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aaaah, please don't toss me.


But seriously there are alot of people here that are selfish and only think of themselves. They are usually the loudest ones. There are still some good people here, though so don't judge your whole country for those selfish ones.

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I am writing this because I recently seen some troubling news. Apparently, a large number of people actually believe America's claim that it is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted. Let me begin by saying that I am not trying to save the world -- I gave up that pursuit a long time ago. But I am trying to derail its uneducated little schemes. America is addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling people. Sadly, it has no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people it desires to lead. America's propaganda machine grinds on and on. I state these facts only to give a bit of personal background as to why America asserts that it's perfectly safe to drink and drive. That assertion is not only untrue, but a conscious lie.


In many ways, if you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. America provides none. Two quick comments: 1) The little I've written so far already buttresses the assertion that America's stratagems represent the most intemperate form of moral turpitude conceivable, and 2) it is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every ridiculous ideology finds expression in America. As for me, I have no bombs, no planes, no artillery, and no terrorist plots. But I do have weapons and tactics that are far more deadly: pure light and simple truth. It behooves us to remember that I find that some of America's choices of words in its effusions would not have been mine. For example, I would have substituted "misguided" for "antianthropomorphism" and "predaceous" for "psychotherapeutical."


If we let America play on people's conscious and unconscious belief structures, then greed, corruption, and negativism will characterize the government. Oppressive measures will be directed against citizens. And lies and deceit will be the stock and trade of the media and educational institutions. In effect, America does not merely attack the fabric of this nation. It does so consciously, deliberately, willfully, and methodically. I assume that America is unaware of its obligation not to disparage and ridicule our traditional heroes and role models, as this unawareness would be consistent with its prior displays of ignorance. Why is America really so prissy? Is it because it publicly disavows its ties to post-structuralism while secretly encouraging its fans to separate people from their roots and cut their bonds to their natural communities? Or because its ravings are condescending in theory and distasteful in practice? The complete answer to that question is a long, sad story. I've answered parts of that question in several of my previous letters, and I'll answer other parts in future ones. For now, I'll just say that by refusing to act, by refusing to take a strong position on its jeremiads, which, after all, help socially inept, nettlesome fugitives evade capture by the authorities, we are giving it the power to dismantle the family unit.


Contrary to what America would have you believe, many people are shocked when I tell them that by balancing the theoretical untruth and nonsense of its slogans with the reality of this phenomenon, we can see that it likes to have difficult social issues presented to it in simple, black-and-white terms. And I'm shocked that so many people are shocked. You see, I had thought everybody already knew that it's our responsibility to rub its nose in its own hypocrisy. That's the first step in trying to give it a rhadamanthine warning not to devalue me as a person, and it's the only way to remind it about the concept of truth in advertising. America hates it when you say that it is a walking time bomb of teetotalism. It really hates it when you say that. Try saying that to it sometime, if you have a thick skin and don't mind having it shriek insults at you. I alluded to this earlier, but America extricates itself from difficulty by intrigue, by chicanery, by dissimulation, by trimming, by an untruth, by an injustice.


Although it requires risk, commitment, and follow-through to sound the bugle of liberty, this is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about America's deplorable behavior, but about the way that the baneful nature of America's machinations is not just a rumor. It is a fact to which I can testify. Does America actually think its arguments through, or does it just chug along on its computer writing about whatever trite op-ed pieces happen to suit its needs that day? I ask, because every time America gets caught trying to instill distrust and thereby create a need for its odious views, it promises it'll never do so again. Subsequently, its hirelings always jump in and explain that it really shouldn't be blamed even if it does, because, as they believe, censorship could benefit us. Of course, I think that we need to do more to point out that the emperor has no clothes on. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Why doesn't America reveal the truth about itself? A clue might be that to get even the simplest message into the consciousness of obstreperous, inane creeps, it has to be repeated at least 50 times. Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence by telling you the following 50 times, but America is careless with data, makes all sorts of causal interpretations of things without any real justification, has a way of combining disparate ideas that don't seem to hang together, seems to show a sort of pride in its own biases, gets into all sorts of vicious speculation, and then makes no effort to test out its speculations -- and that's just the short list!


America doesn't want us to rouse people's indignation at America. It would rather we settle for the meatless bone of cynicism. I might add: Every time America utters or writes a statement that supports particularism -- even indirectly -- it sends a message that those who disagree with America should be cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned, should starve. I, for one, undoubtedly contend we mustn't let it make such statements, partly because it is laughing up its sleeve at us, but primarily because we must follow through on the critical work that has already begun. As mentioned above, however, that is not enough. It is necessary to do more. It is necessary to dispense justice. I guess what I really mean to say is that America's methods are much subtler now than ever before. America is more adept at hidden mind control and its techniques of social brainwash are much more appealingly streamlined and homogenized. I, hardheaded cynic that I am, consider it extremely insulting of America to pooh-pooh the concerns of others. But let's not quibble about that.


Here's the heart of the matter: America's craven hijinks are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of sesquipedalianism are blooming all around us. At first blush, it appears that I would much rather defy the international enslavement of entire peoples than waste my precious time chastising moonstruck vendors of diabolism. However, some organizations are responsible and others are not. America falls into the category of "not".


Daily, the truth is being impressed upon us that I know that America is penny wise and pound foolish. You know that. But does America know we know that? You know the answer, don't you? You probably also know that in legal terminology, America is guilty of suppressio veri or "concealment of truth". Well, that's a bit too general of a statement to have much meaning, I'm afraid. So let me instead explain my point as follows: If it weren't for uppity, viperine nutters, America would have no friends. America's lies come in many forms. Some of its lies are in the form of excuses. Others are in the form of expositions. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.


It's fine to realize that I find America's perorations obtrusive, muddleheaded, diabolic, and more than a little snooty, but it's more important to know that I indubitably hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before America does any real damage. Or is it already too late? In other words, why does America think that its diatribes are Right with a capital R? That's the question that perplexes me the most, because I am inwardly repelled by the pettifogging phraseology of its ideals and the unregenerate style in which they are expressed. That said, let me continue. Isn't it true that it can plausibly be surmised that I will not let myself be forced into anything? If that's not true, tell me why not. Leaving aside the behavior of other vexatious slubberdegullions, I correctly predicted that America would threaten national security. Alas, I didn't think it'd do that so effectively -- or so soon. So let me make it clear that America likes to imply that it can achieve its goals by friendly and moral conduct. This is what its cop-outs amount to, although, of course, they're daubed over with the viscid slobber of vapid drivel devised by its understrappers and mindlessly multiplied by stolid weirdos.


America says that going through the motions of working is the same as working. The inference is that the sun rises just for America. I'm happy to report that I can't follow that logic. It is common knowledge that my purpose here is not to discuss, openly and candidly, a vision for a harmonious, multiracial society. Well, okay, it is. But I should point out that we are observing the change in our society's philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these "values" are artistically incorporated in one person: America. Help me remove the misunderstanding that America has created in the minds of myriad people throughout the world. Join your hands with mine in this, the greatest cause of our time.


And if you're going to reply, you'd better read this first! :D

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Yeah, even before I went to the link I knew you didn't right it because of the way it was written. YOu shouldn't have put that link and waited to see how many people responded. Even with that link though ther will probably be someone that won't read the whole thing and reply about how way off you are.

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Originally posted by Old_Ben



aaaah, please don't toss me.


But seriously there are alot of people here that are selfish and only think of themselves. They are usually the loudest ones. There are still some good people here, though so don't judge your whole country for those selfish ones.


i fully agree with old_ben

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I think the main problem with the USA is best summed up by Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park


"Too busy finding out if they could, when they never stopped to think if they should" Or words to that effect.


I guess you can call it egocentric, only looking at the effect on the USA, and how doing it would make them feel good, and not worrying about the rest of the world and the effect on them. The main image of the USA is of their army, and this would be the image they left from any conflict post WW2

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America *sighs deeply*... are they now so arrogant they call themselves(the U.S.A) america? Always bugs me...


Anyways, its the propagandqa problem, to the outside world, they pretend to be the best country ever, what's the truth? HIGH criminality, murders, muggings, abusing etc. A LOT of people are poor and have NO chance of getting upright again, while the rich people get richer, that's wrong, and what do they say? 'You can get anything if you WORK for it' or something, isnt that called the American Dream? Well, if you dont hhave cash for school or any form of education in the start, and you cant get work providing enough money(as those non-educated people usually dont) you will get NOWHERE...

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Originally posted by JrKASperov

America *sighs deeply*... are they now so arrogant they call themselves(the U.S.A) america? Always bugs me...


Anyways, its the propagandqa problem, to the outside world, they pretend to be the best country ever, what's the truth? HIGH criminality, murders, muggings, abusing etc. A LOT of people are poor and have NO chance of getting upright again, while the rich people get richer, that's wrong, and what do they say? 'You can get anything if you WORK for it' or something, isnt that called the American Dream? Well, if you dont hhave cash for school or any form of education in the start, and you cant get work providing enough money(as those non-educated people usually dont) you will get NOWHERE...



Most por homeless people are adults that waste it all way... Anyone can get an education here... we dont have to pay for school... Only school supplies... if you cant get the basics like pen paper... there are programs and aid programs that help people like that... Its all in writing... You just have to look for it... hence more "work" Even poor people can get jobs... people say they get layed off and cant find a job... its there fault they dont want to move to another part of the county to get jobs... :(

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Originally posted by JrKASperov

Moving to another part of the country cost a HELL OF A LOT of money, you need to buy new(mostly more costlier) houses and more like that, you need to pay the transportation of stuff, you'll never be able to pay that!



It costs a lot less then you think... :( let me put it this way... most people have have to... rent a u-haul truck... thats what 50-600 a day deppending on wheather its a trailer or semi... Rent an apart ment for 5 months thats 200 a month... your stuff goes into storage that cant fit into the apartment... thats 2.50 a month... There are cheap and expensive ways to move...

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saying that all americans (that's another thing. because somebody didn't take the time to think about it too well, we're now stuck with calling ourselves "Americans" instead of U.S.A-ans or United States of America-ans) are one thing, is like saying all Brits have bad teeth or all Germans are Nazis. obviously not all Germans are Nazis and not all Brits have bad teeth. sure there are some Germans who are Nazis (we have them in the U.S. too) and some Brits do have bad teeth (so do a lot of people in the U.S.), but not all of them.

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I'd hope Mafia Jabba is a Brit, otherwise he'd be would be telling a porkie pie about what most of the democracies are based upon - the Westminster system of United Kingdom....


If someone is going to complain about people from the USA calling themselves Americans, or their country America, how many of you called the former USSR Russia? Russia was the largest member state of the USSR... Or that the UK is basically 4 countries who happen to be together. The English hate the Scots and the Welsh, and vice versa. They call mainland UK, ie England, Scotland and Wales Great Britain..... Talk about a problem with the identity of your country. No one wants to be part of the UK, but are happy to be classified English, Welsh, Scottish, or Northern Irish.........

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Corporate America - this term should be applied to the world; USA just seems most obvious in its badly construed inobviousness of this.


Money is all and at the end of the day people's worth only lies in their productive work load and their consumption of said products - the rest are the values we set up for ourselves to get by, values which politicians yet have to bother feeding in order to get votes. To have the world work any other way you'd need a majority of politicians not only very wise but so ethically and morally adamant money has no influence on them...yeah right.


Sure, this is the gloomy prediction of many sci-fi movies and books, but just because it is fiction does that mean this is not the road on which we're travelling, indeed have been travelling since the dawn of cash? Simply looking at the dominent greed of the world's ruling mass indicates this, be they rulers in office or behind the curtain.


Wisdom, knowledge and unison are the weapons against the money behemoth, but compassion is the vital predisposition to wield them correctly.


Errr...we were discussing USA, right....pay no heed to the ramblings of a madman then :p

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if you're not from america y do you bitch about it? i live in the least populated state in this country and although there's some stupid **** happening (with schools mostly) i still don't complain, i've been many places and all i can say is if you're not from here you don't know what fully happens

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Originally posted by ep2 Anakin

if you're not from america y do you bitch about it? i live in the least populated state in this country and although there's some stupid **** happening (with schools mostly) i still don't complain, i've been many places and all i can say is if you're not from here you don't know what fully happens


Why ask for our opinions of your country?


1. It's very interesting in itself.


2. USA, being such a superpower, has a lot to do with the rest of the world. What you decide in that country of yours, can have tremendous effects on the rest of the world.

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