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Sam & Max 2 announced


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Seriously, that isn't funny. The first time I played Sam & Max (yes, 1993) I got stuck so often that I didn't complete the game. I only completed it in 1995 when I was 10. Both times round those two bloody phrases plagued me.

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

By Releseing S.A.M on the consoles it will be good for the genre! More people will play and like them! Even EMI got good publicity!


Releasing the Game on a consol will mean the game will be made for console owners specificly no PC. Meaning the game will not be as good as it could be if it was PC exclusive.

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Logic, AdventureG? Max Payne was ported to consoles from the PC, but by no means was it better on the consoles.. hell, it was probably worse, thanks to the controller. If you're thinking Lucasarts, thanks to the EMI port, you're still wrong. 3D adventure games will work just as well on PC or a Console, thanks to their control scheme. In fact, they might be even more intuitive on a console, thanks to the controller. There's no reason they can't do both.


Like Trap said, the original game is unchanged. Sam and Max is being made for PC. Therefore, it's geared for PCs. A game like Jedi Starfighter was made for consoles. Therefore, it works best on a console.

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Indeed, there's no harm in a console port. Especially of what's likely to be a 3D 3rd-person based game. Those sort of games translate incredibly well to consoles, mostly because of the analog stick on their controllers. Games like Grim and EMI would actually be easier to play on consoles if done right.


And besides, Sam & Max is definitely headed to PC first right now, so don't worry. Console ports haven't even been announced, so who knows! No reason to gripe about the potential in the future. Heaven forbid the new PC-only game goes to more than one system. Hell, before LucasArts announced it there either 1) wasn't going to be a Sam & Max game at all or 2) was going to be a PC-less console-only Sam & Max game from Infinite Machine, so things are a lot better now than they were a month ago.


Also, I wouldn't worry about Steve Purcell having involvement with the game. They're his characters, not LucasArts's. I doubt he'd just hand them over completely without at least keeping an eye out and saying "no" to the lame things.

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