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R.I.P Ronald Mc Donald

Boba Rhett

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Big Sack for Ronald


RONALD McDonald may have finally had his chips — after 39 years.


Bosses of the burger chain — famed for its Big Mac — fear the flame-haired clown no longer cuts the mustard with kids.


Now they are said to be considering sacking the character who first appeared in ads in 1963.


The global firm claims Ronald is the world’s most recognised figure after Father Christmas.


But an advertising executive consulted by McDonald’s over a possible image makeover said: “I think they are having serious concerns about him now.


“He is over 30 — he is a clown from another era. He is an icon, but dated. The kids have moved on.”


However bosses could face a bun fight if they try to give Ronald the chop, with his fans saying children still relish seeing him at parties.


McDonald’s UK spokeswoman Jacqui Moore said: “As far as we are concerned, Ronald is still very relevant.


“Kids love him, and we have released a new set of adverts starring him, now showing on children’s TV.”


But Ronald has seen those big roles diminish.


Instead of his famous smile, one recent commercial controversially concentrated on a divorced couple trying to win their son’s affection with trips to McDonald’s.


Meanwhile the firm has been hit by falling sales, blamed on the BSE scare and healthier eating.


Last week McDonald’s announced it was cutting the fat in its fries in the US by 48 per cent.


The move came after a group of New York fatties decided to sue the chain, blaming it for them piling on the pounds.




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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

The move came after a group of New York fatties decided to sue the chain, blaming it for them piling on the pounds.



Ok, this has to be the stupidest lawsuit since the "I burned myself with coffee and it's YOUR fault" case...which was ALSO against McD's



That and they fry their meat until it's this thin: =

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Looks like someone could use a Happy Meal!


Well, look on the bright side Ronald, I hear they're having the IT: A broadway Musical casting calls for the character of Pennywise!


What did you expect, most employers frown at clowning around at the work place!


Poor Ronald's doomed. If you can't make it at McDonalds, where can you work?


Actually, I heard it was due to a Sexual harrassment charge filed against Ronald McDonald by Birdie that lead to McDonalds firing Ronald upon pressure from Birdie's attorneys. Ronald was later quoted as saying, "I only asked if she'd inflate my balloon!" The Chicken McNuggets stated, "It was only a matter of time. He kept asking us if we wanted to see his nuggetts. The guys a really perv!" Grimace, The Hamburglar, and The Fry Guys all declined to comment.

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Poor Ronald...now he'll have to go back to Clown College...he'll be assigned to some 2-bit circus somewhere....you'll be able to recognize him...he'll be the sad clown.


Also, has anyone else noticed that Grimace looks like an overgrown, purple McNugget? Maybe McNuggets turn into Grimaces when left out too long....

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