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The Canitna 7: Fight For the Future


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Are you...an angel? Like good version of what Syrnl has in him? Dad said that we had a history of dealing with angels and demons. He didn't tell me why... and now the Empire is trying to kill us...why won't they just leave me alone?




*Terrakon fights with troopers on the battlements, further from the party. Suddenly there is a respite, and a familiar figure walks toward him*


Terrakon: You. Why are you here? To kill me too?


Syrnl: Then I become the Lord of Atredis.


Terrakon: A Darkstar will never be the Lord of Atredis


*Draws blade*


I hate killing family.


Syrnl: I have no family... and that weapon will be useless.


*Tosses Terrakon a lightsaber*


Here, I'll only use one blade. Give you a chance...

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*Flax half senses, half sees Synl.*


*It appears that now that they are closer to their own time the party's abilities are partialy restored.*


((OSS: This seems reasonable, if it isn't then just disregard.))


Flax: Suppose we can't use the timematrix for some reason, while we're here we might as well make some changes of our own.


*Flax draws his sword and cleaves a pair of troopers in half.*

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((OOS: Our abilities changing had nothing to do with the time period. Besides they weren't removed, just dulled. With you, Cracken, Deac, Starr, Odin and Vidar, your bodies were altered.


Presumably, once one of us captures the Time Matrix, we'll all revert back to normal; full power, no immortality, no tug.


Oh and I talked to Death today...she won't be able to access these forums for three months. -.- Dunno if she can use AIM - if so she says I can keep her updated via AIM, and she can relay Ken'atra's actions to me - if she isn't able to do that then somehow she'll remove her character))




Rwos: ...I'm not an angel. *Rwos didn't mention that his kind were more often thought of as demons in the past* I think your father was being poetic...


Wait a moment. "A good version of what Syrnl has in him?"


Deac doesn't have the Starkiller avatar yet.


*Rwos' eyes widen*


The Darkstar didn't bring Ken'atra here to kill Deac. It came here to possess him.


Deac, we have to get you out of here. Far away from here. *Rwos anxiously glances around, and in doing so spots Syrnl on an adjacent battlement*



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*Syrnl fights, and feels a familiar presence enter his mind...*


What are you doing here...you're me?

I'm from the future. Our time has finally come. Deac is the one we want!

I'm not just going to die!


You don't have to. There will be 2 of us now...


*A black spirit leaves Syrnl and heads toward a terrified Deac*


Deac: You are an angel! Help me!

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*Deac cowers as the darkness moves ever toward him, and he falls unconscious. As the Darkstar senses an easy victory, it is blocked from entering Deac...by the Starkiller*


You cannot have him. There can only be one. You have Syrnl.


Don't command me!


If it were not for me, you would never exist!


And if it were not for me...then half of your host would never have been born. Deac shall die today then!

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((Death and I wrote this post via AIM instant message. The parts that she or I wrote are indicated...just disclaimer ;)


The flashback takes place just before the jump to Atredis - which it turns out Ken'atra went to because he heard the Starkiller mention it, and this battle was recorded in the Renare database. The Darkstar apparently just followed the Time Matrix' jump contrary to what Rwos thought))



Several Minutes Ago




*Atredis...hmm...well it should be interesting. Oh but how glad he is he stopped to watch all this! Such a spectacle! Such a show of drama! If it weren't for the fact that they were there to stop him he might just find them too amusing to destroy.* Torture and kill me twice. Such high hopes. *he chuckles slightly* But no matter, there is work to be done. *he takes out the Time Matrix and concentrates on his next target. Once he's there he walks away*






*Rwos takes advantage of the Avatars' argument and scoops up the unconscious Deac. He leaps off the battlement and flies over the castle edge. Stormtroopers shoot at him, but he quickly clears the wall and escapes their range, putting a wall between him and the fight. He looks down to see where he is going...and recognizes the lone figure below him.


It is Ken'atra.*




*His eyes wander up to see a flying creature. Oh, it's one of them! How interesting. He smiles and waves at him before sending a shockwave through the Force right at him*




*Rwos stares at the figure in astonishment for about a millisecond. Then he is hit, hard, by some invisible force. He tumbles from the sky, dropping Deac. He barely manages to catch the child and shield him with his own body before he hits the ground, hard.*




*Walks over to him and kneels next to him* Stay out of my way, you and your whole group. Or next time I will do more than make you tumble out of the sky. *Looks at the 10 year old child and runs his fingers down his cheek* To be young...to be innocent... *pulls his hand away and walks off*




*Rwos groans and tries to move his body. He can't. Great...now he was stuck. He manages to call after Ken'atra*


Why...are you doing this?


Wait...he hasn't killed Deac. Isn't that the point of his being here?




*He stops, but doesn't turn. His voice holds the slightest hint of sorrow* To regain what I have lost.




...What? Why are you here? What have you lost?




*Looks at him over his shoulder* Now that, my dear, is none of your business.




Rwos: You heard what that lizard creature said, didn't you...you know we're going to kill you.




I am not afraid of death. The eternal sleep even seem comforting at times. But I cannot die...not when there still is a chance to right the wrong that has been done to me.




Right wrong!? Weren't you Reletha Darkstar's apprentice? Practically a Sith?




That would be I.




*Rwos tries to move again. His physical regeneration is kicking in. At least that still worked*


I know what will happen to you, Ken'atra. You're going to fail. The galaxy will be ten times worse than the one you came from...and all because of your interference. That's why we are here! To stop you from doing that.


If you think I'm lying...explain to yourself how we got here. We didn't touch the Time Matrix. Yet we followed you from Asgard to here, and you didn't know it, but we were on Renare with you, too.




I care not for the rest of the universe. How dare you even think that you understand what my purpose is. You know nothing. I am not the villain here.




Then stop this! There has to be a better way than just killing everyone...Ken'atra, is this because of the Holocaust? There is a better way. I was directly involved...I know how to stop it!




How dare you?! *Spins around the Force trembles around him as his anger is felt* I have spent a long time searching for a so called better way! There is no better way! Everyone must die! *his eyes turns deadly calm and icy* Everyone will die




You don't have to. If you do just one thing, save one person, the Holocaust won't happen. I give you my word. Let me help you, Ken'atra.




*For a slight moment he looks like he might say all right, but then his eyes turn cold and he flips his hair in a 'I'm better than you' manner* I do not trust you. And I don't need help. *Turns and walks off*




*calls after him* Ken'atra! You're making a mistake. *Rwos tries to get up, but he still hasn't healed. His back had probably broken. He could feel it healing; the bones in his back were shifting, but he was still incapacitated* What the hell do you think you're going to try to do here? *he yells after Ken'atra's receding form, frustrated* You're making a big mistake!



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Terrakon. I am what give your family it's name. I offer you my help. Let me in, Terrakon, and save Deac


Terrakon: I trust you...come in!


*Terrakon glows white in a blinding light, stunning Syrnl. Terrakon leaps past Deac toward Ken'atra*


Terrakon: Darkstar...let us do battle here!


*Syrnl stares down at the battle.*


Syrnl: I should never have bothered. I cannot capture this castle...all troops! To transports! Star Destroyer DarkBlade!-prepare for orbital bombardment!

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*Cracken looks up, he see's small flares of green go off, and becme brighter.*


Look, this is very nice, but we'd better move. knowing Imperial operating procedure, if they cannot capture something, they burn it to the ground via orbital bombard....

*a green flash is seen not to far away, and a large explosion goes off*

yeah, let's GO.

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Ken'atra has been successful...Deac will die here, now...


Not entirely correct, Darkstar...




You see, Deac without me is protected. So therefore, this applies to the entire timeline. Which means you can do nothing further here...

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((OOS: Deac, the Starkiller is wrong - 11 year old Deac hasn't had his quanta altered to give him protection, but if the Darkstar is that gullible...hey...:D))



Rwos: What we do now? If they slag this place and manage to kill us and Ken'atra in the process, the Time Matrix won't jump again, we won't be resurrected, and we'll be stuck in limbo for eternity unless someone by some incredible chance happens to find it. So I'd say, yes, we need to STOP the bombardment!


There should be shuttles in the hangars, which are below the castle. *points to the lower part of the hill the castle is located on* Go now - I'll catch up once I heal...

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*Cracken is already gone. running toward a docked TIE Fighter, he starts up the engines. the Ion engine whine can be heard from the hanger, and the fighter moves slowly off the ground, suddenly picking up drastic speed. the turbo laser fire form orbit is getting heavier.


he turn the fighter toward the direction the mad man went running. he can't out run him now. He'd pay for screwing up his plans in the present.*

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*Deac awakens*


Where am I...who are you...why am I not at home?


(This explains the recent continuity lapses. Deac no longer remember's Syrnl is his brother, and that sets up for Cantina 4)



*Syrnl strolls round the bridge of his star destroyer*


Syrnl: How goes the bombardment?


Tech: Planetary shield is down. If they raise it, we will be unable to do lasting damage


Executive Officer: May I remind you command has ordered us to a raid in Sullust


Syrnl:Then get this done quickly!

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*hops in a Z-95 and races out of the hanger, opening the s-foils before he is even two metres off the ground.*


*Flax head towards the SD with his guns primed.


*To Cracken, over comm* run interferance for me, I've got some torps here, I'm going for the targeting array.*


Good job the imps built these old SDs on a budget with only the basics.

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((Some modified versions can, Admiral - but everyone, this is considerably before Alderaan timeline-wise, so don't make technology uberadvanced ala RotJ - no TIE Interceptors, etc, please ;)))



Rwos: You don't remember? *looks at him oddly* Deac, you are home. This is your father's castle on Atredis, and your father...


I can't tell him.

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