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Crimson Masters!


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Game today at 1 EST 10 PAC. Make sure to get on AIM and IM me so we can get the matches set up early and have fun. If you get there a little late just IM me and my away message will have the IP. Depending on who shows up is what we will do. I honestly don't know who will or will not show up to this event since I personally heard a lot of maybes and I don't knows. If no one shows that is fine because this has been an off week due to Turkey Day. Have fun and I hope to see you.



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New and last site along with forums. Check us out at http://www.crimsonmasters.tk/ . It is still in the building stage but it looks great.


I have had some people turn in their background stories and they aren't bad at all. The only thing though guys is that in the background stories we don't want to limit ourselves to any one time period. In other words you don't necessarily want to have escaped from the Yvung Vong (sp?) or been to Alderaan right before it blew. Try to refrain from using big SW elements from the movies and books please. This way we are not stuck in any one place or time.


Am I the only one who is coming to the match on Friday? I can't seem to get to the site but I know some people have posted that they cannot come to Friday. Everyone needs to post weekly if they can make it on the forums under clan matches. If you need the password again let me know.


Have fun!



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Game cancelled today for those of you who don't know. Still on Sunday and we have a fair amount coming to that. Also I know that midterms and finals are coming up so if people could Email me and tell me when they are I would appreciate or you could just say that it will and won't affect you. I know these are the times to study and stuff so if people would just let me know.



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Ric and I talk occassionaly on MSN and we have already talked a little about that very subject. I have to have a little talk with the members of the clan however because there seems to be some serious problems when it comes to meeting together at schedueled times. I don't know if it is going to happen but I sure hope to God it will. This would be perfect experience for our first time since the KA are such nice people.



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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

Ric and I talk occassionaly on MSN and we have already talked a little about that very subject. I have to have a little talk with the members of the clan however because there seems to be some serious problems when it comes to meeting together at schedueled times. I don't know if it is going to happen but I sure hope to God it will. This would be perfect experience for our first time since the KA are such nice people.





need to talk to them about being allies. SInce that we are really the only two active clans taht I know of. SOY is gone, and that was the only other big clan. :(

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Just thought I'd pop in. *Looks at the last few posts*


(thinks: "Oh crap! I knew I shoulda been there today!")



And.....oh yeah! James Brophy and I are teaming up to form our own clan. Just thought I'd let you guys know. Doesn't mean I'm leaving good ol' Crimson Masters, though.


Please try checking out this site and let me know what you think: http://roguejedimasters.2ya.com

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Z is right. I just have had family stuff with all the holidays to take care of. I went down south on Friday with my grandparents to visit my immediate family in the bay area. I have been busy on playing times. I am still here just not available to play. Hope all has done well since my sabatical.



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