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WIP - Mace Windu SP Level


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You may (or may not) remember, but I posted some screenshots of a Malastare SP level where you control Mace Windu a few months back. Well, I decided to restart it. It looked very nice, but the layout was sloppy and all sorts. This time around, I'm taking away the "Mos Eisley" type style and making it more like Nar-Shaddaa... only rusty and not quite as grand in scale. Take a look at what I've made in the last few days:


Docking bay where you start:




Market underneath the landing pad:




Looking up at the landing pads from the market:




Docking bay exterior:




Docking bay exterior from another angle:




Comments? Suggestions? Questions?

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It's gonna be pretty big, but not over-whelmingly huge. I'm going for quality over quantity. Top class cutscenes with authentic voice actors and everything, killer story that is carefully narrated. If you want a good idea of the sort of levels I make, go to Massassi Temple and try some of my old MotS levels (BoaM and ToaM most notably).

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Originally posted by WhiteShdw

So your gonna use Sam Jackson as your voice actor? Sounds expensive ;)


Heh.. I wish...


I'll get somebody who's a real good sound-a-like..


I know this guy I worked with on my MotS levels who is a fantastic voice actor. He can do great impressions of Yoda, the Emperor, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, General Mohc (the bad guy from Dark Forces) and Han Solo. I'll ask him first if he can do a good Sam impression, if not I'll look elsewhere.

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Level is looking very nice. I am interested as to what the plot of the stage will be. Also, i'm pretty good at doing voices myself. Haven't tried Sam yet (I would want to do him justice) but maybe i'll see what I can do... anyway, if it doesn't work out, or you just need another voice actor, let me know.



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Originally posted by AKPiggott

OK, nice one. Thanks for volunteering. I'm not recruiting voice actors yet, but I'll bear it in mind.


1. You should get Ubuu to do Mace Windu! :p


2. Come to #TACC and ask around for voice actors for extras, I'm sure plenty of people will help. Cool Edit 2000 is really good for voice tweaking, I can make myself sound like four different people with it.

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I think you've got the makings of a great sp mission here, those shots look really, really good. I'd also like to mention that "Birth of a Mercenary SE" was one of the addon campaigns I played while waiting for JO to be released, and I enjoyed it immensely. Can't wait for this to be released... ;)

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ToaM: BTM was just classic...


Chewie: Yes old bean, I myself and quite impartial to roast beef with a side of mashed potatoe.


Han: :eek: Wha-wh-wha'd you say Chewie??


Chewie: *Wraaaar!*


Han: Phew... I oughta lay off the liqour.



George: When I say take your clothes off, TAKE ALL YOUR ****ING CLOTHES OFF!



George: It's called blue screen, you idiot!


Han: But it's green...



George: *Blah blah I don't remember* DOESN'T MCHALE GIVE YOU ANY ****ING DIRECTIONS!?

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It'll have both gun enemies and saber enemies.


Originally posted by Emon

2. Come to #TACC...


Oooh... I don't go there anymore... I founded that channel.. and after not going a couple of weeks it was nicked off me by somebody who doesn't even visit TACC... bah.

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