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Farewell Swampies


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Originally posted by Dath Maximus



hey i got one of those!

its a go away basket. it was my firts prize when i arrived


*kicks maximus*


*takes basket*


*tells him to go away*


*runs to Nasty*


*its not him*


*Its a statue of him in the Hall of the Dead.*


*Zbomber writes "you suck" on basket*


*leaves next to statue*




*walks away*


Yup. :cool:

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty

I've had enough of tyrion's actions. I find him vulgar and offensive therefore i have decided to leave.


Just so you know, your not the only one..........however I have called a truce with him. Should you desire me to beat him senseless I could easily get into that!:D


Alot of people have left the swamp........and returned later, it has that magnetic affect you know......it's mostly the lead in the water, whatever the reason, God Speed and don't let the man get you down. Remember, know matter where you go, there you are.:cool:







P.S. Hurry back........the girls have arived at your party courtesy of your's truly!:D

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