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3 Fave PC games


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Tribes 2.

Jedi Knights 2.


I would say GTA3, but I got that for PS2 instead of my PC. Also, I was debating putting WC3 up here, but since it a) is not very fun to pub, b) is still quite buggy IMO, and c) has not been out very long this is about my 10th pick on the list. :p


Hey, someone had to say it. :rolleyes:

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*****1: Counter-strike. no game has reached peaks as high as this one year after year. sad to say, i've given up playing games all together. i stopped playing games since a few days ago. the first and second day is the hardest- but it's easy to give up gaming if you just give it a shot


2. The legend of Zelda: the ocarina of time (good memories)


3. Star wars galaxies ( I KNOW it hasnt come out yet- but it's a guaranteed blockbuster)

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at the moment

1. Jk2

2. GTA3

3.Halflife (cs really)


(Really hard this now)

All time faves


1. Jk

2. Quake

3. Duke Nukem 3d

4. JK2

5. AvP2

6. Counter-Strike

7. UT

8. GTA series

9. Black and White

10. DOOM


^ ones that have left an imprint in my brain, all classics. Very, veru clsoe to heart games..

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1) UT (THis will be always b my fav!! no matter wut)

2) Half life

3) Starcraft: BW

4) Diablo

5) Diablo II: lord of destruction

6) Doom

7) heretic 2

8) Counter-strike (not really a game but o well)

9) WC3

10) WC2



notice that none of the sw games are on my list... sry not a hardcore fan of sw.. just playing jk2 at the moment.. not a great game, but it sure is fun for a while

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I aint a sw fan either (at all) but jk and jk2 sure are great games and jk1 left a big mark on me, 5 years of jk is a Looooong time.

JK2 is great too, better tahn jk1 but jk1 had so muc hdepth in mp to it, so many memories, over 940 games of canyon oasis!


oh yeh in my psot #11 would be max payne then MOHAA


EDIT: No, no #12 would be X-Com ;)

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Notice how just about everyone has said "jk2"?

Anyways, I ca only do this in two catagories...


1. Jedi Outcast

2. RollerCoaster Tycoon

3. Galactic Battlegrounds

(Note: All rates are subject to immediate change)


1. Super Smash Brothers

2. Mario Party 3

3. Banjo-Tooie

(Ys I know some of these may seem strange to you, but those are my favorite.)





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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This is a tough one. And it's constantly changing for me, but as of right now:


1. Half-Life

2. Deus Ex

3. Jedi Knight II


Honorable Mentions:


-Dark Forces and JK

-Unreal Tournament

-Age of Kings

-Dark Age of Camelot




I'm missing a couple, but these games have seriously taken up more of my time than I would like to admit. ;)

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my alltime high

[*]JK II .. gotta love this game..

[*]Total annihalation (not that kingdoms crap.. the original and best)


[*]SWGB - nice AOE clone ;)

[*]Max payne

[*]WC3 havent played it so much yet but it looks very promising



cant think of any more right now

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1. Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force


2. Star Wars: Gallactic Battlegrounds




Really really good games-


1. X wing series


2. STar WArs STarfighter


3. STar TRek Armada 1 & 2


4.STar Trek Deep space nine: the Fallen


5. STar TRek: Starfleet command series

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