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Darth Groovy

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MLB is going on strike! What nerve! What they don't have enough money? Newsflash! Nobody has any money right now! How many poeple lost their jobs in the past 2 years? How many business have folded? One thing Americans need right now is something to believe in. They need entertainment. I think the managers and owners should draft all new members from the little leauges and farm teams. The hell with these guys! I will never go to another baseball game again!:mad:

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

MLB is going on strike! What nerve! What they don't have enough money? Newsflash! Nobody has any money right now! How many poeple lost their jobs in the past 2 years? How many business have folded? One thing Americans need right now is something to believe in. They need entertainment. I think the managers and owners should draft all new members from the little leauges and farm teams. The hell with these guys! I will never go to another baseball game again!:mad:




WTF! Again!


The poorset player in the MLB is 10 times richer than all of my family put together.


Did you know that Alex Rodriguez's total salary is more than the yearly GDP of both North and South Korea combind.


Yikes! :eek:




PS. I love the Mariners for geographical reasons. I've been a Cubbies fan for years too.

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this is how much tyrion gets out. this is our AIM chat:




sir caliburn: What is the MLB?

Exterminator345: major league baseball duh

sir caliburn: Sorry I havent been in the real world

Exterminator345: lol

sir caliburn: Stuck here

sir caliburn: chained to my mouse...





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Originally posted by Exterminator234

this is how much tyrion gets out. this is our AIM chat:




sir caliburn: What is the MLB?

Exterminator345: major league baseball duh

sir caliburn: Sorry I havent been in the real world

Exterminator345: lol

sir caliburn: Stuck here

sir caliburn: chained to my mouse...






Sir Caliburn is me.

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Originally posted by Exterminator234

this is how much tyrion gets out. this is our AIM chat:




sir caliburn: What is the MLB?

Exterminator345: major league baseball duh

sir caliburn: Sorry I havent been in the real world

Exterminator345: lol

sir caliburn: Stuck here

sir caliburn: chained to my mouse...






He's probably not allowed to cross the street yet.

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Tyrion is still in a car seat :p



THis strike is dumb IMO.


They make millions by wearing nice shoes and walking across a room and saying "Nike, Just do it"


Now, they want more money! There are starving kids in China!

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Complete crap. I'm nearly fed up with the players and owners right now, especially the players. This is coming from a person who thinks baseball is the greatest game ever created, played for 10 years of his life, currently coaches it, and currently umpires it.


To these people, baseball is no longer a game. When people have a problem when the average salary is $2.x million, there is seriously something wrong. I am just so sorry for these guys who make more money than the typical hardwarking American male makes in the first 50 years of his life. Damn, they work 162 days a year, plus some Spring Training. I mean, these guys have to get up at noon EVERY DAY! The horror! And for God's sake, they only have 5 months vacation per year! This is an atrocity.


The strike will not ruin MLB as a lot of people are saying. Strikes have happened SEVERAL times over the last century. But this will, I believe, reduce rating, and in the long-run may hurt the sport. Many Americans already have too much going on in their lives to worry about these greedy bastards. So here's to the guy who bats .238 and couldn't hit his way out of a cardboard box that makes $2 million a year.

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well all i can say is GOOOOOOOO PADRESSSSSS!!!! padres #1 yeahhhhhhh. ok now that, that is out of my system i think it sucks that they are going on strike. for san diego it cant be good because we are getting a new stadium for baseball and i hope this strike doesnt affect the building of it:( there is a good thing about the strike though its at the end of the month and thats also the start of the nfl!!:D

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That being said, this only demonstrates that ball players give less of a poop about the fans then they did 20 years ago. Why should I spend my hard earned money, watching the Cubs lose when I can go see a great hockey game for less? I lost interest in baseball when they were checking for loaded bats and sandpaper in the glove. This latest stunt though takes the cake. OnlyOneCanoli has a great point, they have striked before, but what they fail to realize is that.......hello......nobody has any money right now and do they think the average person cares if they make $2million plus every year? Hell no! I will never go to an MLB game, as long as there is a little league, or a good farm team. To hell with them.:mad:

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Those poor Baseball players.They have to play a game that they love just for 2 million...poor baseball players since they work so much more hard that 2 million isnt enough,but no,they dont care that little children in Afganistan work thier asses off harder ten times more than those baseball players and get payed like 20 dollars a year if their lucky......


I feel so sorry for those underpayed baseball players:rolleyes:

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well im gonna have to sort of stick up for the baseball players. can any of you guys hit a 90 mph slider? if you can hit one, can you do it over 100 times in a year? it takes alot to play pro sports. also no one is claiming to stop watching movies cause in case you didnt know actors go on strike all the time. every one is mad at alex rodrigez for making 8million a season but no one talks about how actors make movies for high prices!

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