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Originally posted by Azrael


I agree completly. What else can you see? Neo is now officially a god of the matrix. He can rip it apart without even lifting his hand. Oh, yeah, that's gonna make a fun story.


The only way I can see the Matrix continue is if they kill off Trinity. Think about it. Up until now, Neo (played by the worst actor ever.) has no motivation whatsoever to fight the matrix. Yeah, he's told it's bad. Wow. Show me a tropical fruit, and i'll show you a c0cksucker from the bahamas. Wait, no. Anyway, there's no way to continue the storyline. It's over. Finished. Leave it to the imagination of the fans. Like George Lucas shoulda done with Star Wars. Episode 1? My god man, are you daft?


well, don't really matter does it?

because they're already working on the matrix reloaded


personally i'll go and watch it, don't know about you....but i'm sure that it'll be great

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omg Azrael, if you don't wanna see a sequel, don't watch the one that is ALREADY IN PRODUCTION! I for one am gonna park my butt outside the cinema the day b4 it is released.


I remember after seeing the end of The Matrix, I wanted more. I wanted to see what Neo does and I wanted to see the machines overthrown and I wanted to see Zion and more of the Real World. I am sooooo glad that sequels are being made and I can't wait for them to be released.


more, more, gimme more! :D

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Originally posted by lexx


hence this thread! I thought it would be better to keep all the matrix stuff in one place ;)


I think my custom title is going to be "Dodge This!" It goes with my avatar. What do you think?



sounds good. you're all most there too.:D

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Originally posted by Azrael


I agree completly. What else can you see? Neo is now officially a god of the matrix. He can rip it apart without even lifting his hand. Oh, yeah, that's gonna make a fun story.


The only way I can see the Matrix continue is if they kill off Trinity. Think about it. Up until now, Neo (played by the worst actor ever.) has no motivation whatsoever to fight the matrix. Yeah, he's told it's bad. Wow. Show me a tropical fruit, and i'll show you a c0cksucker from the bahamas. Wait, no. Anyway, there's no way to continue the storyline. It's over. Finished. Leave it to the imagination of the fans. Like George Lucas shoulda done with Star Wars. Episode 1? My god man, are you daft?


If you think that the director and screenwriters should leave it up to the fans imagination, then do you also agree that Lucasfilm should have stopped Star Wars production after A New Hope? no, becasue the story has a lot more to expand on.


The matrix sequels will likely expand on Neo finding a way to destroy the matrix and free his people. Neo is not the "God of the matrix". You can delete a virus, but it will not delete the source. If he destorys the Matrix, then he will kill every one in it. It is obviously not his objective. Reloaded will tell the story of Zion struggling to survive, Neo finding new recuits to take out of the matix, and finding a way to free the peope in the matix. Revolutions will likely tell of Neo and his crew destroying the matix and removing the machines from earth.




Great thread Lexx! Very interesting trivia...


I ehard they are working on The Matrix II, and The Matrix III is also in the works.


Yes, they are working on them at the same time, The Matrix Reloaded will come out in May 2003, and Revolutions will come out the same year (As Anakin would say "Yippie!!!!") in the Fall.

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The Matrix Reloaded is due for release on May 15 2003 closely followed by The Matrix Revolutions 3 months after! I don't think putting them so close together is a good idea, I would have preffered a longer gap to keep up the suspence, what about you?

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Originally posted by lexx

The Matrix Reloaded is due for release on May 15 2003 closely followed by The Matrix Revolutions 3 months after! I don't think putting them so close together is a good idea, I would have preffered a longer gap to keep up the suspence, what about you?


when you're waiting for the matrix, 3 months is way too long:D

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Yea, when I said earlier that I liked how they were promoted, that is what I was talking about, Revolutions coming out 3 months after Reloaded. The reason why it's only three months is cause Reloaded supposedly ends in a cliffhanger. It just ends. Like when you're watching T.V. and a commercial break happens right after or before something important. Same thing. Except it's a 3 month break instead of 3 minutes. Trust me, it should prove to be a very long 3 months:)

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I like how Matrix 2 + 3 are coming out close together, but I do not think it is a good idea marketing wise.


Movies need a long time (1 year +) between sequels to get popular. Between the movies, people usally make mocks/parodys and people talk about it a lot. I remember when the matrix came out, everyone was talking about. In fact, I couldn't get my friend to shut up about it :) Anyway, the fact is: the longer the gap between sequels, the more popularity it gets so that the next movie will make more money. Thats what I think anyway....



But I still think it's great that we will not have to wait a long time between Reloaded and Revolutions :D

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Oh no!


The Matrix Thread is dying!:(


i like the way LOTR is done


1 every year ... not too close (matrix) not too far (star wars, bond)


Ya, I like how its done too. Can't wait for Two Towers, even though I already know what happens (Read da book) :)




I have all these matix quotes binded in JK2 now... heehee...


I see it now.....


*runs up to a guy at point black range*


"Dodge this"



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the more i live .... the more i hate americans!!


they assume every1 knows what theyre talking about


they assume everywhere is like america!


they think every1 knows what theyre on when they say they live in PA or TX or FU




sorry .... had to vent that

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