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Hello, there peoples! Me. come. from. EscapeMI! I. bring. Peace! :D


Erm sorry I just saw Rogue Nines name in the online list and i saw out of the 80 people online his was bold so i clicked his name and here was his last post some where here. :D


So... Hi! *Waves to RedWing and other Areseners*

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I'm sorry, Rebel, I'm afraid I'm already property of Lizard_Queen as manslave #8. It's a better score so.. :D


*Rubs burn ointment on brand*

*Brand goes away*


As i hope to spend more time here, tell me:


What are the rules?

Is insanity oK?

What should i know?

What are the forum's slogans and quotes?

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Originally posted by Kjølen

As i hope to spend more time here, tell me:


What are the rules?

Is insanity oK?

What should i know?

What are the forum's slogans and quotes?


A) Essentially you can do whatever doesn't get you killed...however there are lots of ways to get killed here

B) A few select brands ;) (warning: they may be damaging to your mental and possibly physical health)

C) That you're lucky certain people aren't here to kill you :D

D) I can think of one major one... "Who are you?"

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What are the rules?

Is insanity oK?

What should i know?

What are the forum's slogans and quotes?


Rule #1: This is not RSN, this is XWA. There may be crossover posters, but this is a totally different board.


Rule #2: Any attempt to get this board to become similar to RSN will result in something very very bad.



If you define insanity as what goes on at RSN (i.e. forced silliness), then so, it is not allowed. We here at XWA are not insane, we're just a little bit crazy.


You should know better than to piss me off, spam, start e-battles or stupid threads that don't discuss an actual topic.


There are no slogans or quotes for this forum, as only loser forums need them.

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Originally posted by Ikhnaton

You should know better than to piss me off,


This is the only rule. ;)


Oh, and don't discuss politics or military history, as it may bring about the return of the Dark Lord Who Dwells in the Abyss and Whose Name Must Never be Spoken. If this being should return, it will signal the beginning of a thousand years of darkness as his power sweeps over the land. Or something.


And Kjølen, I'm pretty sure you have been here before; I remember people wondering how to get the "ø" in your name.

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