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The Two Towers *SPOILERS*


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Isn't it about time we started hyping the next of the LotR trilogy???!!!


I've got myself excited by watching FotR and now I'm trying to think ahead and of whats in store for TTT.


The last time I read LotR was several years ago so my memory is pretty sketchy. So correct if I've got these predictions wrong, and add any details I've missed out.


1.Battle of Helm's Deep. Apparently at the latest cut, this battle lasts for *50* whole minutes!!!


2.March of the Ents.


3.Sarumans downfall, battle of Isengaurd.


4.Riders of Rohan and Wormtongue.


5.Shelob's lair. I absolutely cannot wait for this part. I remember being scared witless when I read it in the book.


6.Gollum as a major character.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Shelobs lair has been moved to the third movie. :(


Yeah, I heard that ... Bummer, would be a great end for the movie (And a great cliffhanger)


And from what i've heard, We wont see much of the storming Ents. :(


That's new for me ... And I really hope you're wrong. I want to witness the power of the Ents

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No it's true. They ditched the battle of Isengard to lengthen Helm's Deep, and I think it sucks. We'Re going to see the march of the Ents and it'll cut to the result of the battle.


The overly long battle of Helm's Deep is totally stupid and useless. 15-20 minutes would have been well enough.


EDIT: Forgot to cite my source... IGN FilmForce, it should still be in the latest headlines in their LOTR section.

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first i just want to say i am not comlpaning, flaming or otherwise instulting anyone with this post, this question comes out of total ceriosity....



But what would it take to keep you from being upset with any part of the movie?


Or is it like that saying that no matter what they do there will be someone that hates it?



Remeber this is not a flame, just per ceriosity...

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the director is Peter Jackson. i really wanted to see the shelob fight! oh well, i'll see it eventually. also, someone will not like anything. the thing is though, we're not so much complaining as pointing out what's left out from the books or what jackson could improve on. and it does look good, no matter what is left out.

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Gandalf comes back in TTT, but rather than being Gandalf the Grey, he is now Gandalf the White, and has become the strongest of the order, even more powerful than Saruman. I will not explain what happens to him as it should be a cool part of the film...unless you really want to know. ;)


Can anyone explain how Radagast the Brown comes in to it? I can't remember him in the book at all!!!


One for Rogue Nine and Boba Rhett - Was Tom Bombadill an Istari too?

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Originally posted by STTCT

Does gandolph come back? or is he dead


Yes he comes back, so no, he's not dead. ;) Of course, I'm talking about Gandalf the Wizard, not this gentlemen, Gandolph you keep referring to? :p


Yeah, if you watch the Two Towers trailer you'll actually see Gandalf in the trailer. Of course with one major difference...He's now Gandalf the White now instead of Gandalf the Grey! :D





EDIT: DOH!!!!! Duder beat me to it... you fiend! ;)

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Originally posted by STTCT

spelling spelling spelling....I watched the movie...I didn't read the book so I was guessing as to how to spell "Gandalf" correctly.




I know, I just couldn't resist! :D Besides I knew that Rogue Nine or Young David would see it any minute and go nuts so I thought I'd point it out to you a little less aggressively! ;)

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yeah, the books are great! i'm re-reading them all just for the 2 towers movie.:D anywho(i can't belive i just said that), i have the same question as duder. where does radgast come in? i remember him from the 1st book, but he wasn't in the second. i'm looking in the index of my book(it's one of those that have all 3 in 1 volume) and it only shows him in the 1st book, when gandalf is telling the council a/b the ring and everything he's been doing. radgast tells gandalf a/b the nazgul and how they're asking about the shire. sorry for going off a/b it.:D


--EDIT-- WooHoo!! 80 whole posts!!:D

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I think you would be okay. You might find a few inconsistencies, such as characters that have been removed for the film, or references to scenes that didn't exist in the film. But you could always post your questions on the boards for the friendly resident experts to answer. ;)

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Originally posted by duder

can anyone explain how Radagast the Brown comes in to it? I can't remember him in the book at all!!!


Radagast appeared in FoTR. He was mabye mentioned once in the entire novel. He told Gandolf that Saruman wanted to speak with him. (the movie removed this part, and just had Gandolf go to Saruman). Radagast, if memory serves likes animals and spends most of his time in the wilderness.


If you want to look for him in the books. It is in FoRT, book 1, the Chapter he is found is around the Grand Council. When Frodo asks Gandolf why he wasn't at the prancing pony.

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Ahhh I remeber now. Radagast helps Gandalf escape Isengaurd without knowing that Gandalf and Saruman have become enemies. If memory serves me, Radagast had been manipulated by Saruman and was helping his cause.


Thanks for the info. ;)

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