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Games too scary to play

Psionic Jedi

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Have you ever played a game that, for you, needed to have a lower volume or HAD to be played during the daytime? Let alone play it with the lights off ....


AvP demo really freaked me out as Predator; seeing an Alien scampering towards you for the first time could be nightmare inducing. When AVP2 demo came out I refrained from playing Marine right away because I might be faced against the Aliens again :o .


Also Resident Evil 2. Running out of ammo is almost as scary as a Licker dropping from the ceiling...


Soul Reaver 2 is kind of spooky to a lesser extent what with Gothic backgrounds and Demons popping out of nowhere with lightning sound effects and a demonic force field to keep you in their grasps.


Though I've only played it on STEAM Beta tests (I bought CS Retail *smacks self*) Half-Life SP is terrifying at moments too. Like seeing Alien Grunts warp in out of nowhere and a Zombie bursting from a box, seeing your fellow scientists fall victim to face huggers and such.


Maybe I'm just a gaming wuss o.o

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Yeah the Resident Evil games scared me pretty good as did System Shock 2, but NOTHING compares to playing as a marine in Aliens vs Predator. I had to stop playing many times cause it scared the living crap out of me. (saw Aliens for the first time when i was 10, been scarred ever since)

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Have you ever played a game that,


You know what I thought of when I read this?


Have you ever played a game Neo, that you thought was soo real? What if you couldn't stop playing that game? How would you know the difference between the real world, and the game world?




Parts of Max Payne freaked me out. :eek:

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Eh....not....really? Well, I've never been too scared to play/watch/do something, unfortunatly...no fun!


I wish I could get scared...haunted houses? I end up trying to scare the people with me for fun...games?...if they are entertaining....I'll play...but...that's about it.



I'm still looking for a REALLY scary game or something to play.





I think this would have been scary though.



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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

The one game I cannot play in the dark, alone is Silent Hill. That is scary as all bloody hell.


Remember the abandoned school? Science class? Oh man I turned OUT my lights for the damn thrill...


That was one bitchin game, you gotta admit

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Yeah, the enviroment of HL was great. The "They Hunger" Mod for HL was kinda scary I guess. I never forget the time I was being chase by zombie, and had very little ammo (the game just gives you very little), and then I saw a sherif (with his back turned). I thought he would help me out like the security guards in HL do, so I run up to him and press the use key, he turns around and he is all infected and ghoulish. He sames something and blows me away. AWESOME.

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