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500 ways you know you are a newb

Twins of Doom

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226. You grab the flag in CTF, get back to your base and ask "What do I do with the flag?"


227. You think it's l337 to camp with the flag on the rooftops of NS_Streets or on the pipes in Bespin.


228. You come into a Saber Only CTF server and ask "Where are the guns?"


229. You get owned in said Saber Only CTF server and say "Freaking lame, we need guns" but then instead of leaving continue playing and getting owned.


230. You come into said Saber Only CTF server and proclaim all there are "hiding" from guns servers.


231. You bitched to Raven/LEC through e-mail or other correspondance about anything that was "wrong" with version 1.02.


232. You again bitched to Raven/LEC through e-mail or other correspondance about backstab and lunge in version 1.03.


233. You bitch about getting pulled or pushed to your doom when you jump through the air with reckless abandon without even absorb on and then yell "lame pull (push) spammers".


234. You think that it takes any kind of talent to kill anyone with either the rocket launcher, flechette, or heavy repeater weapons.


235. You bitch about being lightning spammed when you do it yourself! Or for that matter complaining about ANYTHING in the game when you yourself do it.


236. Bitch about kickers when all you have to do to avoid is roll left or right or counter kick if they pull you in. Or if they grip kick you bitch instead of pull-kicking the.


237. You complain about ANY move that's in the game or ANY combo of moves that's in the game just because you don't know how to counter it. (Except for saber throw then force pull :) that sheisse's hella lame;) )

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You ask a silly question such as: " How do I wallrun". Then after a guy has spent 5 minutes writing a whole (easy to read) essay on how to wallrun, you spend 5 minutes reading it and respond with this:




Then, unsure what to do, you decide to ask him the same question again, but expect the guy to write a different essay on how to wallrun since you didn't bother telling him what it was you didn't understand...

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Sadly, I use tihs thread as a way of venting from my daily idiot-encounters...




You think it makes the fight far more enjoyable if you constantly roll around on the floor and make huge leaps to get as far away as possible.




You think it's funny if you pretend to show your opponent a new trick in duel, then walk up to him and begin slashing away.

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  • 3 years later...

252. Asking someone their "real" name, after they've destroyed everyone they've faced.

253. Asking someone to join your clan

254. Being in a clan

255. Using clan tags

256. Have ranks in your clan

257. Playing JKO as a "team" sport . . .

258. Using scripted moves

259. Calling duel challenge recovery a bug and not jumping/offensive backstabs, gripping behind walls and blue-crouch-lunge-in-the-air bugs.

260. Using alternate fake name to be Leet

261. NOT using alternate fake name to be funny

262. talking about being drunk, going drinking, getting some, yada-yada boy Im tired this morning . . . err, ya

263. Cheese

264. Lemon squar3zz2342@#$


267. Bull dykes

268. 269-277

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Shhh. Remember how in the classic thread half the posts were people making lame veiled insults to each other (not outright flaming of course!)? I guess they're just staying in that spirit. ;)


Just don't go too overboard or we're done... but I didn't have to say that. ;)



To answer your question, there's a stereotype of the gaming clan as a bunch of kids with huge egos who spend more time trash talking and making excuses than actually winning battles. You've maybe seen the type... crappy website, spamming join requests, long incomprehensible (or unintentionally funny) clan tags, weird rules, ugly colors, etc. Getting into online fights with other clans arguing over who can beat up whom, accusing each other of cheating, etc. Or clans whose only goal in life is to amass as many names on a list as possible, with no regard to skill or coordination.


That's the negative image, I didn't say it was true of everyone, but it's certainly a well known stereotype, at least it was to me! Look at virtually any site making fun of clans and you'll find it!

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278. Running into other players that are arrogant only for it to later be replaced by ass kissing/bowing with saber off pretty much refusing to fight, after they fought you a few times.

I hate arrogant players but I hate asskissers more. At least arrogant players SOMETIMES put a fight, I dont go onto servers to have people bow to me everywhere with sabers sheath. . . Im there for a fight GDI

279. NOT lookin for a challenge

280. Sitting on a server talking

281. Not fighting

282. Screwing with gravity setting,ect.

283. Being killed by someone or several someones, usually from behind/surprise attack, then that same someone/someones sheaths their saber an calling it laming when you kill them back with their saber still sheathed.

284. Using the term laming.

285. Kicking people for anything other than lag an/or dueling interference

286. Caring about people killing those with saber down

287. Reffering to ANYONE as the best(other than myself, lol)

288. Matching an taking it seriously

289. Declaring yourself better than someone after winning/killing 4-7 times

290. Not playing with force regen high enough that you cant drain someone dry an grip-kick-kill someone an low enough that you cant use protection all day long, on an off everytime you fall down so you never die unless you get your balls drained off an even then still survive sometimes.

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