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From the front lines.....Basic Training(LFJA is back, baby!)


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Tyrion shouted, as the new recruits hit the ground, flipped over, flipped again, and stood. They repeated the excersise over and over, untill the recruits grey jogging sweaters had been stained with wet grass from the morning dew, and mud from the wet ground. The troops were sweaty. It was their first week of basic training at the academy army forces, and some soldiers were now regreting that they had joined.



"Company, Attention!" Tyrion shouted, as the slodiers snapped to attention, their heels together, and chins up.


Tyrion barked the next order. "Assemble to the right, MOVE!" as he said the command, the troops moved back to get into normal formation."


"Right Face!" Tyrion shouted, as the massive company of soldiers turned to their right, and snapped thier heals together, making one loud Click.


"Forward, MARCH!" Tyrion shouted, as the troops now began to march.


The sun had not yet come up, but Obi-wan13 was wide awake, looking over the cadets training through his window.


magnificent obi muttered.






wu-ha! what you think?

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Oh...you remembered that JKII game,didnt you obi?:p


But I'll add on-


"Attention!" Said Tyrion. Tyrion then said "Ok men, all you maggots will have a field test tomorrow!!! You filthy rats shall pass. Today,we have a-" " OK SOLDIERS,SINCE YOUR FIELD TEST IS TOMORROW,WE HAVE MADE VIBROAXES AND BLASTERS FOR YOU ALL. GO TO THE ARMORY TO RECIEVE YOUR ARMS!" Interrupted Obi-wan13 on the PTA. "Fine men,follow me to the armory." said Tyrion. As Tyrion was leading the group,he saw something. He could barely see it,so he just ignored it and escorted his men to the armory.

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oh dath, on the website, it says that the caretaker is phantom827.....that wil no be overlooked! I AM PHANTOM! HAHAHAHA!!! ok, im done...but can u change it? phantom is better, and phantom827 is a gay name for a caretaker, if u kno what i mean...also, for the site, i think u should add a padawan section, since there is staff, there should be padawans too, just so everyone knos who they are.....just a suggestion, and btw, i still dont have a donut.:D:D

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first of all, can u change the caretakers (my) name from phantom827 to Phantom? cause phantom827 is a gay name for a caretaker and phantom is what i like to be called....also, u should make a padawan section (much like the staff section) so ppl kno who the padawans r....


and i stil dont have a donut....:D

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