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WIP : Duel of the Fates MP, Version 2


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Well, guys. *ahem* Aside from the Forum server problems, I'm having a few of my own. Unfortunately, my system upgrade did not go QUITE as smoothly as we may have hoped.


Before I begin a tirade, I wish to point out that even *I*, that great Shadriss, can be stupid. Thank you. :)


First, I didn't back anything up. (Insert large amount of yelling here). I wasn't aware of the fact that when you upgrade both chip and mo-board that I would have to re-install Windows AND effectively wipe my drive. BUT NOT TO FEAR! Whiteshdw is THE BOMB and had a VERY recent version of the map, such that we've lost NO WORK. Big pat on the back to Whiteshdw.




That's a heavy but.


That's the heaviest but you'll ever see in these forums.


Turns out that the new mo-board I bought (ASUS A7S333) was defective. I THINK it was just that board, but as of this writing, we just dont know. Normally, I wouldnt have my system in the shop, as I do my own work for the most part, but on THIS one... well, the system was acting flakey, so I sent it in.




It should only be another day or two before I'm back on task, but this will push back the BETA release for the testers and, naturally, the final version by about a week at least. Maybe more, depending on how many other little bits a pieces I have to replace on my system.


In fact, I'm writing this on a public use terminal at Our Local Saturn Dealer (the car's in the shop too... Hmmm...) Hopefully, I'll get it back later today, but until I know for certain, I post this message as an effective "ON HOLD" status for the WIP.


Sorry to leave you hanging, but it wasnt *MY* Idea. Go kill the people that messed up my new Mo-Board. :)


Till it works again... talk to you soon.

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Too bad about your computer, but if your switching mobo and cpu and using win2k or XP, and BSOD or just plain freeze, you might not know this but there is a way to fix and run your old OS. Some retrictions apply, Raid chips Usually. PM me if you want to know how.

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try this one out Shadriss.. A brand new motherboard, and a brand new cpu chip after only owning them for a week, get shot to hell when my 2-yr old 200w PSU went bad. Luckily, the HDD, the brand new GeForce4 Ti4200, and the brand new 768 MB PC-2100 RAM survived. but Damn, my cpu AND motherboard.. BRAND NEW! (but just after the 30-day warranty expired..) D'OH!!!


[Edit: The Chip was an AthlonXP 1600, and the motherboard was an ASUSTEK A7v266-C (nice board by the way)]


Now I have a new AthlonXP 1500 processor, and a new 400w w/ dual fans with double ball bearings) Just have to find a suitable, priceable motherboard)

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Still haven't spoken to Shadriss. Guess he's still waiting for his pc to get back.

I do have the map file so I'm making some minor tweaks and doing some lighting tests on the "finished" area's. So at least a little progress has been made. :) I also added the doorsounds so that he doesn't have to do any of that stuff. So basically i'm just doing stuff that needs to be done except actually building anything.


I hope he gets back soon so that he can start on the pit room.

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Long story short : got the second mo-board, and it was BDD-NWW also. So, ,I swapped the Athlon 1.8 and defective board out for a P-4 1.7 with it's mo-board. Small decreas in speed, but considering that I had a 1.1 before...


Sorry for the wait guys. And thanks to everyone for sticking around. I'm still in the priocess of restoring the system, which shouldnt take me more than a few hours, and then I need to get intouch with Whiteshdw for the tweaked version. At least SOME work got done.


More later.

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Originally posted by Shadriss



Sorry for the wait guys. And thanks to everyone for sticking around. I'm still in the priocess of restoring the system, which shouldnt take me more than a few hours, and then I need to get intouch with Whiteshdw for the tweaked version. At least SOME work got done.


More later.


Welcome back. Restoring your system can be a serious pain in the butt. Hope you had everything important backed up recently. Can't wait to see more from you both.



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OK, by pure chancec I ran into Whiteshdw before he went to bed. I have all the materials back now, so I expect to have the pit room laid out and nearly finalized by thursday, tweaking over the weekend, and hopefully we can start BETA by wednesday of next week.


I dont know what happened to the guy who volunteered to do my music, but as I've heard nothing, Whiteshdw put together a small mix of his own. It'll do the job, but MAN I wanted that mix I requested...


:vadar: I'm here to put you BACK on schedule.


:vadar: What do you mean, you ARE back on schedule?

:jawa PI! PI!

:vadar: *chokes the jawa*

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Originally posted by Toonces

It's funny you mention the XP 1600, I've run into quite a few of them in my travels, including on a system I built for a friend of mine, died within one week, very strange chip

odd... mines been going strong since last december/january.

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Good News, Gentlemen. The pit room didn't take NEARLY as long as I had feared. We have one or two issues we're fixing right now in there, and we've begun the tweaking process. Upshot of it all is that, ,unless we find something MAJOR we have to redo, you can expect BETA testing to begin on Friday.


Beta Testers, send me your emails once again. When you get a reply from me this time, it will contain a web-address, where you will be able to d-load the PK3 from.


BETA testing will run all weekend, and end on Monday night. I remind you all NOT to distribute the BETA version. The full version will be out no more than a week after BETA, assuming, once again, no major issues.


I'll also give you a list of known errors when I send that email. There are a few that will be there that we know about, and we wont need input on those. :)


That's all for now. Talk soon. :)

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You read right. As I write this, the final BETA compile is in progress. It will be up at the site for pickup within the hour. All BETA-Testers, ,keep an eye on your e-mail! You should get the address for pick-up fairly soon! There is a readme file included with it, PLEASE read it! It contains a few last minute instructions and a list of known bugs at time of release.


For everyone else, I took a new series of screenshots. You'll notice when you look at them that a fem more last minute changes have been made.


First, the hanger doors have been flat out removed (LDJ Applauded when I told him...). They arent in the drawings, we never saw them in the movie, and it simplifies a lighting issue I had.


Second, the light fixtures in the reactor foyer have been removed also. They have been replaced with NEW fixtures that I did in about five minutes after seeing a new screenshot sent to me by LDJ this morning. THey look more like they belong now, and the effect on the room is rather nice.


And last, finally you get pictures of the Pit Room. LDJ loved it - you will too... but MAN tht was a lot of patch meshes...


That's my report. BETA testers, be sure to follow my requests in the readme - all the thread followers will appriciate it.


And thanks to all, once again, for thier support. :)



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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

Looks great Shadriss. My only wish is that the screenshots were bigger. :D


I would've signed up for the BETA, but I was quite busy. Can't wait for the (re)release. ;)


The screenshots are actually quite large. Shadriss however did not impliment the images correctly on his web page. Instead of a seperate thumbnail image, the full size image is displayed on the site but it is rendered smaller by the brower. If you save the screenshots to your hard drive and then open them you can see the shots in full size.

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Originally posted by rolsen


The screenshots are actually quite large. Shadriss however did not impliment the images correctly on his web page. Instead of a seperate thumbnail image, the full size image is displayed on the site but it is rendered smaller by the brower. If you save the screenshots to your hard drive and then open them you can see the shots in full size.


Ah, thanks. I was getting frustrated squinting trying to see the details, lol

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