. The depression was in fact a bi-product of the Empire's truce with the New Republic. Since commerce had opened up between the Remnant and the Republic, the New Republic had been able to undercut prices within the Empire, thus key industries within the Empire had gone broke and the economy had collapsed leaving millions out of work and starving. So all government funds were reallocated from the Navy to the Civil Ministries. However, with the appearance of the Vong, the Remnant may need to rethink this bill...


this race of blue-skinned humanoids was from the planet Csilla, in the Unknown Regions. Their homeworld was locked in a planet-wide ice age many millennia ago, and they were forced to flee the planet as a species in order to survive. They are all well-muscled and tall, with jet black hair and glowing red eyes. While their history has been marked by nearly continual warfare and conquest of other worlds, the Chiss are generally not violent. They prefer to extend themselves only from a defensive posture, and viewed the idea of a pre-emptive strike against an enemy as if it were murder. Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults. Many of the scientists at the Astrographic Survey Institute believed that the Chiss were among the first races to come in contact with the Yuuzhan Vong, some fifty years before their initial invasion. They theorized that the Chiss understood the Vong's military power, and began augmenting their own war machine to prepare to repel an invasion fleet. Unfortunately, the Chiss remained isolated in the Unknown Regions, and wouldn't allow contact with the New Republic after the Battle of Ithor. Chiss sages spent a great deal of time researching the Yuuzhan Vong, and eventually learned that it had taken the alien invaders many generations to cross the gulf between galaxies.

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