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School Sucks!!!!!


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I know some of us have started school...college...h.s...jr high and some other kindergarton. j.k I have a few RANTS and I'm sure you guys do to. Just need to get this off my chest. Also where do you guys go to school. College etc? Major...if your not in college where do you want to go and what are you going to major in?



As for me.. I'm going to a Community College for now. 2nd year. Taking it slow cuz I work full time - and most know I'm going to have a baby in March. So... I'm majoring in Computer Science.

I'm taking two classes. Spanish - to kill off that language req. And a pre-requisit comp class which is focusing on OFFICE XP PROFessional.


I am soooo bored in my computer class. I don't even know how these kids make it thru their day to day lives. We spent 4 hours or 2 days worth of going over how to UPLOAD and unzip a file to the internet. Cuz our class is half online. WTF?? These kids don't even know what Winzip is. Dear Lord help me. I feel like its a waste of time to be there - but he takes role. So I have to sit through the STUPID questions!!


I spent a million dollars on books that I know I will get a dollar for when I turn them in. Parking is HELL ON EARTH. You can literally spend two hours *TRYING* to find a space and still have to stalk someone to get one. People actually get into fights over them. Itssss so bad. The first day I got a ticket for parking in a makeshift parking space. But I literally spent 2 hours looking for a space and my class was starting - didn't want to get dropped


Thats my ranting for now....



ed: if u are done with school where did you go...what did you major in and what job did u get?

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Okay, upon seeing STTCT's edit, I will add a little more to the discussion! ;)



I went to a little college outside Philadelphia, PA called Valley Forge Christian College where I majored in, get this, Pastoral Ministries (For those of you a little slow on the uptake, that's to become a Pastor/Minister of a church) and Minored in Youth Ministries. My plan was to become a youth Pastor.


Strangely enough my career now, is what I planned on becoming in High School, a System Administrator/Network Administrator. Currently I hold that title on a U.S Air Force Base in Eastern Ohio, but I live in PA.


Side note: I am currently a part-time Youth Pastor at a medium sized church in Western Pennsylvania.


So you can say I got the best of both worlds! :D

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Yep, school definately sucks.


I'm a junior in high school and i want to double major in Computer Science and Business at either UNC Chapel Hill or Virginia Tech.


Anyway, i want to get a scholarship so i'm taking 5 APs this year, 6 next year. I knew they would be hard but i never knew they would be so much work. I litterally have about 1 hour of free time a day on weekdays. When i get home i can usually get away with watching TV or playing games for an 1 or too if i'm lucky. After that, on Tuesdays or Thursdays, i work so thats 2 and a half hours gone, buts thats not too bad. Then, if i'm lucky i'll only have about 3 hours of homework, if i'm not i'll work from until a little after i get home until i go to bed, no joke. And the worst part is that i really only have 2 hard classes, History and Math, but they are on the same day so that sucks. And of course, even if the class isn't hard the teachers take it as their sacred duty or something to give us as much homework as possible to make up for it. the only classe i don't have homework in literally every day is 9th grade health, which i'm only taking because the frickin school wouldn't accept my credit that i got in private school. Oh well, at least that class is a little sojourn from my B day schedule, although i can't believe how stupid, and annoying, freshmen can be.

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ok, I go to the grand old school of hard knocks.....um, wait no...the University of South Carolina. I'm a 5th year senior (college, best 6 years of my life...:rolleyes: ) and majoring in "Administrative Information Management" which is a fancy term of "Network Admin." and the like. It's a pretty good fit, I used to be in the Computer Science program, but I found out that I wasn't retaining any info about the various languages I was learning. So I switched to hardware and it's been much nicer.


Special note to anyone in Comp. Sci.: If you feel like programming isn't for you and think you should change majors, go talk to your advisor and do it!! I wasted 2 years of college in CS when I should have switched out. If I'd done that, i would have been out by now and into the "real World." (if there is such a place)

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I go to North Carolina State University, in case you did not already know that. This is my Senior (4th) year here and I will be graduating in May '03. I am a computer science major (college of engineering). I really enjoy it, and have fun with the stuff. This semester I am taking my all time lowest of 15 credit hours with 7 classes.


Technical Writting for Engineering Majors

String Proccessing Languages

Webpage Design

Human Computer Interaction

Ancient Historty till 180 AD

Senior Design Course Project

Ethics in Computing


Lots of project work this semester and its keeping me busy. I also work part time - I am a computer specialist at a local nuclear power plant in this area. I also play lacrosse for the university and I am a member of 2 honor societies and an honors fraternity.

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mmmmmmmmmmmm, Webpage Design...I slept through the equivalent of that class at my U and got an A....











Public Service Announcement:

Hi, I'm Darth Homer! You may remember me from such threads as: "Silly RPG", "Second Contest: Story", and "Actual big announcement". i'm here to give you this message:


DON'T sleep through class, kids! It only leads to bad grades and a large dents in your forehead!! So don't do it!! We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread...

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

mmmmmmmmmmmm, Webpage Design...I slept through the equivalent of that class at my U and got an A....



Yeah, that is why I signed up for it. Its an easy credit. I have yet to actually attend that class. But I know the professor, and he knows that I already know this stuff and he is not taking attendance because from what I hear, everyone just signs up, never shows, and just does the assigned work. (Like myseldf :D)

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hello, my name is jatt and i'm an alchoholic. oh, wait, wrong place.:o anyway, i am in high school (10th grade) and i'm not sure what i'm gonna major in. it's probably gonna be something like programing, like real-time interactive simulation, or something of the sorts. i've been looking at digipen (video game based programing college, actual degrees) and i <I>might</I> go there, i just don't know now. i'll probably go some where where i can get a scholarship (and i don't wanna brag (yes, i do), but it'll probably be anywhere), and digipen doesn't offer them.

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ACK! This is giving me memories of the first three weeks of school! Anyways, I'm a Junior at Cary High and it's been abit hectic the first two weeks. First, I get computer network engineering tech. and find out it's called CET for the class I want to take to work with hardware (I know! It should be simple already, but you know how parents are :rolleyes: ), but it's alot more fun than sitting through the teacher talking and getting lost in the process. Anyways, I originally had US History, but with the scehdule change, I took ELP instead (All freshman with one senior to my knowledge) so I don't have to take USH until next year. This was all in the second week I got it changed, but about two-three weeks later, I have to get it changed again because my fifth period class was too large :rolleyes:. All is good now except for the class I truely hate and failing in, English :(:eek:! I'm not going there now and that's pretty much all I have to say if anyone doesn't get bored reading this that is :o...

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School sucks. They make you cram a TON of useless knowledge in your head for some odd reason and you end up using about 1/1000 of it. I'm taking all the AP classes I can (i.e.- 3 because my school sucks remember). I'm doing good so far in them all, but I'm pretty sure I'll be lost pretty soon. I'm only stuggling in my math class...dadgum it is hard. I made a 67% on my test last week and I missed lunch to finish the dang thing! This is coming from a perfect A+ Math student! I was one of 5 people last year who pulled of a 93 or above (96 really...but who's counting?;) ) You may think I'm coming apart at the seams but I'm considering a Writing career of some sort or maybe some job that involves writing and pays alot;) . As for College...who knows...I've started looking, but nothing has really peaked my interest that is decently close to home.

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Well, at least your schools were not refrenced on The Simpsons...


ok, I'll elaborate...


During one episode, Lisa got upset over possibly not being able to go to college and started to cling to a railing, Homer says the following:

Homer: "I promise when it comes time for college my darling daughter will go to the finest school there is..."


Homer"...in South Carolina..."

Lisa(now angry): "Oh! I will NOT be a Game****!!"

Homer: "You will too!!"

Homer & Marge start trying to pull Lisa off the fence

Homer: "Go Game****s!!"


and yes, I go to the University of South Carolina, home of the Fighting Game****s, oh well, at least we still beat Clemson (our hated rivals)...GO ****S!!


edit: hehe, it edited out the c-o-c-k in Game****!!

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